
Thoughts for the Day / Anniversary of Roe vs Wade, Day of Penance

[Edited since posting.]

Life is the gift that keeps on giving.

You must know the words to sing the song.

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2 days after the Presidential Inauguration in the United States, let us remind ourselves of the Scripture below. Do not put your trust in man. There will be peace and justice only insofar as we live the life of sacramental grace, which we receive through our Holy Mother Church, instituted by Christ. We pray for this new Administration and for all of its members to grow toward holiness and the Kingdom of Heaven.

“I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No man cometh to the Father, but by me.”

John 14:6

We have but one Savior!

(Beware Trump Messianic Syndrome, the opposite of Trump Derangement Syndrome.)

We pray for Los Angeles, for those who have perished in these fires and for those who remain in difficult situations. May the fires soon be extinguished. O Lord, have mercy. Blessed Virgin, pray for us. Saint Joseph, pray for us. All ye heavenly host, pray for us all at this hour.

We also pray for the March for Life, which takes place this Friday in Washington DC. May respect for life from conception to natural death once again reign in our great nation. According to the US bishops, we observe a recommended day of penance today, the anniversary of Roe versus Wade, which joyfully has been overturned….but we never forget the unborn and vulnerable in our midst.

We Don't Usually Do This...


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Please consider giving Christmas alms to this very important bastion of faith and freedom. From their site:

“We are now in RED ALERT! We are halfway through our winter campaign and have only raised 35% of the goal. We need to raise 65% more to keep LifeSiteNews’ truth-telling voice online. Please chip in TODAY to help us continue our mission.”

See above link and God bless you!

October is the Month of Our Lady of the Rosary & Respect for Life

October joyfully celebrates Our Lady of the Rosary, whose feast is on the 7th and encourages devotion to this great gift, given through Saint Dominic.  It is especially consoling to pray the Holy Rosary during difficult times.  It may be a chore to pick up those beads and get it started, but you will never regret it.  Spiritual effort always comes back to you in blessings 100-fold!  October also, sorrowfully remembers the unborn and all those in our society whose lives are considered of less value, such as the handicapped and elderly.  Death will not remain in confinement.  It will continue to take more and more human territory until no one is safe.  This obvious fact mysteriously eludes so many.  We all must fight this fight.  The innocent and vulnerable need us.  Judgement is now upon us and has been a long time coming. 

+++   Lord have mercy.  Christ have mercy.  Lord have mercy.   +++

The feast of the Annunciation is exactly 9 months before Christmas Day, March 25th.  On October 11th, we commemorate the Divine Maternity, as the Mother of God enters the final stages of carrying Our Lord in her womb.  How appropriate it is to remember pro-life intentions this month.

We continue to meditate here, upon the “Marian Triad of the Months.”  We have contemplated her most loving heart, her great sorrows and now her glory as Our Lady of the Rosary, which streams from her Immaculate Heart and is the antidote to our own sorrows.  Let us consider this Mariology and pray on it during the coming month, as many polycrises are heating up in the world and the future is quite uncertain.  Let us flee to Mary for consolation and guidance in examining our consciences well, so we may obtain mercy and not wrath, for ourselves, Holy Mother Church and the world.

On the last Sunday of October, we honor the King of Kings, Christ the King, in the traditional calendar.  We then enter into the “Triduum of Death,” to contemplate our mortality, roughly 4 weeks before a new Church year and our meditation upon the Incarnation!

Notable feasts of October:

1st-Saint Therese of Lisieux (new)

2nd-Holy Guardian Angels

3rd-Saint Therese of Lisieux (trad)

4th-First Friday of the Sacred Heart/Saint Francis of Assisi

5th-First Saturday of the Immaculate Heart/Saint Faustina



16th-Saint Margaret Mary (new)

17th-Saint Margaret Mary (trad)

18th-Saint Luke, Evangelist

19th-Saint Isaac Jogues & Companions, Martyrs of New York territory under the Native Americans

22nd-Saint John Paul II

24th-Saint Raphael the Archangel


28th-Saints Simon & Jude

31st-Triduum of Death (till Nov 2nd)/All Hallows Eve

November 1st to 8th-Be Ready for the Plenary Indulgences!  Get 8 Loved Ones into Heaven!  (Get your instructions right here in the coming month.)

March for Life: What Now?

March For Life 2024

The March Goes On!

Friday, January 19th, Washington DC

As usual, there are a variety of activities, one of which is a virtual Pro-Life Advocacy Workshop. “Marching 101” is from 11:00-12:00, January 18th, ET. This is a great learning opportunity for young people. You can register at:

Don’t forget, the babies still need us!

October is the Month of the Holy Rosary & Respect for Life

The first week of October is jam-packed with amazing feasts.  October 1st is the new feast of Saint Therese and the 3rd is her trad feast.  The 2nd is devoted to the Holy Guardian Angels, the 4th is Saint Francis of Assisi, the 5th is Saint Faustina Kowalska (stay tuned for a post on our recent visit to the Divine Mercy Shrine) and the 7th, Our Lady of the Rosary.  On the 11th, we have the Divine Maternity of Our Lady & Saint John XXIII, 20th Century Pope.  The month goes on:  13th-Anniversary of the Miracle of the Sun at Fatima (not a feast), 16th  & 17th (new/trad)-Saint Margaret Mary Alacoque, 18th-Saint Luke, 22nd-Saint John Paul II, another 20th Century Pope, 24th-Saint Raphael the Archangel, 28th-Saints Simon & Jude, 29th-the traditional CHRIST THE KING and the 31st-All Hallows’ Eve, beginning the Triduum of Death. 

Don’t forget the wonderful November plenaries the first week of November.  Your departed loved ones will be eternally grateful!

In the last of the Marian Triad of the Months, we honor Mary under the title Our Lady of the Rosary…so important is this great devotion!  Through Our Lady of Fatima, we know the Holy Rosary is the antidote to these unprecedented times of evil.  One of the worst of these evils is the sin of abortion and all of the offenses against human life which are becoming more prevalent in a post-Christendom world.  One of Our Lady’s requests at Fatima was the recitation of the Rosary daily.  She saw what was coming upon the world and this great meditative prayer was given to us to obtain mercy and mitigate these evils.  Let us pray the Holy Rosary for the sanctity of life this month and encourage others to do so as well. 

Our Lady of the Rosary, pray for us!

O Lord have mercy upon the world for its crimes against Thee and humanity!

Most Holy Trinity, deliver us!

RFK Jr. & Abortion

RFK Jr., the son of Bobby Kennedy, who was killed in Los Angeles, 1968, is campaigning for President of the United States on the Democratic ticket. The Washington Post claims he already enjoys 20% of this party’s support. He is also attracting many on the “right,” due to his centrist leanings and promise to secure our freedoms, in post-Covid America. He has straddled the fence on abortion in the past, but has now fallen decidedly against the unborn. Have a look at these 2 articles…

Robert F Kennedy Jr. Supports Abortion

The Hole in the Heart of RFK Jr.’s Extraordinary Book

Sadly, RFK Jr. is a Catholic who purportedly attends Mass daily and even wrote a children’s book on his patron saint, Francis of Assisi, in 2005. Robert Francis Kennedy Jr. would do well to contemplate the words of Holy Scripture, perhaps speaking of these very times…

“I know thy works, that thou art neither cold, nor hot. I would thou wert cold, or hot. But because thou art lukewarm, and neither cold, nor hot, I will begin to vomit thee out of my mouth.”

Apocalypse 3:15

Random Stuff


Idaho Supreme Court allows state abortion ban to take effect

Georgia declares unborn babies ‘natural persons’ who can be claimed as dependents on state taxes

LifeSiteNews ‘InFocus’ highlights upcoming pro-life battles in post-Roe America

LifeSiteNews is a trustworthy go-to source for info on life issues, Covid issues, the New World Order agenda and the Church. There are few others doing as good a job. Please support them and subscribe!

Let us also continue to pray for the safety of all pro-lifers and churches in this post-Roe environment. O Mary, conceived without sin, pray for us who have recourse to Thee!

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i have this compass!

Video: Testing The Cheapest Compass on Amazon

I just started watching this guy on YouTube-”Stokermatic”-and I also have a renewed interest in compasses after recently buying an Army Style Lensatic Compass from Deutsche Optik (check this site out for awesome prepper gear)…I paid $35 for it and you can now get it for $19! The compass mentioned above, is a cheaper baseplate compass which I’ve had for a while. I was amazed when this guy (he calls himself “Stoker”), a US Army veteran, did a video recently on this compass…I said, “That’s my compass!”

This video will give you an intro to Stoker and his work. It is technical and assumes you already know a bit. That’s okay if you don’t. It is an immersion, like those language courses which only speak in the language you are learning. Just take it in and get the gist of it. Watch a few more videos to see if this content is for you. I am addicted now.

Think how fun it would be to do this sort of thing with your children, family or friends…enjoy the outdoors, try to find something with a compass and learn some valuable skills as the world hurtles toward chaos. It could be the beginning of an incredible journey!

There is also a Stokermatic website with all kinds of info and several products. Get stoked!

PS If you know a gender-confused girly boy, he just needs to spend one day with Stoker and the girl will be whooped out of him. (I think he does give courses-I will email him about that.)

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We have never seen a time like this before

Video: WARNING from a Farmer: Get READY

This post is a sampling of what I have been researching recently. I have been looking into the possible future (not a crystal ball, just research) since I took an interest in it as a teenager. So that’s about 40 years. I stepped it up after 9/11 and have been writing on these topics for 14 years.

I can tell you, I have never seen what is happening now. It’s not just the freaks and geeks, the conspiracy theorists, the End Times eccentrics holding signs in Times Square. The warnings are coming from everywhere. From ordinary people. From experts in all areas. It’s being freely discussed…and censored. People are putting their jobs, their reputations and even their lives on the line. The video above is just one of hundreds of warnings out there right now. This southern homesteading woman reads an email she was sent from a farmer in Texas. She boldly asserts that a day of reckoning is coming. She talks about being right with God and gives her heartfelt advice.

I would add 2 points to this video…#1: It takes a village. #2: Get out of dodge. As Catholics, we must develop our communities and we must also consider establishing them in less populated areas. For a number of reasons, the dense areas are not where you want to be when things go wrong. Of course, this is only my take on it and you must pray and assume responsibility for your own decisions.

Also as Catholics, we know we are here in exile and some are called to a glorious martyrdom. We know the most important preparedness is spiritual. We must flee to the Sacrament of Penance and take consolation in the Rosary. To pray the Rosary is a great joy in the midst of suffering. Let us all pray at this hour and discern the work Our Blessed Lord desires of us.

These topics aren’t really random at all. It is all connected.

"Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you: not as the world giveth, do I give unto you. Let not your heart be troubled, nor let it be afraid."

John 14:27


For ongoing coverage…




As I groggily sauntered into the kitchen this morning, my husband immediately greeted me with the stunning news.  We all suspected this was coming, but you are never quite ready for that moment when something anticipated becomes real.  As I was still trying to absorb the information, I did my customary glance at the Catholic calendar and saw “The Sacred Heart of Jesus” as today’s feast.  Instantly I said to myself, “Not a coincidence!  Amazing!”  Tomorrow is also the feast of the Immaculate Heart of Mary.  After waiting just shy of 50 long years, the dice land on this day.  This shows God’s omnipotent Providence in all things and gives us great consolation.  This incredible day is graced by the Two Hearts!

After spending the past 34 years fighting for life, I never thought I would live to see this day.  There is a feeling of joy thinking of all my pro-life friends, past and present, rejoicing today.  A wave of positive energy has shot through the world…a world that desperately needs it.  It’s hard to believe it’s true.

Yes, there are those who will take this opportunity to do evil and to persecute us more viciously, but we cannot focus on that ugliness from Hell.  We must focus on Heaven, life and beauty.  Just look at a picture of a precious baby and you will regain your perspective.  Let us thank God in the coming days and continue to pray for peace and the safety of our people.  Let us continue the fight for life as never before.  Evil cannot stand forever.  Christ already has the victory on the Cross!  Alleluia!

Sacred Heart of Jesus, have mercy upon us

“In the end, my Immaculate Heart will triumph”

Random Stuff

~ Final Minor Rogation Day ~

Since the Rogation Days invoke God’s mercy and also are associated with litanies, here is the Litany of the Mercy of God. Think about praying it tonight with your family! The closing prayer is very similar to a prayer in the Divine Mercy Chaplet:

O God, Whose Mercy is infinite and Whose treasures of pity are inexhaustible, graciously look down upon us and increase in us Thy Mercy so that we may never, even in the greatest trials, give way to despair, but may always trustfully conform ourselves to Thy Holy Will, which is Mercy itself. Through Our Lord Jesus Christ, the King of Mercy, Who with Thee and the Holy Spirit doth show us Mercy forever and ever. Amen.

~Bill Gates Sr, Planned Parenthood & Where it’s all Going~

I was doing some research last night and came across the assertion that Bill Gates’ father was the “president of Planned Parenthood.” I said to myself, “Why have I never heard this before?” I went down the rabbit hole to corroborate the info. An article on Lifesite quotes Gates in a 2003 interview with Bill Moyers: “My dad was head of Planned Parenthood. And it was very controversial to be involved with that.” Bill Gates Sr. died 8 months ago and the New York Times had this to say, “He was president of the Seattle/King County Bar Association and the Washington State Bar Association and a director of the Greater Seattle Chamber of Commerce, the King County United Way and Planned Parenthood.” We can see that Gates’ father was indeed the director of Planned Parenthood, probably on a local level. This same New York Times piece shows us a picture of Gates Sr. holding a baby of color in his arms, next to Nelson Mandela and Jimmy Carter, in South Africa. Surely, he would have had no problem presiding over this baby’s death in Washington State.

His son, Mr. Covid Vaccine King, continues the wonderful legacy. Lifesite goes on, “[Bill Gates] says, he has seen that by improving health and education, population decreases as parents decide to have less children. Despite all his distancing from Malthus, Gates remains steadfast to the unfounded Malthusian fear of overpopulation.” Another article: “The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation’s role in funding COVID-19 vaccine research has been a point of particular concern, due in large part to the couple’s history as radical advocates for abortion and population control.” Melinda Gates is quoted: "Here in the United States, it's going to be black people who really should get [the Covid vaccine] first and many indigenous people, as well as people with underlying symptoms, and then elderly people." They have it all figured out.

Yet one more Lifesite deeply concerning article tells us: ”Gates also invested approximately $20 million in MicroCHIPS, a company that makes chip-based devices, including birth-control implant chips with wireless on/off switches for remote-controlled drug-delivery by medical authorities.”

How are we to respond to all this? The Gates are for education. So must we be, in our own spheres. They’ve been busy bees. So must we be, building The Newer World Order. And as the prayer above implores, never despair. That is not our world and as we discussed on Good Friday…It Will Fail!

~ It’s Supposed to be for the Birds! ~

The squirrel likes my flax seeds.  Birds don’t.  LOL  (I don’t mind, I love the squirrels.)  I also had to remove that blue tray because it does not drain rainwater but there is plastic underneath that does drain.  The blue tray will be a perfect basin for potted plants!

The squirrel likes my flax seeds. Birds don’t. LOL (I don’t mind, I love the squirrels.) I also had to remove that blue tray because it does not drain rainwater but there is plastic underneath that does drain. The blue tray will be a perfect basin for potted plants!