
Saint Valentine's Day Blessings

Saint Valentine’s Story

I’ve done a bit of research on Saint Valentine and it is most confusing! The accounts are all over the place, with many saying it is all mired in complete legend. There apparently were several Saint Valentines. And the story about how this day got associated with love and sending notes is also varied. But it makes for interesting historical reading, if you have the time to go down this rabbit hole today. I finally settled on the above piece to link to. This is not a Catholic site, but I find they are respectful towards Catholicism.

And may we pray today for the virtue of chastity, a word which has all but been removed from this post-Christendom world.

Saint Valentine, pray for us!

National Farmer's Day, Saturday, October 12th

National Farmer’s Day is this coming Saturday, in the US.  Those who produce our food with responsibility and hard work are so important to the human family and deserve the utmost respect.  Unfortunately, they are now being attacked in America and Europe by the globalists who wish to re-write civilization.  Farmers need our support and prayer. If you can’t celebrate this weekend, it would be fine to extend these ideas to the remainder of the month…the farmers won’t mind!

From the Old Farmer’s Almanac:

“This is a day to honor and thank all of the hardworking farmers and ranchers who plow, sow, grow, and harvest to feed our nation. We especially rely on farmers to get fresh food on our tables during these uncertain times. Let’s pay tribute to the men, women, and families who put food in the grocery stores and on our tables every day.”

From National Day Calendar:

“October does seem fitting for celebrating this National Day as it is near the end of the harvest. Many farmers will be able to take a rest from their hard labor to join in the celebration of this holiday.”

Also see: National Days in Agriculture and Successful Farming with a look at the American history of farming.

Okay, let’s see what ideas I can come up on how to celebrate this day, off the top of my head. I’m going to try to squeeze 10 ideas out of my brain. I did not say they would be good ones.  Try to come up with your own!

  1. Take your children pumpkin picking or apple picking or something picking.

  2. Do farming-related crafts.

  3. Watch videos about farmers.

  4. Stick food in water and see what happens.

  5. Learn about farming history. Homeschoolers, take a look at the link above, for an easy lesson.

  6. Teach children about botany.

  7. Organize something to honor local farmers. Maybe work with your Town Hall.

  8. Play farm animal sounds for your dog.

  9. Get a farming book out of the library.

  10. Do a presentation at your local school or church about farming.

But most of all, appreciate the blessings of abundance you have, through the hard labor and discipline of our farmers:)


An Attack on Farmers is an Attack on the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass!

Feast of Saint Hildegard of Bingen / Saint Hildegard Series: Part 1

Here are some quotes by Saint Hildegard which illustrate her theology of nature, called “Veriditas”…

“O most honored Greening Force, you who roots in the Sun, you who lights up, in shining serenity, within a wheel that earthly excellence fails to comprehend. You are enfolded in the weaving of divine mysteries. You redden like the dawn and you burn, flame of the Sun.”

"The Word is living, being, spirit, all verdant greening, all creativity. This Word manifests Itself in every creature."

"Glance at the sun. See the moon and the stars. Gaze at the beauty of earth’s greenings. Now, think. What delight God gives to mankind with all these things…

All nature is at the disposal of mankind. We are to work with it. For without it, we cannot survive."

"The fire has its flame and praises God. The wind blows the flame and praises God. In the voice we hear the word which praises God. And the word, when heard, praises God. So all of creation is a song of praise to God."

"Good People, most royal greening verdancy, rooted in the sun, you shine with radiant light."

"Now in the people that were meant to be green there is no more life of any kind. There is only shriveled barrenness. The winds are burdened by the utterly awful stink of evil, selfish goings-on. Thunderstorms menace. The air belches out the filthy uncleanliness of the peoples. The earth should not be injured! The earth must not be destroyed!"

"Mary, ground of all being, Greetings! Greetings to you, lovely and loving Mother!"

"Mankind, full of all creative possibilities, is God’s work. Mankind alone is called to assist God. Mankind is called to co-create. With nature’s help, mankind can set into creation all that is necessary and life-sustaining."

Saint Hildegard von Bingen, 1098-1179

Saint Hildegard of Bingen, also known as “Sibyl of the Rhine” and “The Teutonic Prophetess,” was born in Germany and became a Benedictine nun.  Living within Saint Benedict’s and his twin Saint Scholastica’s model of community and self-reliance, she used her genius to advance her predecessors’ ideas into a full lifestyle and theology.  She became a musical composer, herbalist, playwright, artist, theologian, mystic and prophetess.  Hildegard is one of Holy Church’s glorious examples of human potential when illumined by the Light of Christ, like stained glass lit by the Sun.  She has given insight to the world for 1,000 years.  At this historic juncture, we must return to Hildegard’s respect for nature and God’s Law.  As we carry her torch forward, may she continue to instruct humanity for another 1,000 years!

When these present days get us weary…and they will, let us flee to Hildegard’s intercession, for she understands.  All great gifts come with great crosses. Let us ask our Blessed Lord for renewed strength.  Let us speak dearest Hildegard’s words…

Again I am in turmoil.
Should I speak, or must I be silent?
I feel like a gnarled old tree, withered and crooked and flaky.
All the stories of the years are written on my branches.
The sap is gone, the voice is dead.

But I long to make again a sacred sound.
I want to sound out God
I want to be a young juicy, sap-running tree
So that I can sing God as God knows how.

O God, Thou gentle viridity
O Mary, honeycomb of life
O Jesus, hidden in sweetness as flowing honey,
Release my voice again.

I have sweetness to share.
I have stories to tell.
I have God to announce.
I have green life to celebrate.
I have rivers of fire to ignite.

I was unable to find the source of this prayer.  If someone could apprise me, that would be much appreciated:)

And here is a lovely prayer honoring Hildegard…

Father, Source of Life, Thou hast bestowed on Saint Hildegard of Bingen many excellent graces.  Help us to follow her example of meditating upon Thine Ineffable Majesty and to follow Thee, so that we, amidst the darkness of this world, recognize the light of Thy clarity, to cling to Thee without fail.  Through our Lord Jesus Christ, Thy Son, who lives and reigns with Thee in the unity of the Holy Ghost, one God, forever and ever.  Amen.

Prayer from ChurchPop, slightly edited.

This is Part 1 of our new “Saint Hildegard Series.”  Stay tuned for Part 2, where we will discuss her concept of “Veriditas,” which matches Nomen Christi Apostolate’s philosophy remarkably well!

A Few Things...

I recently met a lovely man at church. We talked a bit, and he emailed me a poem he wrote. He is a secular Franciscan and belongs to the Knights of Columbus on Long Island. Here is his beautiful poem…

Saint Therese of Lisieux

Your beauty got under my skin, not like a knife, razor or nails

But like tea with honey and lemon, something stimulating, sweet and sharp

It's like you hit me by remote control and pushed buttons without pushing a button

Your beauty is big, like a forcefield that animates joy

And it is little too, like the gleam in sparkling blue eyes, the kind that animates life

If love makes the world go round, is it not true your beauty is being chaste?

Is it not true a question begins with a quest?

This is my response to the question of your beauty

I give the white rose

By Clifford Proctor

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Charles Dowding “No Dig” Gardening

This guy is amazing.  Start with the 2 minute video on the Home page which shows Dowding's idyllic farm in South Somerset, England.  This site contains a wealth of resources including courses, books and a shop.  Dowding has pioneered cutting edge gardening research, to create simpler methods that anyone can do.  Have a look!

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“I think it's down to radical non-compliance and what we can do with our own actions and behaviors.”

Aaron Day

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This is an excerpt from an article at Zero Hedge, by Tyler Durden, from May 2024.  It’s still quite relevant…and concerning.  This isn’t only being done for political purposes, it is part of the move toward green energy.  This sounds great on the surface, but it is being used as a tool to reduce freedom and create a total surveillance grid of energy consumption.  Some might say this is necessary.  Yes, a gradual scaling back is necessary, but defying human rights in the ways the globalists intend to, is unnecessary, cruel and immoral.  Covid was only the beginning…

Biden Drains Entire Northeast Gasoline Reserve In Bid To Lower Gas Prices

“Back in March, when reading the mammoth, 1050-page bill that was meant to avert government shutdown…we stumbled upon something that was truly shocking: after Biden singlehandedly drained half of the US strategic petroleum reserve to avoid obliteration for Democrats in the 2022 midterm elections, Congress has snuck in a provision that would sell off and shutter the Northeast Gasoline Supply Reserve, a move that while perhaps keeps gas prices lower for a day or two, would also leave the entire continental northeast defenseless to any true environmental catastrophe or shock. We were so dismayed by the inclusion of this particular text, we wondered if it hadn't been put there solely for the benefit of America's enemies...because surely nobody in their right mind, not even the illegitimate senile occupant of the White House, would ever pursue such short-term gains at the expense of potentially disastrous long-term consequences to the entire nation.

We were wrong: earlier today, just two months after the bill was signed by Biden into law, the panicking administration announced that it would sell the nearly 1 million barrels of gasoline in the US managed stockpile in northeastern states, the Department of Energy said, effectively closing the reserve.

The department created the Northeast Gasoline Supply Reserve (NGSR) in 2014 after Superstorm Sandy left motorists scrambling for fuel. But, according to some megabrains hoping to justify the dumping of gas so its price drops for a few weeks ahead of the summer and avoid even more anger aimed at the President, storing refined fuel is costlier than storing crude oil, so closing the reserve was included in U.S funding legislation signed by President Joe Biden in March.”

Feasts of July

July began on the 1st with the celebration of the Most Precious Blood of Jesus.  What better way to honor and offer reparation to Our Lord, than to recite the Litany of the Most Precious Blood (see previous post), in the coming weeks?  Litanies are one of the treasures of our Catholic faith, that have gone out of use.  It is a joy to pray them and we must all work to bring back these beautiful aspects of Catholicism for ourselves, our children, and the future. 

Be the restoration you wish to see!

We honor Saint Maria Goretti, young Italian girl who died for purity, on the 6th and the 9th (new/trad).  She was so quickly canonized, her own mother attended the ceremony in Rome. 

We celebrate the holy life of Saint Benedict of Nursia, another Italian, on the 11th.  He is well-known as the father of Western monasticism and the author of the Benedictine Rule, which spread throughout Europe (therefore he became the patron saint of Europe).  Benedict left the sinful world to seclude himself in a rural area, much as some Catholic laity now are beginning to do.  He believed in the self-sufficient community and wrote the principles upon which such communities would thrive.  Also, he was known for invoking the Crucifix and performing many miracles.  His medal is widely worn by the faithful and possesses indulgences.  Benedict’s abbey at Monte Cassino still stands atop a tiered hill in the beautiful Italian countryside.  His twin sister, Saint Scholastica, followed her brother in founding the Benedictine Order for women.  Here are some prayers to Saint Benedict…you may also read further about the medal and even buy one at The Catholic Company…

Prayers to Saint Benedict of Nursia

This past weekend, at the Catholic Land Movement Conference, I was privileged to walk upon the ground of Saint Kateri Tekawitha’s birth, whom we honor on the 14th.  This is also the holy ground, about 10 years before her birth, where Saint Isaac Jogues and his companions gave their lives for Christ.  It was an extraordinary experience.   Kateri is ever-present, in spirit and in statue form, at Our Lady of Martyrs Shrine, located in rural Auriesville, New York.

Our Lady of Mount Carmel’s feast is the 16th.  She appeared to Saint Simon Stock, giving him the Brown Scapular.  Our Lady of Fatima requested the wearing of this scapular.  Also, at The Catholic Company, here is where you can buy the scapular, in addition to a booklet explaining investiture into this privileged service of Our Lady…

A Journey to Mount Carmel

Further notable feasts of July:

19th-Saint Vincent de Paul

22nd-Saint Mary Magdalen

25th-Saint James the Greater, Apostle (vigil day before) / Saint Christopher

26th-Saints Joachim & Anne, Parents of the Blessed Virgin Mary

29th-Saint Martha

31st-Saint Ignatius Loyola, Founder of the Jesuits

We provide both trad and new feasts.

June is the Month of the Sacred Heart of Jesus

“I promise you in the excessive mercy of My Heart that My all-powerful love will grant to those who receive Holy Communion on the First Fridays in nine consecutive months the grace of final perseverance; they shall not die in My disgrace, nor without receiving their sacraments. My divine Heart shall be their safe refuge in this last moment.”

Our Blessed Lord spoke these words to Saint Margaret Mary, seer of the Sacred Heart and nun of the Visitation Order.  She lived a short life of 43 years, from 1647 to 1690.  Our Dear Jesus asked for Communion on 9 First Fridays in reparation to His merciful Heart and veneration of the image of His Heart.  This parallels Our Lady’s request at Fatima for the 5 First Saturdays Communions of Reparation.   What better time than this June, on the feast of the Sacred Heart, to begin this pious act of love for Our Lord?  This feast is 19 days after Pentecost, always a Friday, and is also a solemnity, so no Friday penance is required.    This year, it falls on June 7th.  The day after, is the feast of the Immaculate Heart of Mary…so intimate is the love between these 2 Hearts, Holy Church celebrates them together!

We just celebrated Corpus Christi in the trad on May 30th.  The new celebrates it June 2nd.  The Sacred Heart and the Body and Blood of Christ are one and the same.  Let us renew our devotion to and appreciation for the Holy Eucharist this month.  There is also a non-standard trad feast, the Eucharistic Heart of Jesus, on the 13th…which is also the day we honor Saint Anthony of Padua, friend of Saint Francis of Assisi and seer of the Christ Child.  Our Blessed Lord is distressed at the outrages against His Body and Blood and we must make reparation and do all we can to defend His honor in this great sacrament.  It is one of the greatest sins of our times.  In addition, with geopolitical tensions dramatically increasing in recent days, let us flee to the Sacred Heart and beseech the great mercy and graces contained therein.

Here are some other notable feasts this month:

11th-Saint Barnabas 

24th-Nativity of Saint John the Baptist

26th-Saint Josemaria Escriva, 20th Century Saint

29th-Saints Peter & Paul

The traditional calendar for the month of June: 

March is the Month of Saint Joseph

What better time than March, the Month of Saint Joseph, to recite the beautiful “Thirty Days Prayer to Saint Joseph?”  What better time than this March?  What better time than today?  This can be the way you honor the Foster-Father of Our Blessed Lord during his month, a Lenten exercise and an opportunity to lift up our intentions at this critical point in time.  This prayer states, “My sins have drawn down on me the just displeasure of my God, and so I am surrounded with unhappiness.”  This goes for the whole world.  Sin is the reason why it is all happening and it is now pay-up time.  We all knew something had to break eventually because of the trajectory we were on.  Well, look around.  It’s breaking and time is short. 

There is another more lengthy 30-day devotion called “The Holy Cloak of Saint Joseph.”  Here is the PDF printable of the prayer mentioned above…



Saint Joseph’s feast on the 19th is also the date of the Spring Equinox this year.  As preppers, Spring is one of the most exciting times of year!  But often it seems to come too fast, so now is the time to plant your indoor seedlings (if that applies to your climate) and get that garden ready.  If you haven’t gardened before but want to get started, there are so many resources available (try The Old Farmer’s Almanac, which is now offering a free “Beginner’s Guide to Gardening”).  90% of the battle is getting started.  So maybe you could make that a Lenten goal while there are still 4 weeks left of Lent?  Preparing and taking care of your family is certainly a noble endeavor.  It is actually like a Corporal work of Mercy.  And hopefully, at that difficult time in the coming days, you will have so much abundance, that you will be able to help others around you as well.  Saint Isidore the Farmer, whose feast we celebrate on the 22nd, will be proud of you! 

March ends with the solemn Easter Triduum and the 31st is Easter, the Solemnity of Solemnities.  We celebrate the glorious Resurrection of Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, only 9 days before the “X Marks the Spot Solar Eclipse” over North America (which some say is a prophetic sign of God’s wrath upon us).  Wow, precisely enough time to pray a novena (and also perform the First Saturdays Devotion on April 6th)!  If you are on our email list or have been following the blog, you already know about our…

Eclipse Pilgrimage of Mercy

This gets even more interesting.  The week of the eclipse is April 7th-13th, Sunday to Saturday.   April 7th is the feast of the Divine Mercy and April 8th, the day of the eclipse, is the Annunciation.  We have added the Chaplet of Divine Mercy from Easter Sunday to April 8th, to the Pilgrimage format.  During the week of the eclipse, the suggestion is to visit a holy Catholic place, such as a shrine, cathedral, etc, and pray the Rosary for mercy.  If this is too difficult, any church will do.  More details to follow.

Here are some notable feasts of March…. 

1st-First Friday of the Sacred Heart

2nd-First Saturday of the Immaculate Heart

3rd-Saint Katherine Drexel, 20th Century Saint

6th-Saints Felicitas & Perpetua, Martyrs

7th-Saint Thomas Aquinas

12th-Pope Saint Gregory the Great

17th-Passion Sunday / Saint Patrick


22nd-Seven Sorrows of the Blessed Virgin Mary / Saint Isidore the Farmer

24th-Palm Sunday / Saint Gabriel Archangel

28th-Holy Thursday

29th-GOOD FRIDAY (fast & abstinence)



Traditional Calendar for March 

We discuss both trad and new feasts.

Feast of Saint Therese

Today is the feast (in the new calendar) of Saint Therese of Lisieux, the “Little Flower of Jesus,” a Carmelite nun. She died at the young age of 24 and has received the extraordinary honor of “Doctor of the Church” for her writings. She is one of only 4 women to have been given this distinction.

Saint Therese, Pray for Us!

Saint Joseph the Workman / Update

May 1st we celebrate the feast of Saint Joseph the Workman, honoring him as a laborer and humble participant in Jewish society. The prayer below is not specific to this feast, but it is so beautiful. It is from The Raccolta, a short prayer, easily committed to memory…

“O Joseph, virgin father of Jesus, most pure spouse of the Virgin Mary, pray for us daily to the Son of God, that, armed with the weapons of His grace, we may fight as we ought in life, and be crowned by Him in death.”

Unfortunately, I am suffering numerous health issues, including continued eye problems which reduces my ability to work on electronics. I would ask for your patience and prayer for myself and my family. You have my deepest thanks and all my readers are always in my prayers as well. Chiara:)

April is the Month of the Holy Eucharist

April comes in with a bang this year with Holy Week. Let us observe the best Holy Week we can, so as to obtain mercy, not wrath for the world. Let us not forget the precious unborn, as they go to their own crosses, on Good Friday. And let us make ourselves deserving of the Solemnity of Solemnities, Easter Sunday. We then have the wonderful Octave of Easter, traditionally a time of great joy and feasting…for we have seen the suffering, the self-denial and the Holy Cross, leading ultimately to the ineffable Resurrection!

This month, we also celebrate the feast of Divine Mercy (Quasimodo Sunday in the trad), the Major Rogation Day and Good Shepherd Sunday in the new.

As for the month of the Holy Eucharist, what can we do to honor this greatest of heavenly gifts? We must begin to see everything through the lens of the Signs of the Times. One thing one might consider is this: Do I know anyone among friends or family who is receiving Holy Communion unworthily? If so, what can I do to defend our Blessed Lord and help this person to a greater life of holiness? Perhaps some instruction on Easter Duty, proper reception of Communion and examination of conscience, would be a good place to start. Obviously, we always proceed with prayer and discernment. We may do well to consider these words of genius…

“Let us not shun and suppress the earnest words of the calling voices, or those who are our executioners today may be our accusers once again tomorrow, because we silenced the truth.”

Father Alfred Delp, German Martyr under Hitler

Does it hurt us more to be vocal or to be silent?

Please see our LENT button to the right, which includes full meditations on the Sorrowful Mysteries, with a concluding thesis. Great wishes for a most blessed Holy Week and Easter Sunday!

Your friendly trad calendar: Month of April