ember days of advent

December: Month of the Divine Infancy & the Immaculate Conception


“And the Word was made flesh.”

John 1:14

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Blessings to all in this new Church year! We are now several days into Advent. This is the time when we are in waiting for Our Savior, a time to perform appropriate spiritual exercises. If you have arrived at Advent unprepared, try to get it together this week. Certainly, a good confession before Christmas is probably in order for all of us, as our celebrant told us this past Sunday. December is traditionally dedicated to the Divine Infancy or the Immaculate Conception. Of course, we celebrate both great feasts this month. Perhaps our Advent devotions could include one or both of these themes.

This month honors 5 Doctors of the Church, 2 of whom share the same day. Saint Ambrose is known for his writings on devotion to the Blessed Mother. Reading his work this month would be one way to honor the Immaculate Conception. St. Nicholas, popularly associated with Christmas, has his feast on the 6th. In addition to the feast of the Immaculate Conception, 4 days later, we honor Mary under the wonderful title of “Our Lady of Guadalupe.” As if all of this is not enough, we have the Ember Days as well! Time to ramp-up the penance heat, especially in the wake of a dire year for Holy Church. Towards the end of the month, we honor the Holy Innocents-let us remember pro-life intentions as well.

Wishes to my readers for a most blessed Christmas and let us pray for a triumphant New Year in the Church! Here are some notable feasts this month…

4-First Friday / St. John Damascene, Doctor, “Doctor of Christian Art,” “Doctor of the Assumption” / St. Peter Chrysologus, Doctor, “The Golden-Worded”

5-First Saturday

6-2nd Sunday of Advent / St. Nicholas

7-St. Ambrose, Doctor, “Patron of the Veneration of Mary”

8-IMMACULATE CONCEPTION OF THE BLESSED VIRGIN MARY, Patroness of the USA (holy day of obligation before the NWO takeover)

12-Our Lady of Guadalupe

13-3rd Sunday of Advent, Gaudete Sunday / St. Lucy, Patroness of the blind

14-St. John of the Cross, Doctor, “Doctor of Mystical Theology”

16-Ember Wednesday in Advent (prayer and penance, trad meat at one meal)

18-Ember Friday in Advent (prayer and penance)

19-Ember Saturday in Advent (prayer and penance-trad meat at one meal)

20-4th Sunday of Advent

21-St. Thomas, Apostle / St. Peter Canisius, Doctor, “Doctor of the Catechism”

24-Vigil of the Nativity of Our Lord Jesus Christ

25-NATIVITY OF OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST (holy day of obligation before the NWO takeover, solemnity-no Friday penance) / St. Anastasia

26-St. Stephen, Protomartyr, Archdeacon (one of the original 7 deacons ordained by the Apostles)

27-Sunday in the Octave of the Nativity (trad) / The Holy Family / St. John the Evangelist

28-The Holy Innocents