Nomen Christi Apostolate

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Lesson 3-Prepper Rosary Program

Acquire a Sustainable Skill ~ The Nativity

Another basic prepper tenet, is to be able to function without power. If your entire livelihood depends on power, you will want to think about learning a new skill. Woodworking, sewing, food gardening, weaving, pottery, herbal medicine and fishing, are often thought of as old-fashioned and fewer people are knowledgeable in them. There are also skills many people do still have, which can be considered sustainable, such as landscaping, animal care, massage therapy, alternative medicine, counseling, construction, cooking, child care, teaching, martial arts, hair styling and music. Just as the world entered a new era with the Birth of Christ, humanity at this time, must look toward a new era of life closer to the earth.

Aside from giving us a new potential livelihood, these kinds of skills give us a greater connectedness to our ancestors and to each other. Many of them also make us physically stronger, which is another basic prepper tenet. Acquiring such new abilities draws us closer to nature and what may be called the “authentic life,” living the way God intended. How do you go about it, though? There are so many ways to learn these days. If you can think of it, there is probably a video on it. Check out your community festivals and fairs too, for workshops and networking. Getting the whole family involved can make it even more fun and motivating.

We are living in a profoundly nature-detached society.  This was not the case before the 20th century.  In the past, people lived more self-sufficiently and therefore, were more prepared in general.  This is why the whole concept of preparedness has emerged in recent decades. The New Tech World Order has not only made us less self-reliant, it has polluted the earth and our bodies with unhealthy food, drugs and vaccines. It has absorbed us all into electronics and caused a dangerous dependence on fragile technology and power grids. What most people don’t realize is that this whole mistake was always destined to fall and we are now seeing the beginning of that. As Our Blessed Lord came into the world through the blood of the Holy Innocents, this change will not come easily either. But we are God’s children and we will get through it.

A great birthing is now under way. What an incredibly exciting time to be alive. There is no time for despondency or clinging to the old world. Let us begin to work toward a new world, closer to our Creator, closer to nature and closer to each other. A world of love. A world of joy. We will need to focus on this continually in the coming days. We will decisively need to choose a side. Humanity is now in its Advent, its time of waiting and preparing. We know this new world is coming…as Our Lady of Fatima declared, “In the end, my Immaculate Heart will triumph!”

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Pray 1 decade of the Rosary, meditating on the Mystery of The Nativity, for the intention of enlightenment on the issues discussed today…

Our Father + 10 Hail Marys + Glory Be

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“15 Points Preparedness Worksheet”

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