March is the Month of Saint Joseph, Part 2

A new feature we recently started is monthly homeschool activities (see topic to the right>>>).  In Part 1, our reader Jenna gave some ideas on how to observe the monthly devotions, so we will use some of those…

Homeschool Activities for March

  1. Can you find a 9-day novena to Saint Joseph?  Do you think you can pray it this month or sometime during Lent?  Try to get all 9 days in a row!  (Mothers, you might want to abbreviate the prayers for young children.)

  2. Write a short prayer to Saint Joseph and memorize it.

  3. Which feast in honor of Mary do we celebrate this month?  Where is this account found in Holy Scripture?

For more information on traditional monthly dedications, see the link below from Catholic Online.  History and indulgences are discussed.  Below is an excerpt of the month of March…

Special Devotions for Months

“St. Joseph (feast, 19 March); indulgences, three hundred days daily for those who privately or publicly perform some pious practice in honour of St. Joseph, during the month, a plenary indulgence on any day of the month under the usual conditions ( Pius IX, "Rescript Congr. Indulg.", 27 April, 1865). This month of devotions may commence in February and be concluded 19 March ( Pius IX, 18 July, 1877). March can be replaced by another month in case of legitimate impediment (Raccolta, 404). The practice of a triduum [A time frequently chosen for prayer or for other devout practices, whether by individuals in private, or in public by congregations or special organizations in parishes, in religious communities, seminaries, or schools. The form of prayer or devotion depends upon the occasion or purpose of the triduum. The three days usually precede some feast, and the feast then determines the choice of the pious exercises.] before the feast of St. Joseph has been recommended by Leo XIII (Encycl. "Quamquam pluries", 15 August, 1889).”

And here is a post from June, 2016…we now have a full 10 years of posts here…

A New Prayer to Saint Joseph!