catholic preppers

February is the Month of the Passion of Our Lord

As the Cycle of Christmas comes to a close this month, we begin to meditate upon the sufferings of Our Blessed Lord.  The second part of the traditional liturgical year begins with Septuagesima on Sunday, the 16th.  The Cycle of Easter extends until the next Church year, the beginning of Advent.  This is when we contemplate the Mystery of the Redemption, through Septuagesima, Lent, Passiontide, Easter Time and Time after Pentecost.  So bringing to mind the Passion, after celebrating the joyful Christmas Season, is most appropriate this month.

Let us seek to observe a holy Septuagesima, when we prepare for Lent.  Why do this?  There is a lot of very good commentary out there on Septuagesima, which goes into it much deeper than we do here.  One thing we can do is educate ourselves more on this forgotten liturgical season.  But to answer the question, it is best to enter Lent spiritually and practically prepared.  This takes some time and prayer.  Certainly, Septuagesima would be a time for the Sacrament of Penance.  Meditating upon the Passion will be most productive if we are putting the spiritual life first.  You will find that a good observance of this pre-Lenten time will be immensely rewarding!

If we merge Septuagesima with our contemplation of the Passion, it really starts out strong with the Introit of the first Sunday Mass…

“The groans of death surrounded me, the sorrows of hell encompassed me.”

We’re not in the Christmas Season anymore.  But we know that baby in His Mother’s arms, honored by the Magi, came to suffer and die for our sins.  And there is no Resurrection without the Cross.  No joy without tears.  It is time now for us to walk the Via Dolorosa with Our Lady and Our Lord, to our Heavenly reward.  The words above are those of one crying out to God, but they could just as easily be the words of Our Lord Himself as He walked that walk.

During the first 2 weeks of Septuagesima, we honor 3 Apostles:  Saint Simeon’s feast (Simon the Zealot) is the 18th, the Chair of Saint Peter is the 22nd and Saint Matthias’ feast is the 24th.  As for Simeon, there is no scripture directly associating him with the Passion, but, he was of course present at the Last Supper.  From the Mass of Saint Simeon, our sins are likened to a “weight,” calling to mind the weight of the Cross, which our Lord carried for these sins:

“Look mercifully, almighty God, upon our weakness, and because the weight of our own deeds presses upon us, may the glorious intercession of Saint Simeon, Thy martyr and bishop, be our protection.”

The feast of the “Chair of Saint Peter” refers to a great relic which symbolizes the papacy.  As such, we are indeed honoring the glorious Saint Peter.  From Matthew 16:18…

“And I say to thee: That thou art Peter; and upon this rock I will build my church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.”

Simon Peter was intimately linked to the events of the Passion.  Luke describes his following in the distance, his denial, the glance with Our Lord, and Peter’s weeping (Luke 22:54-62).  During this time before Lent, let us flee to St. Peter’s intercession for a good examination of conscience and to see the ways in which we ourselves, deny the will of God.  Saint Peter, pray for Holy Church at this time!

From EWTN VATICAN, 11/17/24…

Rare Vatican Relic on Display:

The Story Behind St. Peter’s Chair

(Includes a wonderful video of the Chair at the Vatican.)


This historic wooden throne, known as the Cathedra Sancti Petri, holds immense spiritual and historical significance, symbolizing the authority and mission of the papacy…Scholars have studied the chair extensively over the years, revealing that its oldest components date as far back as the 6th century…Each year, on February 22nd, we celebrate the Feast of the Cathedra Sancti Petri, the “Chair” of Peter…“It can be presumed,” [Prof. Francesco Buranelli] continued, “that it was used as the papal throne until the 1600s”…The Cathedra Sancti Petri, a profound symbol of the unbroken line of succession from St. Peter…was last displayed publicly in 1867 to mark the 1800th anniversary of St. Peter’s martyrdom…In 2012, Pope Benedict XVI described the Chair as “a symbol of the special mission of Peter and his successors to shepherd Christ’s flock, keeping it united in faith and charity.” 

Saint Matthias would never have become associated with the 12 Apostles, if Judas had not betrayed Jesus.  Matthias was faithful to Our Savior, even unto death.  From the old Catholic Encyclopedia:

Matthias was one of the seventy disciples of Jesus, and had been with Him from His baptism by John to the Ascension. It is related (Acts 1:15-26) that in the days following the Ascension, Peter proposed to the assembled brethren, who numbered one hundred and twenty, that they choose one to fill the place of the traitor Judas in the Apostolate. Two disciples, Joseph, called Barsabas, and Matthias were selected, and lots were drawn, with the result in favour of Matthias.

Moving on with Septuagesima through the lens of the Passion, Quinquagesima Sunday, March 2nd, includes the Gospel account of Our Lord foretelling his arrest and death:

Luke 18:31-43

Other notable feasts of February from the trad and new calendars:

2nd-Presentation of the Lord/Purification of the BVM/Candlemas

3rd-Saint Blaise, Blessing of Throats

6th-Saint Titus, Companion of Saint Paul, Bishop

11th-Our Lady of Lourdes

14th-Saint Valentine

23rd-Sexagesima Sunday

Homeschool Activities This Month

1)       List 5 ways we can prepare for Lent.

2)       Write a short essay on the history of the Chair of Saint Peter (handwrite in cursive).

Get on our email list and you’ll receive these monthly posts automatically, along with exclusive content from CF Mathews’ recent research…always free, privacy respected.

Beautiful Land Transformation in Africa

Inside Africa's Food Forest Mega-Project

“Permaculture instructor Andrew Millison journeys with the UN World Food Programme to the country of Niger in the African Sahel to see an innovative land recovery project within the Great Green Wall of Africa that is harvesting rainwater, increasing food security, and rehabilitating the ecosystem.”

Above is a 14-minute video that will make you smile. Look at the sense of joy and community these people now have. This is what we mean by “The Authentic Life.” Notice any smartphones?

There’s so much to learn here!

The World Situation is Volatile Right Now

…For a lot of reasons, and probably will remain so for the foreseeable future. A few more things to keep in mind:

1) Make sure you are able to take people in if necessary. Do you have a location in the event you need to evacuate?

2) Stock up on food and water (hopefully you are already doing this).

3) Take care of your health. Have a back-up supply of needed medication.

4) Have a family meeting of what everyone will do in the event of a crisis. Will you have a meeting place?

5) Print out our “15 Points Preparedness Worksheet” (on the Home page) and fill it out as a family.

6) Pray the Rosary daily, as Our Lady of Fatima requested.

More on How to Handle the Situation of Sky Technology / Phenomena...

Let’s keep it simple…

1) Pray.

2) Stay aware and apprised of the situation.

3) Go about your business.

4) Do not fear. Be present to those around you.

+ + +



Solar Flares, Etc.

SOLAR FLARE WARNING CONTINUES: We saw the red aurora last night on Long Island, quite beautiful. But it also feels like a sign from God. It seems similar to the red aurora seen just prior to WWII, as Our Lady of Fatima predicted. Let us all ask for mercy and peace…and continue to pray for those in need after these 2 recent hurricanes in the US. For live updates of the solar condition: Space Weather Prediction Center Please also see our recommendations we posted during the last solar storm: Coronal Mass Ejections…

END OF SEASON GARDEN SUPPLIES! Think about taking advantage of end-of-season sales at your local garden/outdoor center. I just bought 17 seed packets and a new fire pit, that I saved $200 on! I also bought some popsicle sticks. They are great for marking plants. You can get huge boxes at craft stores.

CHECK OUT DISASTER PREPARER. You can get Electromagnetic Pulse products, books, electronic privacy items, audio books and videos.

FOR ALL YOU WOODWORKERS! Check out Highland Woodworking, Fine Tools & Education. My hubby is an unplugged carpenter hobbyist (thank goodness, if he worked with power tools, I would have a nervous breakdown) and buys from them. Have a look at their website for sales, catalog, newsletter, classes, library, blog, TV show, job opportunities, books and DVDs. Is that enough? If you’re just thinking about taking up wood crafts, this is a great place to get started! (Christmas is coming, encourage someone you know to develop this important sustainable skill with a simple gift such as a book or DVD-Saint Joseph will be very pleased.)

Caution with Generators

A generator is a prepper must-have, but they must be used with caution. Read your owner’s manual and make sure you know how to properly operate it in the event of a power outage. Don’t wait for the outage to occur. If you don’t know how to use your equipment (or where to find it), it’s not going to be very useful if you suddenly need it. Carbon Monoxide is an issue with gas-powered generators. Electrocution in flood water is also an issue…and always be careful venturing into your basement during flooding!

From The Epoch Times:

Hurricane Beryl Death Toll Rises to 7, Generator Misuse Is Blamed for 2 Deaths


Mr. [Emergency Management Chief] Kidd said two of the deaths were caused by carbon monoxide poisoning, and he warned against mishandling gas-powered generators to power their homes. He reminded people that carbon monoxide is a colorless, odorless gas.

“If you have a generator that you’re running, please make sure it is far away from the area [where] you’re living and sleeping,” he said.

“These are preventable deaths.”

Coronal Mass Ejections Hitting Earth Over Weekend

[Edited Since Posting.]

Disclaimer: This is the information we have received. We bear no responsibility for errors. Please make your own decisions with prayer. Please do not rely on this website for alerts, we will give them only when we are able and have received the information in a timely manner.

Apparently, there have been 6 solar ejections as of this time which are inbound towards earth. They can begin hitting at any time and will continue for the next several days.

The main concern appears to be power outages which could do major damage and be long-term. Some communications and GPS are also a concern. Here are the recommendations:

1) Prepare for blackouts to begin at any time.

2) Work on general preparedness such as supplies, including water.

3) Limit travel, unless you feel it is necessary to leave your area.

4) Unplug appliances.

5) Keep in contact with your loved ones.

6) Be careful in areas which could be dangerous during an outage (basements, attics, elevators), keep a flashlight on you.

7) See if anyone in your neighborhood needs help.

8) Pray the Rosary and the Novena to the Holy Ghost. Don’t worry. Trust in God!

Hopefully all will be well. Certain areas may see auroras in the sky, that don’t normally see them. Your area might be one!

PS Here’s a post I wrote 4 years ago on the time I was trapped in my basement during a power outage:

Trapped in a Dark Basement

"Financial Armageddon is Now Baked in the Cake"

"The Real Panic Hasn’t Even Started Yet, Part 1”

Chris Martenson, Peak Prosperity

The video above is a great introduction to understanding the current state of the financial system of the US…and that we are on an unsustainable path (admitted by Jerome Powell), which is nearing the breaking point. This is well worth the 44 minutes of your time today. For the adults remaining in the room, we have a responsibility to ourselves, our loved ones and to Holy Church, to be awake and respond appropriately to as is said below, “the hand we are dealt.”

Here are Martenson’s notes on the video:

“The core insights that define the Peak Prosperity way of seeing the world are set against real-world data in this episode. Energy, debt, wealth, currency, GDP, & the fiscal vandalism of Congress combine to assure that the future will consist of hard choices as we navigate self-inflicted predicaments…Staying on top of and making sense out of the world is a real problem these days.  At times like these, I like to back way up and take a wide-angle, big-picture view of the situation. When I do, things clarify, although I often wish that the picture were more benign or hopeful.  Alas, we play the hand we are dealt. Once enough people see things this same way, and we cross over the common knowledge boundary line, real financial panic will set in. That’s how it will be perceived and reported on, but it will actually be a sudden and quite necessary realignment between what we have been conditioned to think of as wealth and real wealth. The difference is between primary and secondary wealth which are real and tangible, and tertiary wealth which is abstract and nothing more than a claim on real, tangible wealth. Cash only has value if you can buy something with it.

To understand this and then act on it, it’s essential to grasp the connection between oil and the economy, and the degree to which our economy is fictional due to its dependence on the perpetual expansion of debt at a rate that far exceeds the underlying economy’s rate of growth. It’s a complicated set of connections, to be sure, but vital to grasp.  Armed with this information and framing, you will be far in front of the rest of your fellow humans and able to more gracefully navigate the emerging risks and opportunities.”

2 Important Upcoming Conferences: New York & New Hampshire

From Catholic Land Movement:

“The 3rd Annual Catholic Land Movement Mid-Atlantic Conference will once again be held at the beautiful Our Lady of Martyrs Shrine in Auriesville, NY. Once a 17th century Mohawk village, it is now a Roman Catholic shrine dedicated to the first North American martyrs and to St. Kateri Tekakwitha…The conference will begin early on Friday 6/28 [to Sunday 6/30] for anyone interested in hog and sheep butchering [I’m going to pass on this, I saw a rabbit get the treatment at Peak Prosperity’s conference last year, that was enough for me]…We have a packed weekend with events including Mass, confessions, Divine Office, Rosary, workshops and discussions. Camping is available free of charge at the Shrine. Nearby hotel accommodations can be found in Amsterdam, NY. In order to keep costs low, food will not be included with your conference ticket, but will be made available for purchase…If you're interested in volunteering or hosting a workshop or a discussion group, please get in touch.”

The price for the 3 days is $50 per person, free for those 14 and under. Some of the topics to be covered: Various aspects of homesteading, gardening/farming, canning, traditional Catholicism, dairy, carpentry, wild edibles, masonry, water supply. Definitely all the things supported by Nomen Christi Apostolate-reserve soon!

From Chris Martenson’s Peak Prosperity:

“Transitioning from the beloved Honey Badger Gathering to the Peak Prosperity Summit, [Friday 9/13 to Sunday 9/15] we not only change our venue but also deepen our commitment to resilience, sustainability, and community…Nestled in the breathtaking surroundings of Lake Winnipesaukee [New Hampshire]…The Lodge at Camp Robindel…Economic Resilience: Cultivating a robust financial foundation to withstand and adapt to the unpredictabilities of the global economy, ensuring stability and self-sufficiency when traditional systems falter. True Sustainability: Embracing a lifestyle and practices that enable us to not only survive but thrive independently when external supply chains and conventional resources are compromised, ensuring our ability to live off the grid if necessary. Personal and Community Empowerment: Fostering a culture of health, wellness, and mutual support that prepares us to face adversities together, strengthening our individual and collective capacity to navigate through tough times…Foundations of Preparedness…Advanced Resilience Techniques…sessions will cover everything from homesteading to advanced medical training, alongside hands-on demonstrations and keynotes focused on practical, life-enhancing skills.”

Included in the reasonable ticket price: Workshops and Educational Tracks, Accommodations, Food, Interactive Exhibits and Vendors, Recreational Activities, Networking and Socializing, All Necessary Amenities. Reserve soon for early-bird price! Please note, on-site accommodations may not be private, preferences may be indicated when ordering, verify details to make sure you will be comfortable, as this is a camp site with both men and women.

"The Wonders of the Holy Name" Booklet: Act Now!

In this month of the Holy Name of Jesus (in case you haven’t noticed, this ministry is dedicated to the Holy Name), TAN Books has a great sale on the booklet mentioned above. It normally sells for $4.95 each, but if you act by January 31st, you get 5 for $10.00! It is not a prayer book, but it contains many historical anecdotes, such as Pope Gregory X’s devotion, a plague in Lisbon, glorious martyrdoms and the faith of many saints in the Holy Name.

TAN also has a monthly $10.00 “leatherette” book. They have quite a selection now of these beautiful, well-made spiritual classics and Bibles. The prices range widely, so taking advantage of the monthly offering is a good idea. As a Catholic prepper, having good quality classic books is a must. If you still need to develop your spiritual library, TAN provides a great way to move forward. They also have sets of books you might want to look at.

One warning: unless you like lots of spam, don’t sign up for their email list. Just make a point to visit the site once a month and take advantage of the leatherette, for sure.

Praise the Holy Name of Jesus now and forever!

Let us defend it valiantly!