New & Improved "15 Points Preparedness Worksheet!"

15 Points Preparedness Worksheet

I’m getting ready to give a preparedness talk at a church and just freshened up our family worksheet. It can be accessed above, and also on the Home Page. It is 4 pages and helps you design your own prepper program, tailored to your needs. It is an holistic approach, unique and from a Catholic perspective. I think it will surprise you. Print it out today and work on it as a family!

Happy Saint Patrick's Day / Thoughts for the Day


From today’s trad Mass:

O God, Who didst deign to send blessed Patrick, Thy confessor and bishop, to preach Thy glory to the nations, grant, through his merits and intercession, that those commands which Thou dost set before us we may by Thy mercy be able to fulfill.

Grant, we beseech Thee, O Almighty God, that, giving thanks for the favors we have received, we may, by the intercession of blessed Patrick, Thy confessor and bishop, obtain blessings still greater. Amen.

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I belong here because I am here.

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When you look beyond the horizon, the obstructions collapse.

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Envy is the inability to receive another person’s gifts, which were meant for you.

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The mystic surrenders his life to the Mystery.

The thoughts shared here which are not in quotes, are recent meditations of mine which I have crystallized into simple ideas. All writing on this site is by CF Mathews, unless otherwise noted.

California Fires: Don't Forget

“Sara and I talked late into the night about the hard truths revealed by the Palisades fires. We now know none of the things we once trusted exist in reality. We are not protected from fire, crime, none of it. Civilization no longer exists under Democrat rule. We are on our own.”

James Woods

James Woods tearfully recalls evacuating in Pacific Palisades fire: 'Like an inferno'

Actor James Woods was interviewed by USA Today in the above article from January 8th, which also includes video. This was the day after he fled from his burning neighborhood in Palisades and his emotions are still intense. The quote above was posted by Woods on X yesterday.

In the interview, Woods recalls his ordeal from a hotel room. He doubted his house was still standing, but it did survive, which he later said was “a miracle.” Woods was responsible for saving the life of an elderly neighbor with dementia.

There is much to learn here, from a preparedness perspective, whether you are facing fire or some other disaster. Woods had enough presence of mind, even while still reeling from this experience, to well articulate the priorities one should have in this situation. He said that your home doesn’t matter as much as the lives of your neighbors. He mentioned the need to keep yourself safe, be smart about evacuating and let the responders do their job unimpeded. He also illustrates a lesson that we can all take to heart: one day you have everything and then it can be all gone.

Often, when faced with extraordinary circumstances, who we really are is revealed. CS Lewis talked about this in Mere Christianity, that there are times, before the mask can be thrown back on, when our true selves are revealed. James Woods showed his compassion in this situation, went through great lengths to find out if his neighbor was in the house, and saved a life (911 was notified, but Woods took it into his own hands, knowing they might not get to him in time).

Woods mentions God a few times in this interview. Perhaps these fires were in some way a blessing in disguise. If conversions occur, that is a great and joyful thing. And we all know Hollywood could use some conversion. Let us continue to pray for those in the aftermath of these fires and also those who are still suffering from the ravages of Hurricane Helene.

Consider what could occur in your own neck of the woods and make a plan to be better prepared. Check out our “Preparedness” topic to the right>>> and also see some useful links on our Home page!

March is the Month of Saint Joseph, Part 2

A new feature we recently started is monthly homeschool activities (see topic to the right>>>).  In Part 1, our reader Jenna gave some ideas on how to observe the monthly devotions, so we will use some of those…

Homeschool Activities for March

  1. Can you find a 9-day novena to Saint Joseph?  Do you think you can pray it this month or sometime during Lent?  Try to get all 9 days in a row!  (Mothers, you might want to abbreviate the prayers for young children.)

  2. Write a short prayer to Saint Joseph and memorize it.

  3. Which feast in honor of Mary do we celebrate this month?  Where is this account found in Holy Scripture?

For more information on traditional monthly dedications, see the link below from Catholic Online.  History and indulgences are discussed.  Below is an excerpt of the month of March…

Special Devotions for Months

“St. Joseph (feast, 19 March); indulgences, three hundred days daily for those who privately or publicly perform some pious practice in honour of St. Joseph, during the month, a plenary indulgence on any day of the month under the usual conditions ( Pius IX, "Rescript Congr. Indulg.", 27 April, 1865). This month of devotions may commence in February and be concluded 19 March ( Pius IX, 18 July, 1877). March can be replaced by another month in case of legitimate impediment (Raccolta, 404). The practice of a triduum [A time frequently chosen for prayer or for other devout practices, whether by individuals in private, or in public by congregations or special organizations in parishes, in religious communities, seminaries, or schools. The form of prayer or devotion depends upon the occasion or purpose of the triduum. The three days usually precede some feast, and the feast then determines the choice of the pious exercises.] before the feast of St. Joseph has been recommended by Leo XIII (Encycl. "Quamquam pluries", 15 August, 1889).”

And here is a post from June, 2016…we now have a full 10 years of posts here…

A New Prayer to Saint Joseph!

March is the Month of Saint Joseph, Part 1

This year, March comes in with Septuagesima and goes out with the 5th week of Lent.  Yes, Easter is late this year, on April 20th.  Easter may be celebrated from March 22nd to April 25th.  Have a look at the (Old Farmer’s) Almanac page below for an explanation of how the date of Easter is determined, including potential complications and the “Golden Number” method.  This article is chock-full of interesting facts and links.  I support the Almanac for their great work in gardening and traditional ideas, and also their respect for the Catholic Church.  They are an invaluable resource.  You can even type in your zip code and get the seasonal planting schedule for your area.  It’s about 15 pages, but well-worth printing.

Almanac:  When is Easter?  Why it Falls so Late in 2025

Also, the above article gives us an idea on one thing we can do to celebrate a holy Lent!  The 7 Penitential Psalms…

“In the sixth century, Christians who had committed grave faults were obliged to do public penance. On Ash Wednesday, they donned a hair shirt (which they wore for 40 days), and the local bishop blessed them and sprinkled them with ashes. Then, while others recited the Seven Penitential Psalms, the penitents were turned out of the holy place. They could not enter the church again until Maundy Thursday…when they received absolution.”

Here they are, along with the Songs of the Suffering Servant, from Isaiah, which are also customary to recite during Lent:

USCCB:  The Seven Penitential Psalms and the Songs of the Suffering Servant

Traditionally during Lent, meat was only eaten at one meal per day and no meat was eaten on Holy Saturday.  Obviously, we refrain from meat every Friday and there is fasting and abstinence on Ash Wednesday and Good Friday.  Some also recite the Sorrowful Mysteries of the Holy Rosary each day in Lent.

The Spring Equinox is March 20th.  Since we are preppers here, it is time to start thinking about our gardening.  If you have never gardened or are rusty at it, the Almanac above is fabulous for getting started.  Don’t worry if you can’t get it together for a Spring garden, Summer is a fine time to plant.   How about making that a goal?  Food resilience is becoming more and more important, as food supply and farmers are undergoing attack throughout the world.  Growing your own food is really just a normal part of being human, like my Sicilian-born grandmother did in a tiny yard in Brooklyn, New York.  My father carried on her example at our home in Levittown, growing tomatoes in the backyard and eggplant on the front lawn!  It’s a wonderful thing to teach our children and they have a natural love for it.  The miracle of watching a seed grow into a beautiful plant that you can eat, is endlessly enthralling and gives you an appreciation for God’s creation.  Maybe that’s one reason why the forces of evil do not want us growing food.  Faith is a threat to their New World Order (remember when garden centers were considered “unessential” during Covid?).

Here are some notable feasts of this month, including the Ember Days of Lent.  These present a further opportunity for penance and prayer.  The traditional Mass readings are quite inspiring.  You can also get creative with these Ember Days which harken to the season of Spring, with nature-themed activities and crafts with children.  Take note of the Annunciation, 9 months before Christmas, and Laetare Sunday, like Gaudete Sunday in Advent, when we are reminded of joy in the midst of penance, and the vestments are rose-colored…

2nd-Quinquagesima Sunday

4th-Shrove Tuesday

5th-Ash Wednesday

6th-Saints Perpetua & Felicity

7th-Saint Thomas Aquinas, Perpetua & Felicity (new)

12th-Ember Wednesday

14th-Ember Friday

15th-Ember Saturday

17th-Saint Patrick

19th-Saint Joseph

21st-Saint Benedict

24th-Saint Gabriel the Archangel


30th-Laetare Sunday

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Month of Saint Joseph, Foster-Father of Our Lord

In this month dedicated to Saint Joseph, his feast is celebrated March 19th.  There are so many ways to honor him and show our love for this most faithful intercessor.  Here is a printable PDF of the “Thirty Days Prayer:”


In Honor of the 30 Years Spent with Jesus & Mary

Below are some thoughts by one of our readers, regarding the monthly Catholic themes.  I love the idea of writing your own prayer-what a great activity for children!

“For me, monthly devotions help to build a greater understanding and deeper relationship with the Lord and His Church.  You can bring it naturally into the monthly cycle and feel a little more God-centered.  Some suggestions:

  • Read up on the subject of the month’s devotion.

  • Form an understanding of why the devotion is important.

  • How does the devotion impact your life?

  • Is there a feast day?

  • Research a monthly Marian connection.

  • Choose a nine-day novena that brings you closer to the devotion.

  • Read about the Saints who were part of or partial to the devotion.

  • Compose your own prayer.

It doesn’t take long and you are taking time to spend with the Lord and the Faith.”

Jenna, New York

Thank you, Jenna!  We welcome feedback from readers and may post your comments.  Wishing you all a most holy and blessed Lent:)

Cardinal Burke's Septuagesima Thoughts

Ash Wednesday is Approaching... Are You Ready?

“What am I going to do this Lent to draw closer to God in prayer? What am I going to do this lent to purify my life of things that are sinful?” Cardinal Burke prompts us to ask ourselves for the intense period of prayer, fasting and almsgiving during Lent.

In the video above, Raymond Leo Cardinal Burke mentions Septuagesima as something that was practiced in the past and encourages his flock to renew this custom. We traditional Catholics still observe this season of preparation for Lent. Listen to Cardinal Burke’s inspiring thoughts and consider perusing the “Shrine of Our Lady of Guadalupe” website. They also have a YouTube channel.

Saint Valentine's Day Blessings

Saint Valentine’s Story

I’ve done a bit of research on Saint Valentine and it is most confusing! The accounts are all over the place, with many saying it is all mired in complete legend. There apparently were several Saint Valentines. And the story about how this day got associated with love and sending notes is also varied. But it makes for interesting historical reading, if you have the time to go down this rabbit hole today. I finally settled on the above piece to link to. This is not a Catholic site, but I find they are respectful towards Catholicism.

And may we pray today for the virtue of chastity, a word which has all but been removed from this post-Christendom world.

Saint Valentine, pray for us!

February is the Month of the Passion of Our Lord

As the Cycle of Christmas comes to a close this month, we begin to meditate upon the sufferings of Our Blessed Lord.  The second part of the traditional liturgical year begins with Septuagesima on Sunday, the 16th.  The Cycle of Easter extends until the next Church year, the beginning of Advent.  This is when we contemplate the Mystery of the Redemption, through Septuagesima, Lent, Passiontide, Easter Time and Time after Pentecost.  So bringing to mind the Passion, after celebrating the joyful Christmas Season, is most appropriate this month.

Let us seek to observe a holy Septuagesima, when we prepare for Lent.  Why do this?  There is a lot of very good commentary out there on Septuagesima, which goes into it much deeper than we do here.  One thing we can do is educate ourselves more on this forgotten liturgical season.  But to answer the question, it is best to enter Lent spiritually and practically prepared.  This takes some time and prayer.  Certainly, Septuagesima would be a time for the Sacrament of Penance.  Meditating upon the Passion will be most productive if we are putting the spiritual life first.  You will find that a good observance of this pre-Lenten time will be immensely rewarding!

If we merge Septuagesima with our contemplation of the Passion, it really starts out strong with the Introit of the first Sunday Mass…

“The groans of death surrounded me, the sorrows of hell encompassed me.”

We’re not in the Christmas Season anymore.  But we know that baby in His Mother’s arms, honored by the Magi, came to suffer and die for our sins.  And there is no Resurrection without the Cross.  No joy without tears.  It is time now for us to walk the Via Dolorosa with Our Lady and Our Lord, to our Heavenly reward.  The words above are those of one crying out to God, but they could just as easily be the words of Our Lord Himself as He walked that walk.

During the first 2 weeks of Septuagesima, we honor 3 Apostles:  Saint Simeon’s feast (Simon the Zealot) is the 18th, the Chair of Saint Peter is the 22nd and Saint Matthias’ feast is the 24th.  As for Simeon, there is no scripture directly associating him with the Passion, but, he was of course present at the Last Supper.  From the Mass of Saint Simeon, our sins are likened to a “weight,” calling to mind the weight of the Cross, which our Lord carried for these sins:

“Look mercifully, almighty God, upon our weakness, and because the weight of our own deeds presses upon us, may the glorious intercession of Saint Simeon, Thy martyr and bishop, be our protection.”

The feast of the “Chair of Saint Peter” refers to a great relic which symbolizes the papacy.  As such, we are indeed honoring the glorious Saint Peter.  From Matthew 16:18…

“And I say to thee: That thou art Peter; and upon this rock I will build my church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.”

Simon Peter was intimately linked to the events of the Passion.  Luke describes his following in the distance, his denial, the glance with Our Lord, and Peter’s weeping (Luke 22:54-62).  During this time before Lent, let us flee to St. Peter’s intercession for a good examination of conscience and to see the ways in which we ourselves, deny the will of God.  Saint Peter, pray for Holy Church at this time!

From EWTN VATICAN, 11/17/24…

Rare Vatican Relic on Display:

The Story Behind St. Peter’s Chair

(Includes a wonderful video of the Chair at the Vatican.)


This historic wooden throne, known as the Cathedra Sancti Petri, holds immense spiritual and historical significance, symbolizing the authority and mission of the papacy…Scholars have studied the chair extensively over the years, revealing that its oldest components date as far back as the 6th century…Each year, on February 22nd, we celebrate the Feast of the Cathedra Sancti Petri, the “Chair” of Peter…“It can be presumed,” [Prof. Francesco Buranelli] continued, “that it was used as the papal throne until the 1600s”…The Cathedra Sancti Petri, a profound symbol of the unbroken line of succession from St. Peter…was last displayed publicly in 1867 to mark the 1800th anniversary of St. Peter’s martyrdom…In 2012, Pope Benedict XVI described the Chair as “a symbol of the special mission of Peter and his successors to shepherd Christ’s flock, keeping it united in faith and charity.” 

Saint Matthias would never have become associated with the 12 Apostles, if Judas had not betrayed Jesus.  Matthias was faithful to Our Savior, even unto death.  From the old Catholic Encyclopedia:

Matthias was one of the seventy disciples of Jesus, and had been with Him from His baptism by John to the Ascension. It is related (Acts 1:15-26) that in the days following the Ascension, Peter proposed to the assembled brethren, who numbered one hundred and twenty, that they choose one to fill the place of the traitor Judas in the Apostolate. Two disciples, Joseph, called Barsabas, and Matthias were selected, and lots were drawn, with the result in favour of Matthias.

Moving on with Septuagesima through the lens of the Passion, Quinquagesima Sunday, March 2nd, includes the Gospel account of Our Lord foretelling his arrest and death:

Luke 18:31-43

Other notable feasts of February from the trad and new calendars:

2nd-Presentation of the Lord/Purification of the BVM/Candlemas

3rd-Saint Blaise, Blessing of Throats

6th-Saint Titus, Companion of Saint Paul, Bishop

11th-Our Lady of Lourdes

14th-Saint Valentine

23rd-Sexagesima Sunday

Homeschool Activities This Month

1)       List 5 ways we can prepare for Lent.

2)       Write a short essay on the history of the Chair of Saint Peter (handwrite in cursive).

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