please pray

Prayer Intention

This is my own prayer intention. My sister, who has cancer, recently was hospitalized with a blood clot and several weeks later, had a heart attack. She had a terrible experience in the hospital with a lot of problems. She is recently home and resting. Please pray for her and our family, particularly my elderly mother, who lost my oldest brother to cancer in March. This is a very trying time for my family. I deeply appreciate anything you can do in this month of the Holy Rosary. Thank you-CF

PS Feel free to contact us with your own intentions as well.

Feast of the Annunciation, Prayer Intentions

On this Feast of the Annunciation of the Lord, let us pray…

For a dear friend who lost her young nephew yesterday. For his soul and their family.

For my 2 siblings who have stage 4 cancer and my elderly mother.

For the Consecration to the Immaculate Heart of Our Lady, taking place today, that it may be effectual unto life everlasting for many.

For the intentions of all our readers.

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O Blessed Lord, announced this day to Thy loveliest of creatures, have mercy on us!

O Blessed Virgin Mary, to whom the Incarnation of Christ was made known by the message of an angel, pray for us!

O Dear Saint Joseph, whom we honor this month of March, pray for us!

O Saint Gabriel the Archangel, messenger of the Incarnation, protect us!

All ye holy Angels and Saints, pray for us at this hour!

Please note, today is a solemnity.