catholic truther

December is the Month of the Divine Infancy & the Immaculate Conception / December Prepper Challenge!

December is such an interesting ecclesiastical month, I hardly know where to start.  It’s chock full of every kind of feast…Our Blessed Lord, Our Lady, well-known saints, Doctors of the Church, martyrs, visionaries, 1st Century saints, Old Testament Patriarchs, the Holy Family and even Adam & Eve, an “historical” feast, on Christmas Eve.  As if that’s not enough, we also celebrate the Ember Days of Winter the week before Christmas.  And don’t forget the joyful Gaudete Sunday, the 3rd Sundy of Advent.  And Advent itself, of course!

To be clear, we discuss both trad and new feasts and the traditional calendar is below.  We will place our focus on a few feasts…

The 1st Sunday of Advent is this coming Sunday, the 3rd.  This is the beginning of the new Liturgical Year and the beginning of the Cycle of Christmas, when we await the birth of Our Savior and prepare spiritually for this great Holy Day.  On the 8th, we honor the Immaculate Conception of Mary (Patroness of the USA), a Holy Day of Obligation.  This solemnity falls on a Friday this year, so no penance is required.  Our Lady of Loreto is the 10th and Our Lady of Guadalupe the 12th. 

The Ember Days are days of prayer and penance to obtain mercy for the coming season.  As the Ember Days concern themselves with nature, it’s a particularly nice time to do crafts with children.  In this case, it can be combined with Christmas in all kinds of creative ways.  Come up with your own ideas…maybe you could even arrange a day at your parish for these activities. 

I don’t suppose I have to remind anyone about Christmas on the 25th.  But let us celebrate as holy a Christmas as we can this year, as the world continues to spiral into a plethora of polycrises.

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December Prepper Challenge

Speaking of polycrises, how about a challenge this month?  Yes, it’s Christmastime, but unfortunately, that doesn’t mean the problems in the world take a vacation.  In a month, these progressive issues, many of which are exponential in nature (speeds up over time), will be one month closer to the critical point.  That’s why action must be taken now, Christmastime or not.  The greatest gift you can give your loved ones, besides spiritual encouragement, is preparedness. 

Let us take the 2 themes of this month as inspiration, Mother and Child.  As life gets more difficult, the vulnerable will be in greater need.  We cannot help them until we help ourselves.  We must be in a strong position to help our neighbors.  We must prepare because too many are not.  We will be held accountable.  As Chris Martenson says, we will be asked one day:

“When did you see?  What did you do about it?”

If you still don’t see the need to prepare for the coming days, pray to the Holy Ghost for an illumination.

15 Points Preparedness Worksheet

Please print our worksheet above and choose 5 points to begin working on this month.  We encourage you to involve your family, discuss it together, and write out the most important things you agree should be done.  Feel free to email us with your progress and we may share your comments.  You might also think about printing a copy for your loved ones as a Christmas gift.  Roll it up with a red or green ribbon.  I guarantee they won’t get this from anyone else!  Good luck and you all will be in our prayers!

Here is the traditional Catholic calendar for December:

Feast of Our Lady of the Rosary / Month of October

[Edited since posting.]

The Gospel for today’s feast in the old rite, is the Annunciation…

And the angel being come in, said unto her:

“Hail full of grace, the Lord is with Thee. Blessed art thou among women.”

Luke 1:28

This angelic salutation became one of the most repeated quotes in all human history, as the first part of the “Hail Mary” prayer.  It is fitting that this should be the Gospel on the feast of Our Lady of the Holy Rosary, since the Annunciation is the first Mystery we contemplate when reciting a complete Rosary…the first in the timeline of the Joyful Mysteries, proceeding to the Luminous, the Sorrowful and finally, the GloriousNever forget, the story ends with the Glorious.

We celebrate Our Lady’s Divine Maternity on October 11th, further calling to mind in this month dedicated to the Rosary, the Joyful Mysteries.  Each Mystery contains some aspect of her Divine Maternity.  Mary is also called to mind in the Mysteries of Our Lord’s First Miracle at Cana, the Assumption and the Coronation.

Saint Therese of Lisieux is the lone saint this month to be given the title “Doctor of the Church.”  Her feast in the new was on the 1st and in the trad, on the 3rd.  Please take a look at her bio from the Catholic Encyclopedia on New Advent.

We did not cover the Doctors of the month of September, except for Saint Gregory.  Here they are:  Saints John Chrysostom, Robert Bellarmine, Hildegard of Bingen and Jerome.

At the end of this month, let us remember the Feast of Christ the King on the 30th and the beginning of the Triduum of Death, All Hallows Eve, on the 31st.  Along with the Easter Triduum, Holy Church in her wisdom gives us these 3 days to consider our mortality.  It’s how the story ends that matters.

As this is also Respect Life month, what a great time to pray the Rosary for life!

Last year, I decided to make a decorative design with gourds and interesting squash. It is now a “thing.” This is what I put together today. The “Faith” ornament I bought at a drug store. It’s amazing, the vestiges of Christendom which you can still find in unexpected corners, here and there. Last fall, when my squash deteriorated to the point of being embarrassing, I threw them around the edges of my property, in the hopes they would reappear (they didn’t). That is not as crazy an idea as it sounds. When I was involved in a community garden 10 years ago, old crops would regularly pop up in abandoned gardens. Free food just sitting there. There are forward-minded people thinking along these lines…planting edibles in public places for all to access…let’s just hope there aren’t any food fights!

Actually, there are already plenty of edibles all around, you just need to know what you’re doing. See if there are any “herb walks” in your area, you’ll be amazed at what you learn…there are many other resources and books out there and it’s a really fun thing to do with children:) Disclaimer: Don’t eat anything wild unless you REALLY know what you’re doing-you also have to consider it may have been sprayed. BTW, please don’t come to my house and steal the squash. Thanks.

The Best News!

If you look at the last 2 years and the predictions of what Klaus Schwab & Friends are making from their thrones in Davos, it looks like bad news, right? But in fact, it is wonderful news for humanity and our call to sanctity. We are made in the image and likeness of Almighty God. That is why Satan fears us. That is why he seeks to control us. That is why he wants to see everything we do in this tech-gone-wrong New World Order. Because we are powerful. His extreme constant efforts to make us think we are nothing prove that we are indeed something, in fact purchased by the Blood of Christ. So rejoice that you don’t fit in with this agenda all around us.

Of course, we as Catholics already know this and the Gospel message is often called “The Good News.” So instead of getting down about what is going on, we should see it as one more sign of the truth of our Faith and know that God ultimately has it all in control.

“Are not five sparrows sold for two farthings, and not one of them is forgotten before God? Yea, the very hairs of your head are all numbered. Fear not therefore: you are of more value than many sparrows.”

Luke 12:6

September is the Month of Our Lady of Sorrows

Standing Mother

At the Foot of the Cross

O all you who walk by on the road

Attend and see

If there be any sorrow

Like my sorrow

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These tragic words are part of a prayer. Bouguereau’s dramatic painting “Pieta,” from 1876, is the perfect companion to these words. Receiving her son’s body into her arms, was the 6th of Our Lady’s 7 Sorrows, the swords which pierced her Immaculate Heart. We pay respect to these sorrows on the 15th of the month, exactly one month after the feast of the Assumption.

As if this was not enough, her heart continues to be grieved by our many sins and the 5 offenses represented by the 5 First Saturdays Devotion, given by Our Lady of Fatima. This devotion helps secure reparation to her Immaculate Heart.

We are celebrating 3 months in a row dedicated to Our Blessed Mother Mary. August honored the Immaculate Heart, we now honor her Sorrowful Heart and next month, we renew our devotion to her Holy Rosary, given to Saint Dominic. We can meditate on how these 3 months are linked together and in fact, inseparable. Let us take the next week to pray on and contemplate this (feel free to email me with any thoughts).

Here are the traditional Roman Catholic feasts of September:

Image from Cathy Weisbecker at Pinterest, colors have been muted.

Random Stuff


Idaho Supreme Court allows state abortion ban to take effect

Georgia declares unborn babies ‘natural persons’ who can be claimed as dependents on state taxes

LifeSiteNews ‘InFocus’ highlights upcoming pro-life battles in post-Roe America

LifeSiteNews is a trustworthy go-to source for info on life issues, Covid issues, the New World Order agenda and the Church. There are few others doing as good a job. Please support them and subscribe!

Let us also continue to pray for the safety of all pro-lifers and churches in this post-Roe environment. O Mary, conceived without sin, pray for us who have recourse to Thee!

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i have this compass!

Video: Testing The Cheapest Compass on Amazon

I just started watching this guy on YouTube-”Stokermatic”-and I also have a renewed interest in compasses after recently buying an Army Style Lensatic Compass from Deutsche Optik (check this site out for awesome prepper gear)…I paid $35 for it and you can now get it for $19! The compass mentioned above, is a cheaper baseplate compass which I’ve had for a while. I was amazed when this guy (he calls himself “Stoker”), a US Army veteran, did a video recently on this compass…I said, “That’s my compass!”

This video will give you an intro to Stoker and his work. It is technical and assumes you already know a bit. That’s okay if you don’t. It is an immersion, like those language courses which only speak in the language you are learning. Just take it in and get the gist of it. Watch a few more videos to see if this content is for you. I am addicted now.

Think how fun it would be to do this sort of thing with your children, family or friends…enjoy the outdoors, try to find something with a compass and learn some valuable skills as the world hurtles toward chaos. It could be the beginning of an incredible journey!

There is also a Stokermatic website with all kinds of info and several products. Get stoked!

PS If you know a gender-confused girly boy, he just needs to spend one day with Stoker and the girl will be whooped out of him. (I think he does give courses-I will email him about that.)

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We have never seen a time like this before

Video: WARNING from a Farmer: Get READY

This post is a sampling of what I have been researching recently. I have been looking into the possible future (not a crystal ball, just research) since I took an interest in it as a teenager. So that’s about 40 years. I stepped it up after 9/11 and have been writing on these topics for 14 years.

I can tell you, I have never seen what is happening now. It’s not just the freaks and geeks, the conspiracy theorists, the End Times eccentrics holding signs in Times Square. The warnings are coming from everywhere. From ordinary people. From experts in all areas. It’s being freely discussed…and censored. People are putting their jobs, their reputations and even their lives on the line. The video above is just one of hundreds of warnings out there right now. This southern homesteading woman reads an email she was sent from a farmer in Texas. She boldly asserts that a day of reckoning is coming. She talks about being right with God and gives her heartfelt advice.

I would add 2 points to this video…#1: It takes a village. #2: Get out of dodge. As Catholics, we must develop our communities and we must also consider establishing them in less populated areas. For a number of reasons, the dense areas are not where you want to be when things go wrong. Of course, this is only my take on it and you must pray and assume responsibility for your own decisions.

Also as Catholics, we know we are here in exile and some are called to a glorious martyrdom. We know the most important preparedness is spiritual. We must flee to the Sacrament of Penance and take consolation in the Rosary. To pray the Rosary is a great joy in the midst of suffering. Let us all pray at this hour and discern the work Our Blessed Lord desires of us.

These topics aren’t really random at all. It is all connected.

"Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you: not as the world giveth, do I give unto you. Let not your heart be troubled, nor let it be afraid."

John 14:27

March is the Month of Saint Joseph

The icon above is so sweet, how it portrays the Child Jesus’ love and affection for His Foster-Father, whose feast we celebrate this month on the 19th. May we further our own love for Saint Joseph during his month of March, as we also embark on the Season of Lent.

Ash Wednesday is the 2nd of the month-we begin Lent by contemplating our mortality and performing penance. There has never been a time in our lives when the world has needed more prayer and penance, so let us observe this Lent as well as we can, without stressing ourselves too much. When we stress ourselves, it has an immediate affect on those around us. As Saint Paul reminded us in the Quinquagesima Epistle:

“If I speak with the tongues of men, and of angels, and have not charity, I am become as sounding brass, or a tinkling cymbal. And if I should have prophecy and should know all mysteries, and all knowledge, and if I should have all faith, so that I could remove mountains, and have not charity, I am nothing. And if I should distribute all my goods to feed the poor, and if I should deliver my body to be burned, and have not charity, it profiteth me nothing…And now there remain faith, hope, and charity, these three: but the greatest of these is charity.”

1 Corinthians 13:1

Adding to the penitential spirit of Lent, we have the Ember Days on the 9th, 11th and 12th. This is a time to pray and offer for blessings and mercy upon the coming season of Spring.

We remember the great event of The Annunciation of the Lord on the 25th. Some other notable saints which March celebrates are: 20th-century Saint, Katherine Drexel…martyrs invoked in the Canon, Felicity & Perpetua…Doctors of the Church Saint Thomas Aquinas, Pope Saint Gregory the Great, Saint Cyril of Jerusalem and Saint John Damascene…our beloved Saint Patrick and Saint Gabriel the Archangel, just prior to The Annunciation. Let us give special mention to Saint Isidore the Farmer, who we particularly like here at Nomen Christi Apostolate!

What may we do this month to honor our dear Saint Joseph? Of course, last year was the Year of Saint Joseph. Maybe we could gain some inspiration from those former indulgences.

Finally, let us pray for peace, especially in the Ukraine. But remember, we live in an illusory world, where nothing is what it seems and the truth is often not what we are told. There is always more to the story. There is always information we are not privy to. But let us not forget the World Wars already waging…the war upon the unborn and the vulnerable…and the war upon freedom combined with the Covid bioweapon and the “Mystery Injection” being touted as a vaccine. Of course we never despair-we trust in the Most Holy Trinity, because we are God’s children and we know He loves us!

Here is your traditional Month of March calendar. Lenten blessings to all…

Saint Joseph icon at

Traditional Priest is Doing Something Amazing in the Italian Alps!

Young Priest Turns Forsaken Farm into Paradise Homestead

I was blown away by the above video. Below are the notes provided by the video-maker, Kirsten Dirksen (she’s got a great YouTube channel, but this is not necessarily an endorsement of all her content). The video is 23 minutes, well-worth your time. We all need to be thinking this way going forward, due to the state of the world. This priest also has filmed 2 documentaries-link is below-I have not seen them yet, but I’m sure they are good…

Five years ago Catholic priest Johannes Schwarz left his parish to "withdraw for a few years" in the Italian Alps (in the shadow of his beloved Monte Viso). He bought an old "rustico" - stone farm building - for 20,000 euros and transformed it into his mountaintop hermitage.

Inspired by the early Christian desert hermits from the "200s and 300s when some people went into the deserts of Egypt and Palestine searching for a more rigorous life", Schwarz found something remote: he has only one full-time neighbor on the entire mountainside and in winter, he often has to snowshoe for a couple hours just to buy food and supplies.

To be as self-sufficient as possible, he makes his own bread and stores plenty of potatoes which he grows using Ruth Stout's "No-Work" gardening method. To grow much of his own fruit and produce, he terraced the steep hillside (using stones from the area) to create micro-climates. "You try to build walls that have southern exposure because they heat up during the day and they give off the warmth and can make a difference of several degrees." (Studies show differences of 27°F/15°C in the ultra-deep Incan terraces). He grows plenty of tomatoes inside his self-built recycled greenhouse.

For heating and cooking, he built a combination rocket stove and masonry heater by creating his own casts and loam coating. His refrigerator, which he transported up the hill on top of his bicycle, is kept in the unheated room, along with his food stores. He uses a tiny 30-year-old 3-kilogram washing machine and built his bathroom out of salvaged materials. To transport the lumber up the hill for his remodel, he got some help from a local farmer.

He divided the old barn into four small rooms on two floors; the living room/kitchen and pantry on the ground floor and a chapel and bedroom upstairs. His bedroom also serves as an editing studio where he creates videos on philosophy and religion.

He created a wooden-arched indoor chapel where he “celebrates the traditional Latin mass” alongside a wall he painted with Byzantine, romanesque and gothic styles in appreciation of "the symbolism of the ancient art."

Johannes’ pilgrimage films:

"A Man for All Seasons" ~ Song by Al Stewart

My humble interpretations are in parentheses, in the section we are focusing on…

A Man For All Seasons

What if you reached the age of reason only to find there was no reprieve, Would you still be a man for all seasons or would you just have to leave

We measure our days out in steps of uncertainty, Not turning to see how we've come, And peer down the highway

From here to eternity and reach out for love on the run, While the man for all seasons is lost behind the sun

Henry Plantagenet* still looks for someone to bring good news in his hour of doubt, While Thomas More waits in the Tower of London watching the sands running out

And measures the hours out from here to oblivion, In actions that can't be undone, A sailor through the darkness

He scans the meridian and caught by the first rays of dawn, The man for all seasons is lost beneath the storm

And I should know by now, I should know by now, I hear them call it out all around, Oh they go

There's nothing to believe in, Hear them, Just daydreams deceiving, They'll just let you down

So what if you reached the age of reason only to find there was no reprieve, Would you still be a man for all seasons or would you just disbelieve

We measure our gains out in luck and coincidence, Lanterns to turn back in the night, And put our defeats down to chance or experience and try once again for the light

Some wait for the waters of fortune to cover them

(“Nothing is changed in Austria” people. Pollyannas who see nothing wrong and cling to their dreams.)

Some just see the tides of ill chance rushing over them

(Despair. No hope or trust in God.)

Some call on Jehovah, some cry out to Allah

(Realizing the jig is up and seeking mercy.)

Some wait for the boats that still row to Valhalla

(Surrender to conditioned helplessness. Dependence on the State.)

Well you try to accept what the fates are unfolding

(You either accept the official narrative or the truth. Either way, it’s not fun.)

While some say they're sure where the shame should be falling

(Everyone has an opinion. Sound familiar?)

You look round for maybe a chance of forestalling

(Constructively helping yourself and others. That’s what we’re doing here!)

But too soon it's over and done, And the man for all seasons is lost behind the sun

~ ~ ~

Scottish-born Al Stewart is best known for his 70’s hits “Time Passages” and “Year of the Cat.” The above song is from the album “Time Passages,” from 1978. I acquired the CD not long ago and found this song about a Catholic saint, surprising and refreshing! Stewart’s lyrics are brilliant and speak to the universal human condition, including the times upon us. Last month, we celebrated Saint Thomas More’s main feast and this month, we have celebrated a minor feast, so let’s take a look at this song which honors him…

The title did not originate with the play that spawned the famous 1966 movie. It originated from the pen of Robert Whittington, who knew More personally. Whittington was a well-known English grammarian and expert in Latin, who described him as such: “More is a man of an angel's wit and singular learning…a man of marvelous mirth and pastimes, and sometime of as sad gravity. A man for all seasons." At the time of this published compliment, More had risen to Parliament and the companionship of King Henry VIII. The playwright Robert Bolt used the title to illustrate More’s steadfast nature, even when facing a time of persecution. The title is poetic. Bolt’s use of it was not the original intent. It is evocative and interpretive. Al Stewart would likely agree.

Stewart assumes the role of observer, struggling with cynicism and asking the question, “What would you do?” He claims our saint is lost “behind the sun” and “beneath the storm.” But we know he has not been lost at all, for he is now in the glory of Heaven! It is the human condition that we often must choose between Heaven and Earth and our times are no different. Stewart goes on to comprehensively illustrate ways people behave when within the pressure cooker. The question here for us is, “Which ones resemble me?”

The life and death of Saint Thomas More is an inspiring example for our own times. Songwriter Al Stewart has beautifully shown this in word and melody. It’s time for us all to face the music, unto the glory of God and the salvation of souls!

* Henry VIII was a Tudor, not a Plantagenet. I can only assume Stewart did this for rhythmical reasons. PS This was a departure from what I normally do-I have a background in songwriting, so this was lots of fun. I saw Al Stewart several years ago, as an opening act for another band-it was great seeing the guy I’ve always admired and he is still at it-you can check the link above for upcoming shows. BTW, I think the best line in the song is, “Some wait for the boats that still row to Valhalla.” Genius! That line led to some research into Norse mythology which I nuked from the post. We could have done a Wagner tangent too…Wagner…hmmmmmmmm.

First Saturdays At Home-Never More Important!

The observance of the Five First Saturdays are one of the requests of Our Lady of Fatima, to obtain reparation to her Immaculate Heart. As humanity is now engulfed in a difficult and confusing situation, there has never been a more important time to respect this request of Our Blessed Mother. We know not how this will ultimately play out. We much beseech God’s mercy. Trust. Be at peace. But take this as a serious warning. Public masses are shut down. Even confession is gone in some places, which was previously unthinkable. Our Blessed Lord said:

“Watch ye, therefore, praying at all times, that you may be accounted worthy to escape all these things that are to come, and to stand before the Son of man.”

Luke 21:36

So we, as Children of God, are at peace.

Normally the First Saturdays are observed in church. Since many are now at home, we can still fulfill this request to the best of our ability. I am sure our dear Mother will accept this. She has requested they be observed for 5 months in a row, but it is not a bad idea to perform them perpetually. Following are the activities (and the substitutions where applicable), based on the World Apostolate of Fatima’s recommendations. This is all done with the intention of making reparation to Our Lady’s Immaculate Heart and what a wonderful devotion to do with your family at home during this time!

1) Receive the Sacrament of Penance. At home: Make an intention to receive the sacrament as soon as possible. I might add, to say an Act of Contrition, trying to be sorry for the Love of God (perfect contrition), not just the fear of punishment.

2) Receive Holy Communion. At home: Make a Spiritual Act of Communion (see link below for help with this).

3) Recite the Joyful Mysteries of the Holy Rosary (some say the Sorrowful Mysteries during Lent).

4) Meditate on the Mysteries of the Rosary for 15 minutes with Our Blessed Mother. If you are unaccustomed to this devotion, this may be the most challenging aspect for you. Here are some tips: Place yourself in Our Lady’s presence (a picture or statue is very helpful). Ask her to enlighten you further on the Mysteries you just contemplated in the Rosary (I suppose you could contemplate other Mysteries as well). Let your thoughts drift. Imagine the Mysteries visually. Don’t try, just let the inspirations come to you. And they will! As you perform this exercise more, it will get easier. Your relationship with Our Mother will grow and eventually it will no longer be an “exercise,” but an intimate and wonderful conversation!


Today is a traditional feast of the Seven Sorrows of Our Lady. Our Lady of Sorrows, pray for us!

Please see the World Apostolate of Fatima’s page addressing the First Saturdays during this time. Lots of great info:

The Situation

If you have not read my previous post, please do so now. Thanks……(I have not posted on the current situation till now because I felt what I had written on New Years Day really said it all). I always pray to the Holy Ghost before writing. What made me write those words on New Years Day? Impending judgement upon humanity is on my mind on a daily basis and has been for a long time. So, its not so strange that I wrote that. But it did seem to be a foreshadowing of what was about to happen. What was the main point? To be joyful! So please meditate on that for now and stay tuned for my next post.

There is much I want to say and much I feel I have to offer at this time, so my posts will now become more frequent. However, I cannot write too much right now because I am still in “stabilization mode” in the midst of this situation, its fallout and potential fallout (please note, I am avoiding any emotionally-charged or system-created language-there are reasons for this which I will be discussing). There is emotional stabilizing we all must do and also preparedness stabilizing WHICH DOES NOT INCLUDE HOARDING AT THIS TIME. It is too late to stockpile the things that are not in good supply. That is why we speak of “preparedness.” Once a situation hits, the rules change. And it has hit. Pray for guidance at this time. Many are not exercising good judgement and it is causing needless suffering.

A friend of mine had an incredible insight today. He said something to this effect: “In even the most difficult times, there is a sliver of something rare and precious to be discovered.” With God’s help, may we discover this! God bless you all and your families! CFM