The Feast of Our Lady of Fatima is May 13th, the date she first appeared to the three children in year is the 100th anniversary of this historic event! Nomen Christi Apostolate is dedicated to Our Lady of Fatima. Our Lady of Fatima, pray for us!
Probably the most common celebration of May as the Month of Our Lady, is the May Crowning, which is done in many parishes and Catholic schools. A wreath of flowers is placed upon the head of a statue of Our Lady and is accompanied by prayer and song. If your parish or school is not doing this, why not be the first to initiate it? It does not matter which day in May you choose and the format of the Crowning does not matter either, as long as you are expressing love and reverence for the Mother of God. It is also a wonderful activity to do at home with your children, either indoors or outdoors. There are many other ways to give Our Lady special honor during the month of May....your imagination is the limit...learning more about the extraordinary events at Fatima, Portugal and Our Lady's requests would be a great benefit to us all. Please see prayer in honor of the Holy Name of Mary, on our Home Page.
Some features of the coming month....we have the Rogation AND the Ember Days, similar days of fasting and prayer for God's mercy and blessings upon the coming season....each Sunday is a special and wonderful feast...please take note!
5/1-Saint Joseph the Workman-invoked for employment under this title
5/2 to 4-Rogation Days
5/4-Vigil of the Ascension/Feast of the Holy Shroud (non-standard feast)
5/5-Ascension Thursday-Holy Day of Obligation in some dioceses
5/8-Ascension of Our Lord (new)
5/10-Saint Solange, Virgin & Martyr-invoked for drought
5/13-Our Lady of Fatima
5/14-Vigil of Pentecost-trad meat at one meal
5/15-Pentecost Sunday/Saint Isidore the Farmer-patron of farmers
5/16-Saint Simon Stock-seer of Our Lady of Mount Carmel & the Brown Scapular (one of the requests of Our Lady of Fatima is to wear the Brown Scapular)
5/18, 20, 21-Ember Days after Pentecost (trad Sat meat at one meal)
5/22-Trinity Sunday
5/24-Our Lady Help of Christians (non-standard feast)
5/26-Corpus Christi (trad)
5/29-Corpus Christi (new)
5/31-The Visitation/Queenship of the Blessed Virgin Mary
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