catholic prepper

New & Improved "15 Points Preparedness Worksheet!"

15 Points Preparedness Worksheet

I’m getting ready to give a preparedness talk at a church and just freshened up our family worksheet. It can be accessed above, and also on the Home Page. It is 4 pages and helps you design your own prepper program, tailored to your needs. This worksheet makes it easy for you to get started in the preparedness lifestyle. It is an holistic approach, unique and from a Catholic perspective. I think it will surprise you. Print it out today and work on it as a family!

Feel free to email us (button above) with any feedback (which may be shared on this blog). Let us know if you found the worksheet helpful.

California Fires: Don't Forget

“Sara and I talked late into the night about the hard truths revealed by the Palisades fires. We now know none of the things we once trusted exist in reality. We are not protected from fire, crime, none of it. Civilization no longer exists under Democrat rule. We are on our own.”

James Woods

James Woods tearfully recalls evacuating in Pacific Palisades fire: 'Like an inferno'

Actor James Woods was interviewed by USA Today in the above article from January 8th, which also includes video. This was the day after he fled from his burning neighborhood in Palisades and his emotions are still intense. The quote above was posted by Woods on X yesterday.

In the interview, Woods recalls his ordeal from a hotel room. He doubted his house was still standing, but it did survive, which he later said was “a miracle.” Woods was responsible for saving the life of an elderly neighbor with dementia.

There is much to learn here, from a preparedness perspective, whether you are facing fire or some other disaster. Woods had enough presence of mind, even while still reeling from this experience, to well articulate the priorities one should have in this situation. He said that your home doesn’t matter as much as the lives of your neighbors. He mentioned the need to keep yourself safe, be smart about evacuating and let the responders do their job unimpeded. He also illustrates a lesson that we can all take to heart: one day you have everything and then it can be all gone.

Often, when faced with extraordinary circumstances, who we really are is revealed. CS Lewis talked about this in Mere Christianity, that there are times, before the mask can be thrown back on, when our true selves are revealed. James Woods showed his compassion in this situation, went through great lengths to find out if his neighbor was in the house, and saved a life (911 was notified, but Woods took it into his own hands, knowing they might not get to him in time).

Woods mentions God a few times in this interview. Perhaps these fires were in some way a blessing in disguise. If conversions occur, that is a great and joyful thing. And we all know Hollywood could use some conversion. Let us continue to pray for those in the aftermath of these fires and also those who are still suffering from the ravages of Hurricane Helene.

Consider what could occur in your own neck of the woods and make a plan to be better prepared. Check out our “Preparedness” topic to the right>>> and also see some useful links on our Home page!

Thoughts for the Day / Anniversary of Roe vs Wade, Day of Penance

[Edited since posting.]

Life is the gift that keeps on giving.

You must know the words to sing the song.

~ ~ ~

2 days after the Presidential Inauguration in the United States, let us remind ourselves of the Scripture below. Do not put your trust in man. There will be peace and justice only insofar as we live the life of sacramental grace, which we receive through our Holy Mother Church, instituted by Christ. We pray for this new Administration and for all of its members to grow toward holiness and the Kingdom of Heaven.

“I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No man cometh to the Father, but by me.”

John 14:6

We have but one Savior!

(Beware Trump Messianic Syndrome, the opposite of Trump Derangement Syndrome.)

We pray for Los Angeles, for those who have perished in these fires and for those who remain in difficult situations. May the fires soon be extinguished. O Lord, have mercy. Blessed Virgin, pray for us. Saint Joseph, pray for us. All ye heavenly host, pray for us all at this hour.

We also pray for the March for Life, which takes place this Friday in Washington DC. May respect for life from conception to natural death once again reign in our great nation. According to the US bishops, we observe a recommended day of penance today, the anniversary of Roe versus Wade, which joyfully has been overturned….but we never forget the unborn and vulnerable in our midst.

Beautiful Land Transformation in Africa

Inside Africa's Food Forest Mega-Project

“Permaculture instructor Andrew Millison journeys with the UN World Food Programme to the country of Niger in the African Sahel to see an innovative land recovery project within the Great Green Wall of Africa that is harvesting rainwater, increasing food security, and rehabilitating the ecosystem.”

Above is a 14-minute video that will make you smile. Look at the sense of joy and community these people now have. This is what we mean by “The Authentic Life.” Notice any smartphones?

There’s so much to learn here!

The World Situation is Volatile Right Now

…For a lot of reasons, and probably will remain so for the foreseeable future. A few more things to keep in mind:

1) Make sure you are able to take people in if necessary. Do you have a location in the event you need to evacuate?

2) Stock up on food and water (hopefully you are already doing this).

3) Take care of your health. Have a back-up supply of needed medication.

4) Have a family meeting of what everyone will do in the event of a crisis. Will you have a meeting place?

5) Print out our “15 Points Preparedness Worksheet” (on the Home page) and fill it out as a family.

6) Pray the Rosary daily, as Our Lady of Fatima requested.

More on How to Handle the Situation of Sky Technology / Phenomena...

Let’s keep it simple…

1) Pray.

2) Stay aware and apprised of the situation.

3) Go about your business.

4) Do not fear. Be present to those around you.

+ + +



The Ten Warnings Based on the Ten Commandments

I             A people who worship false gods shall be ruled by the godless.

II            A people who take the Holy Name of God in vain shall become nameless.

III           A people who profane the Sabbath Day shall have no rest.

IV           A people who dishonor their elders shall be dishonored by their own children.

V            A people who kill the innocent shall themselves be killed.

VI           A people who dishonor their own bodies shall be subject to all manner of bodily harm.

VII          A people who steal from God and man shall be left with nothing.

VIII        A people who deceive shall be deceived by those more powerful.

IX           A people who covet the things of the flesh shall live in deprivation.

X            A people who covet the things of the world shall become enslaved. 


Solar Flares, Etc.

SOLAR FLARE WARNING CONTINUES: We saw the red aurora last night on Long Island, quite beautiful. But it also feels like a sign from God. It seems similar to the red aurora seen just prior to WWII, as Our Lady of Fatima predicted. Let us all ask for mercy and peace…and continue to pray for those in need after these 2 recent hurricanes in the US. For live updates of the solar condition: Space Weather Prediction Center Please also see our recommendations we posted during the last solar storm: Coronal Mass Ejections…

END OF SEASON GARDEN SUPPLIES! Think about taking advantage of end-of-season sales at your local garden/outdoor center. I just bought 17 seed packets and a new fire pit, that I saved $200 on! I also bought some popsicle sticks. They are great for marking plants. You can get huge boxes at craft stores.

CHECK OUT DISASTER PREPARER. You can get Electromagnetic Pulse products, books, electronic privacy items, audio books and videos.

FOR ALL YOU WOODWORKERS! Check out Highland Woodworking, Fine Tools & Education. My hubby is an unplugged carpenter hobbyist (thank goodness, if he worked with power tools, I would have a nervous breakdown) and buys from them. Have a look at their website for sales, catalog, newsletter, classes, library, blog, TV show, job opportunities, books and DVDs. Is that enough? If you’re just thinking about taking up wood crafts, this is a great place to get started! (Christmas is coming, encourage someone you know to develop this important sustainable skill with a simple gift such as a book or DVD-Saint Joseph will be very pleased.)

Caution with Generators

A generator is a prepper must-have, but they must be used with caution. Read your owner’s manual and make sure you know how to properly operate it in the event of a power outage. Don’t wait for the outage to occur. If you don’t know how to use your equipment (or where to find it), it’s not going to be very useful if you suddenly need it. Carbon Monoxide is an issue with gas-powered generators. Electrocution in flood water is also an issue…and always be careful venturing into your basement during flooding!

From The Epoch Times:

Hurricane Beryl Death Toll Rises to 7, Generator Misuse Is Blamed for 2 Deaths


Mr. [Emergency Management Chief] Kidd said two of the deaths were caused by carbon monoxide poisoning, and he warned against mishandling gas-powered generators to power their homes. He reminded people that carbon monoxide is a colorless, odorless gas.

“If you have a generator that you’re running, please make sure it is far away from the area [where] you’re living and sleeping,” he said.

“These are preventable deaths.”

2 Important Upcoming Conferences: New York & New Hampshire

From Catholic Land Movement:

“The 3rd Annual Catholic Land Movement Mid-Atlantic Conference will once again be held at the beautiful Our Lady of Martyrs Shrine in Auriesville, NY. Once a 17th century Mohawk village, it is now a Roman Catholic shrine dedicated to the first North American martyrs and to St. Kateri Tekakwitha…The conference will begin early on Friday 6/28 [to Sunday 6/30] for anyone interested in hog and sheep butchering [I’m going to pass on this, I saw a rabbit get the treatment at Peak Prosperity’s conference last year, that was enough for me]…We have a packed weekend with events including Mass, confessions, Divine Office, Rosary, workshops and discussions. Camping is available free of charge at the Shrine. Nearby hotel accommodations can be found in Amsterdam, NY. In order to keep costs low, food will not be included with your conference ticket, but will be made available for purchase…If you're interested in volunteering or hosting a workshop or a discussion group, please get in touch.”

The price for the 3 days is $50 per person, free for those 14 and under. Some of the topics to be covered: Various aspects of homesteading, gardening/farming, canning, traditional Catholicism, dairy, carpentry, wild edibles, masonry, water supply. Definitely all the things supported by Nomen Christi Apostolate-reserve soon!

From Chris Martenson’s Peak Prosperity:

“Transitioning from the beloved Honey Badger Gathering to the Peak Prosperity Summit, [Friday 9/13 to Sunday 9/15] we not only change our venue but also deepen our commitment to resilience, sustainability, and community…Nestled in the breathtaking surroundings of Lake Winnipesaukee [New Hampshire]…The Lodge at Camp Robindel…Economic Resilience: Cultivating a robust financial foundation to withstand and adapt to the unpredictabilities of the global economy, ensuring stability and self-sufficiency when traditional systems falter. True Sustainability: Embracing a lifestyle and practices that enable us to not only survive but thrive independently when external supply chains and conventional resources are compromised, ensuring our ability to live off the grid if necessary. Personal and Community Empowerment: Fostering a culture of health, wellness, and mutual support that prepares us to face adversities together, strengthening our individual and collective capacity to navigate through tough times…Foundations of Preparedness…Advanced Resilience Techniques…sessions will cover everything from homesteading to advanced medical training, alongside hands-on demonstrations and keynotes focused on practical, life-enhancing skills.”

Included in the reasonable ticket price: Workshops and Educational Tracks, Accommodations, Food, Interactive Exhibits and Vendors, Recreational Activities, Networking and Socializing, All Necessary Amenities. Reserve soon for early-bird price! Please note, on-site accommodations may not be private, preferences may be indicated when ordering, verify details to make sure you will be comfortable, as this is a camp site with both men and women.