Nomen Christi Apostolate

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The Solemnity of Solemnities!




From the Tridentine Mass:

I arose and am still with Thee, alleluia!

Thou hast laid Thy hand upon Me, alleluia; Thy knowledge is become wonderful, alleluia, alleluia!

O God, who, on this day, through Thine only-begotten Son, hast conquered death, and thrown open to us the gate of everlasting life, give effect by Thine aid to our desires, which Thou dost anticipate and inspire.

This is the day which the Lord hath made; let us rejoice and be glad in it. Give praise unto the Lord, for He is good: for His mercy endureth for ever. Alleluia, alleluia!

The earth trembled and was still when God arose in judgment, alleluia!

Pour forth upon us, O Lord, the spirit of Thy love, that those whose hunger Thou hast satisfied with the Sacraments of Easter may in Thy kindness be one in heart.

(With great sorrow, we have not been satisfied with the Sacraments this Easter, Lord have mercy!)


I woke up today very late and depressed about not being able to attend Mass. We all love the Easter Mass and the wonderful joy of celebrating it with our dear priests and friends at church. Some of my greatest memories are of the Easter Mass and the joy it instills. To have that taken away is a tremendous sadness, which we must offer up for our Church and our world.

I had forgotten that the Mass I wanted to watch (my own parish) was at a certain time, and I woke up just before it was starting. I am not so energetic in the morning. So there I was with my husband in his home office watching Mass, sitting in a chair hanging my head, in my pajamas, drinking coffee and trying to keep my dog from jumping on me. (Hmmmm in my pajamas drinking coffee? Maybe this ain’t so bad after all!) As I began to read the above words, my spirit began to lift. My pastor gave the most beautiful and appropriate homily for this sad Easter Sunday. He remarked that Christ has conquered death and we have the victory. And that we must not fear death like the world does. By the end of the Mass, I was singing the Easter “Alleluia” in my heart and my joy returned to me!

This is the wonder of Holy Mother Church and the Holy Mass! How many, even practicing Catholics, are not bothering to watch the Mass during this dreadful separation. If they would only come unto the font of living water, their spirits would be greatly uplifted!

Blessings to my readers and your families on this Easter Sunday and this coming Easter Week. How will you celebrate Easter Week this year, when we MUST start giving God our very best? Give it some thought and prayer. How about joining with me each day this week in the Rosary? Let our prayers resound to Heaven to secure mercy, not wrath for the world. And each day when we wake up, let us remember the words: “I arose and am still with Thee, alleluia!”