april feastdays

April is the Month of the Most Holy Eucharist

In the traditional Liturgical Year, we begin April in Lent, move through Passiontide and the Easter Triduum, and end in Paschal Time (also known as Eastertide).  This is all a snippet of the “Cycle of Easter:  The Mystery of the Redemption,” which extends until Advent.  We will see our collective meditation upon the Redemption pass from penance and Our Lord’s Passion, to the glory of the Resurrection, foretelling our own Resurrection of soul and body after death.  After the sorrowful Holy Week, we enter into what the New Marian Missal calls “a time of uninterrupted joy and feasts.”  Eastertide includes the Octave of Easter (originally consecrated to the newly baptized), the Ascension of Our Lord and Pentecost.  The Paschal Candle, lit on the evening of Holy Saturday, shines until Ascension Thursday, representing the Resurrected Lord upon earth.

The 25th is the feast of Saint Mark and also what we traditionally call the Major Rogation Day.  Rogation Days are very similar to the seasonal Ember Days, but of different origin.  It is strange to have a day of penance during the Octave of Easter, so keeping the Rogation Day in a spirit of joy would be appropriate (pray the Litany of the Saints, see below).  To tie it in with April’s Eucharistic devotion, we might attend Mass or read Saint Mark’s account of the Last Supper, Mark 14:12-26.  Here is the definition of “Rogation Days” from Father John Hardon’s book, Modern Catholic Dictionary:

“Prescribed days of prayer and penance in spring. Two sets of rogation days were kept since early Christian times: the Major Rogation on April 25, the Feast of St. Mark; and the Minor Rogations on the last three days before Ascension Thursday. They were instituted to appease divine justice, ask for protection, and invoke God's blessing on the harvest. The Litany of the Saints was [prayed] in procession and the Rogation Mass followed. The feast of St. Mark, as the more ancient, was also called the Greater Litanies; it Christianized a pagan spring festival in honor of the god Robigus. The three other rogation days were adapted in Rome under Pope Leo III (reigned 795-816). (Etym. Latin rogatio, inquiry, request.)”

Divine Mercy Sunday is always one week after Easter and Our Lord Himself asked Saint Faustina to institute a novena, beginning on Good Friday.  You can find the Chaplet and Novena prayers on our Home page or you can print this PDF which includes the lesser-known Litany to the Divine Mercy.  Saint Maria Faustina Kowalska of the Blessed Sacrament, devoted herself profoundly to the Holy Eucharist and her Chaplet features these words:

“Eternal Father, I offer Thee the Body and Blood, Soul and Divinity of Thy dearly beloved Son, Our Lord Jesus Christ, in atonement for our sins and those of the whole world.”

During this Information Age, it is ironic that so few know and believe the teachings of Holy Church on the Body of Christ.  Holiness starts at home, so instructing those who need help with this is our primary responsibility.  Making reparation for the outrages against the Eucharist is also a wonderful thing.  There are various litanies and prayers-here is one: 

Litany of Reparation to the Blessed Sacrament

Some places have special Eucharistic devotions during Lent.  For instance, the Diocese of Rockville Centre, NY, is honoring the 40 days of Lent with Adoration at 40 different parishes.  The USCCB’s 3-year National Eucharistic Revival continues until June 22nd.  There may be other activities associated with the Jubilee Year of 2025 (more on this holy year in the coming month on the blog).

Wishing you and your families many blessings as we celebrate Easter, the “Solemnity of Solemnities,” and honor the Most Holy Eucharist, that body both broken and resurrected.

Notable feasts of April:

5th-First Saturday

6th to 19th-Passion Sunday and Passiontide (trad)

13th-Palm Sunday

17th-Holy/Maundy Thursday

18th to 20th-EASTER TRIDUUM (traditionally, no meat is eaten on Holy Saturday)

25th-Saint Mark/Greater or Major Rogation Day

27th-Divine Mercy Sunday/Low Sunday (trad)

28th-Saint Louis de Montfort

29th-Saint Catherine of Siena

30th-Saint Catherine of Siena (trad)


1)       Create artwork or make a craft celebrating the joy of Easter.

2)      Write a short essay on the Paschal Candle, explaining its symbols and symbolism.

3)      Compose your own prayer to thank Jesus for the gift of Holy Communion. 

April is the Month of the Holy Eucharist

April begins with the joyful and festive Octave of Easter. Yes, this is the time we pray the Novena of the Divine Mercy (as Our Lord requested of Saint Faustina) and this year, we prepare for the “X” Eclipse, what seems like a warning that we best pay attention to. And yet, we must always remain joyful. It is an insult to Our Blessed Lord, Whom we receive in Holy Communion, to be anything less than exceedingly happy, even in the midst of sorrows and uncertainty.

Divine Mercy Sunday (also Low or Quasimodo Sunday in the trad) is the 7th. The day after, the feast of the Annunciation, is the Great North American “X” Eclipse. One sword pierced the heart of America 7 years ago and another pierces again. Perhaps these represent the swords which pierce both the hearts of Our Lady and Our Lord, due to our sins. Together they make a cross. As we pray in the Divine Mercy Novena:

“Oh Blood and Water which gushed forth from the Heart of Jesus as a fount of mercy for us, I trust in Thee!”

Let us seek to console Our Two Hearts and to draw down mercy, not wrath.

The 21st is Good Shepherd Sunday in the new. The 25th is April’s Major Rogation Day in the trad, a day for prayer and penance, very similar to the Ember Days, with a different origin. The Litany of the Saints is recited on the Rogation Days.

How may we honor and celebrate the Holy Eucharist this month? The many unworthy Communions of unrepentant Catholics is probably one of the main reasons we’re getting the “X.” Offering reparation and properly instructing your loved ones, even when it’s difficult, are some ways we can console the pierced Eucharistic Heart of Jesus.

Calendar of trad feasts for April: calefactory

April is the Month of the Holy Eucharist

The Church dedicates this month to Our Lord in the Most Blessed Sacrament.  It is a time to renew our appreciation for this great privilege.  It is easy, when we receive Him every week, to begin to take this for granted.  But we must guard against this, lest the precious Body of Christ be taken from us!  How can we deepen our love and devotion to the Holy Eucharist this month?  We may receive Him more frequently, we may perform any of the many Eucharistic devotions, we may visit Him in Adoration, we may begin the Nine First Fridays Devotion (given to Saint Margaret Mary, which requires that Holy Communion is received on nine consecutive first Fridays), we may make reparation to Him for all the outrages against this great Sacrament (see prayer on Home page from the LItany of Reparation to Our Lord in the Blessed Eucharist)...just a few ideas! 

What other unique features does this month of April bring to us?  It is a month of special weeks:  the traditional Passion Week, Holy Week and the joyful Easter Week.  We celebrate 3 Doctors of the Church, 2 20th Century saints (both Italian women!) and the Major Rogation Day, a traditional day of prayer and fasting, very similar to the Ember Days, but with a different origin.

After our 40 days of penance and the contemplation of Our Lords terrible sufferings, may be all celebrate a happy and holy Easter Sunday.  What a great joy!  Isn't it wonderful to be Catholic?  Here's a sampling of this month's feasts:

4/1-First Saturday-Our Lady of Fatima requested that we observe the First Saturdays

4/2-Passion Sunday, commencing Passion Week

4/4-Saint Isidore of Seville, 636-Doctor of the Church

4/7-First Friday/Seven Sorrows of the Blessed Virgin Mary-say the Seven Sorrows Chaplet, it's a wonderful devotion!

4/9-Palm Sunday, commencing Holy Week/Saint Mary of Cleophas, 1st Century

4/10-Saint Ezechiel, 6th Century BC-Old Testament Patriarch

4/11-Saint Leo the Great,461-Doctor of the Church/Saint Gemma Galgani, 1903

4/12-Spy Wednesday

4/13-Holy Thursday


4/14-Good Friday-fast and abstinence

4/15-Holy Saturday/Easter Vigil

4/16-Easter Sunday, The Solemnity of Solemnities, commencing Easter Week-Happy Easter!/Saint Bernadette, 1879

4/21-Saint Anselm, 1109 (Easter Friday is a solemnity, therefore no penance is required)

4/23-Divine Mercy Sunday-Saint Faustina, pray for us!  What a beautiful day of devotions!/Quasimodo Sunday

4/25-Saint Mark, 74/Major Rogation Day-great day to do special prayers and crafts with children relating to the season of Spring

4/26-Our Lady of Good Counsel

4/28-Saint Louis de Montfort, 1716/Saint Gianna Molla, 1962

4/29-Saint Catherine of Siena, 1380-Doctor of the Church

4/30-Saint Catherine of Siena (trad)

this blog provides both new and traditional feasts