"Avoiding Babylon" Interviews Michael Hichborn & Gives Us a Plug!
Are [Certain] Bishops Tools of the World Economic Forum?
I’ve mentioned our friend Anthony Abbate before. We’ve known him from the Latin Mass on Long Island for years. He started a YouTube channel called “Avoiding Babylon” several years ago and has recently had a meteoric rise in popularity. He’s had incredible guests like Dr. Taylor Marshall and Bishop Athanasius Schneider. Last night, he and his sidekick Rob (who very entertainingly smokes cigars while Anthony talks) interviewed the President of The Lepanto Institute, Michael Hichborn. From their website:
“The Lepanto Institute for the Restoration of All Things in Christ is a research and education organization dedicated to the defense of the Catholic Church against assaults from without as well as from within. Whether in the form of armies, heretics, or traitors, the Church has always faced enemies seeking Her destruction. Today, the Church faces all three.”
Towards the very end of the video, Anthony mentions Nomen Christi Apostolate’s “Eclipse Pilgrimage of Mercy.” I am deeply grateful for his help in promoting this. Wouldn’t it be wonderful to have people in all 50 states, from sea to shining sea, praying the Divine Mercy Novena and visiting Catholic sites to pray the Holy Rosary for mercy? I don’t know if this campaign will be quite that successful, but we are giving it the best effort we can….and we need your help too!
Check out “Avoiding Babylon” for a whole host of fascinating discussions and guests!