Ash Wednesday begins with the following words (old rite) from the “Blessing of Ashes:”
“Hear us O Lord, for Thy mercy is kind: look upon us, O Lord, according to the multitude of Thy tender mercies. Save me, O God, for the waters have come in even unto my soul.”
This is a very interesting text, “the waters have come in…” Something to meditate upon today. Does this express an interior distress or the corruption of the soul…or both? Certainly this year, our collective distress remains as we look outside our windows. And certainly, in such times, our spiritual condition must be brought forward as never before…and dealt with to the highest degree, lest we perish with the rest, and to obtain mercy for the world. Let us give the Most Holy Trinity our very best this Lent, make ourselves deserving of the great celebration of His Resurrection and leap forward in our quest for the Kingdom of Heaven!
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Beet seeds are starting to do something! :):):) (I soaked them for a whole day and that seems to have helped.)
This was posted one day before Ash Wednesday.