Current Events

Thoughts for the Day / Anniversary of Roe vs Wade, Day of Penance

[Edited since posting.]

Life is the gift that keeps on giving.

You must know the words to sing the song.

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2 days after the Presidential Inauguration in the United States, let us remind ourselves of the Scripture below. Do not put your trust in man. There will be peace and justice only insofar as we live the life of sacramental grace, which we receive through our Holy Mother Church, instituted by Christ. We pray for this new Administration and for all of its members to grow toward holiness and the Kingdom of Heaven.

“I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No man cometh to the Father, but by me.”

John 14:6

We have but one Savior!

(Beware Trump Messianic Syndrome, the opposite of Trump Derangement Syndrome.)

We pray for Los Angeles, for those who have perished in these fires and for those who remain in difficult situations. May the fires soon be extinguished. O Lord, have mercy. Blessed Virgin, pray for us. Saint Joseph, pray for us. All ye heavenly host, pray for us all at this hour.

We also pray for the March for Life, which takes place this Friday in Washington DC. May respect for life from conception to natural death once again reign in our great nation. According to the US bishops, we observe a recommended day of penance today, the anniversary of Roe versus Wade, which joyfully has been overturned….but we never forget the unborn and vulnerable in our midst.

Pray for Los Angeles

Our Lady of the Angels of the Little Portion

(the original name of Los Angeles)

Pray for Us!

May the people suffering in these fires (those in spiritual need), receive a great enlightening of conscience, turn from their sinful ways and return to the Lord with all their hearts, minds and souls. May God provide for all those in need. Let us pray that this once gloriously Catholic land will once again praise Our Blessed Lord and His Mother and give thanks for its beauty and abundance.


Saint Joseph, Pray for Us!

Saint Michael, Protect the Innocent!

Saint Florian, Pray for us!

Saint Joan of Arc, Pray for Us!

Saint Polycarp, Pray for us!

All Ye Heavenly Host, Pray for the World at this Hour!


More on How to Handle the Situation of Sky Technology / Phenomena...

Let’s keep it simple…

1) Pray.

2) Stay aware and apprised of the situation.

3) Go about your business.

4) Do not fear. Be present to those around you.

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About the Strange Happenings in New Jersey...

…and elsewhere (unknown drones and other alleged phenomena).

Stay in your heart center, where Jesus is. He is especially present within you if you are receiving Holy Communion. Stay calm and at peace. Go about your business. Do not fear. Trust. Pray the Saint Michael prayer, the Hail Holy Queen, the Glory Be. Pray the Rosary. Pray to Our Lady of Guadalupe, as we celebrate her feast on Thursday. Wear your scapular and your Miraculous Medal. The Saint Benedict medal is very powerful as well. Accept that you can’t know everything and you are not all-powerful, but there is Someone Who is omniscient and omnipotent. Sleep peacefully and get a good night’s sleep, you are needed. Keep it together. You are not alone. All the Heavenly host is with us all at this time. Fill your heart with love to give to those around you. See the beauty around you. Let the Devil and his own go unto their own demise and stay somewhat detached. If clearly you must act somehow, pray and do so decisively. Continue to celebrate a blessed Advent.

Rejoice, we have a wonderful Savior!

Election Day USA, Meditation from Sunday's Mass

When following along in the missal this past Sunday, at the Tridentine Mass, it struck me how appropriate these sentiments were for a Sunday before Election Day….particularly this Election Day. This Mass was the 24th Sunday after Pentecost, otherwise known as the Resumed 4th Sunday after Epiphany (I know, that sounds complicated, please don’t ask me to explain it:)

Here is some of the text, for your meditation this week, as the USA attempts to peacefully elect its next President, along with numerous other votes on the ballots. We need prayers for a peaceful transition of power, no matter how the elections go. Prayers for accurate election results. Prayers for the unborn, religious freedom and freedom in general, from an increasingly tyrannical government. These words speak of trust, in spite of the darkness of this world. They speak of the universal human condition of imperfection and suffering. The Gospel depicts the Apostles with Our Lord on the stormy sea. The sea is a metaphor for life itself. Yes, these are hard times and harder times are clearly coming, but we must retain faith…not only for the world, but for Holy Church as well. All will be made right in the end. Patience and trust.

I am including here, some regular parts of the Mass, which speak so eloquently of times such as these.

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(Psalm 42)
P: Judge me, O God, and distinguish
my cause from the unholy nation,
deliver me from the unjust and
deceitful man.
S: For Thou, O God, art my strength,
why hast Thou cast me off? And why
do I go about in sadness, while the
enemy afflicts me?
P: Send forth Thy light and Thy truth:
they have conducted me and brought
me unto Thy holy mount, and into Thy
S: And I will go unto the altar of God: to
God, Who gives joy to my youth.
P: I shall praise Thee upon the harp, O
God, my God. Why are you sad, O my
soul, and why do you disquiet me?
S: Hope in God, for I will still praise
Him, the salvation of my countenance,
and my God.

The Lord saith: I think thoughts of
peace, and not of affliction: you shall
call upon Me, and I will hear you; and
I will bring back your captivity from all
places. (Ps. 84: 2) Lord, Thou hast
blessed Thy land: Thou hast turned
away the captivity of Jacob.

O God, Who knowest us to be set in
the midst of dangers so great that, by
reason of the frailty of our nature, we
cannot always withstand; grant to us
health of mind and body, that being
helped by Thee, we may overcome
the things which we suffer for our

Thou hast delivered us, O Lord, from
them that afflict us: and hast put them
to shame that hate us. In God we will
glory all the day: and in Thy name we
will give praise forever. (Ps. 129: 1-2)

Alleluia, alleluia.

Out of the depths I have cried to Thee, O Lord: Lord, hear my prayer.


(Matthew 8:23-27)
At that time, when Jesus entered into
the boat, His disciples followed Him:
and behold a great tempest arose in
the sea, so that the boat was covered
with waves, but He was asleep. And
His disciples came to Him and awoke
Him, saying: Lord, save us, we
perish. And Jesus saith to them: Why
are you fearful, O ye of little faith?
Then rising up, He commanded the
winds and the sea, and there came a
great calm. But the men wondered,
saying: What manner of man is this,
for the winds and the sea obey him?

I have loved, O Lord, the
beauty of Thy house and the place
where Thy glory dwelleth. Destroy not
my soul, O God, with the wicked, nor
my life with men of blood. In whose
hands are iniquities, their right hand is
full with gifts. But I have walked in my
innocence: redeem me, and have
mercy on me. My foot has stood on
the right path; in the churches I will
bless Thee, O Lord.

P: Deliver us, we beseech Thee, O
Lord, from all evils, past, present, and
to come; and by the intercession of the
blessed and glorious ever-Virgin Mary,
Mother of God, together with Thy
blessed Apostles, Peter and Paul, and
Andrew, and all the Saints, mercifully
grant peace in our days, that sustained
by the help of Thy mercy, we may be
always free from sin and secure from
all disturbance.

Lamb of God, Who takes away the sins of the world, have mercy on us.
Lamb of God, Who takes away the sins of the world, have mercy on us.
Lamb of God, Who takes away the sins of the world, grant us peace.

P: O Lord Jesus Christ, Who said to
Thine Apostles: Peace I leave you, My
peace I give you; regard not my sins,
but the faith of Thy Church, and deign
to grant her peace and to unify her
according to Thy will.

What return shall I render unto the
Lord for all He has given me? I will
take the Chalice of salvation, and I will
call upon the name of the Lord.
Praising I will call upon the Lord, and I
shall be saved from my enemies.

Amen I say to you,

whatsoever you ask when you pray, believe that you shall receive, and it shall be done to you.

May Thy gifts, O God, detach us from
earthly pleasures, and ever
strengthen us with heavenly

In Him was life, and the life was the light of
men. And the light shineth in darkness,
and the darkness did not comprehend it…

That was the true light, which enlighteneth
every man that cometh into this world.
He was in the world, and the world was
made by Him, and the world knew Him
not. He came unto His own, and His
own received Him not. But as many as
received Him, He gave them power to
be made the sons of God, to them that
believe in His name. Who are born,
not of blood, nor of the will of the flesh,
nor of the will of man, but of God.


and dwelt among us, and we saw His glory,

the glory as it were of the only begotten of the Father,

full of grace and truth.

Thanks be to God!

Solar Flares, Etc.

SOLAR FLARE WARNING CONTINUES: We saw the red aurora last night on Long Island, quite beautiful. But it also feels like a sign from God. It seems similar to the red aurora seen just prior to WWII, as Our Lady of Fatima predicted. Let us all ask for mercy and peace…and continue to pray for those in need after these 2 recent hurricanes in the US. For live updates of the solar condition: Space Weather Prediction Center Please also see our recommendations we posted during the last solar storm: Coronal Mass Ejections…

END OF SEASON GARDEN SUPPLIES! Think about taking advantage of end-of-season sales at your local garden/outdoor center. I just bought 17 seed packets and a new fire pit, that I saved $200 on! I also bought some popsicle sticks. They are great for marking plants. You can get huge boxes at craft stores.

CHECK OUT DISASTER PREPARER. You can get Electromagnetic Pulse products, books, electronic privacy items, audio books and videos.

FOR ALL YOU WOODWORKERS! Check out Highland Woodworking, Fine Tools & Education. My hubby is an unplugged carpenter hobbyist (thank goodness, if he worked with power tools, I would have a nervous breakdown) and buys from them. Have a look at their website for sales, catalog, newsletter, classes, library, blog, TV show, job opportunities, books and DVDs. Is that enough? If you’re just thinking about taking up wood crafts, this is a great place to get started! (Christmas is coming, encourage someone you know to develop this important sustainable skill with a simple gift such as a book or DVD-Saint Joseph will be very pleased.)

National Farmer's Day, Saturday, October 12th

National Farmer’s Day is this coming Saturday, in the US.  Those who produce our food with responsibility and hard work are so important to the human family and deserve the utmost respect.  Unfortunately, they are now being attacked in America and Europe by the globalists who wish to re-write civilization.  Farmers need our support and prayer. If you can’t celebrate this weekend, it would be fine to extend these ideas to the remainder of the month…the farmers won’t mind!

From the Old Farmer’s Almanac:

“This is a day to honor and thank all of the hardworking farmers and ranchers who plow, sow, grow, and harvest to feed our nation. We especially rely on farmers to get fresh food on our tables during these uncertain times. Let’s pay tribute to the men, women, and families who put food in the grocery stores and on our tables every day.”

From National Day Calendar:

“October does seem fitting for celebrating this National Day as it is near the end of the harvest. Many farmers will be able to take a rest from their hard labor to join in the celebration of this holiday.”

Also see: National Days in Agriculture and Successful Farming with a look at the American history of farming.

Okay, let’s see what ideas I can come up on how to celebrate this day, off the top of my head. I’m going to try to squeeze 10 ideas out of my brain. I did not say they would be good ones.  Try to come up with your own!

  1. Take your children pumpkin picking or apple picking or something picking.

  2. Do farming-related crafts.

  3. Watch videos about farmers.

  4. Stick food in water and see what happens.

  5. Learn about farming history. Homeschoolers, take a look at the link above, for an easy lesson.

  6. Teach children about botany.

  7. Organize something to honor local farmers. Maybe work with your Town Hall.

  8. Play farm animal sounds for your dog.

  9. Get a farming book out of the library.

  10. Do a presentation at your local school or church about farming.

But most of all, appreciate the blessings of abundance you have, through the hard labor and discipline of our farmers:)


An Attack on Farmers is an Attack on the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass!

Hurricane Helene Victims Call for Help

It is astonishing, the lack of federal response for the victims of Hurricane Helene in North Carolina and Tennessee. We supposedly possess the greatest military power in the history of humanity and we can’t help our own people in desperate need?

Learn a lesson from this. If it happens to you, don’t count on anyone coming to rescue you. You’re on your own. Get prepared. Check out our “Preparedness” category to the right>>>

I have a prepper friend in NC who is so well-prepared, she is doing fine and has become a blessing of assistance to all those around her. That should be the goal. To be so secure, that you will be able to help others when the time comes. Then again, if your entire house is gone, you may be the one needing help. Know your local area and resources well. Make friends with your neighbors. Be active in your community.


Here is a plea for help that is going around the internet. They need rugged people who can get to those in need in the mountains and also help recover bodies quickly. Pray on it, but understand the potential dangers. Are you being called to help? Please spread the word. Time is short…and pray for those in the path of Hurricane Milton too!

Get here, we need you!

We need people with experience in hiking. There are only a few ways to reach these people: by foot, horseback, helicopter, dirt bikes, ATVs, or side-by-sides. If you have any of these and can get to East Tennessee or Western North Carolina, we need you. Do not listen to the news when they say they don’t want or need you. I’m telling you—I’m here, I live here, and I’ve already been involved. We need you, and we want you here.”

This is the month of the Holy Rosary. We can all pray the Rosary for those in need, even if there is nothing else we can do.

A Proposed Response to the Migrant Crisis: A New Catholic Ministry!

“It will not matter who wins the election. The flood of illegals have a purpose in the overall plan that has been unfolding. Chaos as far and wide as possible.”

Phillip Davis

It’s Spreading: America’s Top Oil Field Terrorized by Armed Cuban and Venezuelan Gangs

We’ve seen a lot in the news lately about what’s going on in America due to the influx of illegal foreigners, to the tune of millions.  We’ve heard about the terrible situations in Colorado, Ohio and New York, along with the above, in Texas.  The migrant (as opposed to “immigrant”), or “human migration” crisis, is not limited to the United States.  Great Britain has recently declared a national emergency due to civil unrest and other European countries continue to suffer with these issues.  Human migration has dramatically increased in the Western world in the past several years. This is part of a globalist agenda to destroy Christendom and re-settle the earth for the benefit of the elites and their New World Order/Great Reset.

The West is not getting the cream-of-the-crop from other nations.  Not only are they bringing crime, to add insult to injury, many of the crimes are going unpunished.  This is not to say all migrants are bad people. But many of them do not share our “Western Values,” which the World Economic Forum openly predicted would soon be “tested to the breaking point.” The Weffers say what they mean and they mean what they say. They are not simply abstractionist loons cavorting in luxurious ski villages. They are actually implementing their insane agendas before our very eyes. Part of the plan is to provoke civil war. They love anything that is destructive, because it gives them more power and more of an opportunity to crack down with martial law, advancing their plans.

What the Devil wants is to place hate in our hearts.  We must remain vigilant about this.  Hate and violence is never the answer. Love is.

“Put up again thy sword into its place: for all that take the sword shall perish with the sword.”

Matthew 26:52

We have to be strategic and prayerful in our responses to the globalist occultist elites. We can glean what they want by what they are provoking. What do they really NOT want? More Catholics. This is why the traditional Church is being persecuted by various entities (including the FBI-look that up if you don’t know the story). This is why our beliefs are being attacked from every possible avenue, from within and from without. 

While working toward more sane immigration policies, what do we do in the meantime?

How about a new Catholic ministry, with a missionary mindset, to convert the migrants?

If you don’t feel love for the migrant people, pray for this grace and it will be given to you. As CS Lewis said in Mere Christianity, if you only act as if you love someone, actual love will follow. This will require certain skill-sets. This job is not for everyone, just as not everyone is called to work on the pro-life front-lines. Missionary work has never been safe or easy. It is often frowned upon by those in power and has spawned many martyrs. Ministering to migrants will require knowing their language and being “willing to march into Hell for that Heavenly cause.”

Are you being called?  Pray on it!

A Few Things...

I recently met a lovely man at church. We talked a bit, and he emailed me a poem he wrote. He is a secular Franciscan and belongs to the Knights of Columbus on Long Island. Here is his beautiful poem…

Saint Therese of Lisieux

Your beauty got under my skin, not like a knife, razor or nails

But like tea with honey and lemon, something stimulating, sweet and sharp

It's like you hit me by remote control and pushed buttons without pushing a button

Your beauty is big, like a forcefield that animates joy

And it is little too, like the gleam in sparkling blue eyes, the kind that animates life

If love makes the world go round, is it not true your beauty is being chaste?

Is it not true a question begins with a quest?

This is my response to the question of your beauty

I give the white rose

By Clifford Proctor

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Charles Dowding “No Dig” Gardening

This guy is amazing.  Start with the 2 minute video on the Home page which shows Dowding's idyllic farm in South Somerset, England.  This site contains a wealth of resources including courses, books and a shop.  Dowding has pioneered cutting edge gardening research, to create simpler methods that anyone can do.  Have a look!

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“I think it's down to radical non-compliance and what we can do with our own actions and behaviors.”

Aaron Day

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This is an excerpt from an article at Zero Hedge, by Tyler Durden, from May 2024.  It’s still quite relevant…and concerning.  This isn’t only being done for political purposes, it is part of the move toward green energy.  This sounds great on the surface, but it is being used as a tool to reduce freedom and create a total surveillance grid of energy consumption.  Some might say this is necessary.  Yes, a gradual scaling back is necessary, but defying human rights in the ways the globalists intend to, is unnecessary, cruel and immoral.  Covid was only the beginning…

Biden Drains Entire Northeast Gasoline Reserve In Bid To Lower Gas Prices

“Back in March, when reading the mammoth, 1050-page bill that was meant to avert government shutdown…we stumbled upon something that was truly shocking: after Biden singlehandedly drained half of the US strategic petroleum reserve to avoid obliteration for Democrats in the 2022 midterm elections, Congress has snuck in a provision that would sell off and shutter the Northeast Gasoline Supply Reserve, a move that while perhaps keeps gas prices lower for a day or two, would also leave the entire continental northeast defenseless to any true environmental catastrophe or shock. We were so dismayed by the inclusion of this particular text, we wondered if it hadn't been put there solely for the benefit of America's enemies...because surely nobody in their right mind, not even the illegitimate senile occupant of the White House, would ever pursue such short-term gains at the expense of potentially disastrous long-term consequences to the entire nation.

We were wrong: earlier today, just two months after the bill was signed by Biden into law, the panicking administration announced that it would sell the nearly 1 million barrels of gasoline in the US managed stockpile in northeastern states, the Department of Energy said, effectively closing the reserve.

The department created the Northeast Gasoline Supply Reserve (NGSR) in 2014 after Superstorm Sandy left motorists scrambling for fuel. But, according to some megabrains hoping to justify the dumping of gas so its price drops for a few weeks ahead of the summer and avoid even more anger aimed at the President, storing refined fuel is costlier than storing crude oil, so closing the reserve was included in U.S funding legislation signed by President Joe Biden in March.”