love the migrants

A Proposed Response to the Migrant Crisis: A New Catholic Ministry!

“It will not matter who wins the election. The flood of illegals have a purpose in the overall plan that has been unfolding. Chaos as far and wide as possible.”

Phillip Davis

It’s Spreading: America’s Top Oil Field Terrorized by Armed Cuban and Venezuelan Gangs

We’ve seen a lot in the news lately about what’s going on in America due to the influx of illegal foreigners, to the tune of millions.  We’ve heard about the terrible situations in Colorado, Ohio and New York, along with the above, in Texas.  The migrant (as opposed to “immigrant”), or “human migration” crisis, is not limited to the United States.  Great Britain has recently declared a national emergency due to civil unrest and other European countries continue to suffer with these issues.  Human migration has dramatically increased in the Western world in the past several years. This is part of a globalist agenda to destroy Christendom and re-settle the earth for the benefit of the elites and their New World Order/Great Reset.

The West is not getting the cream-of-the-crop from other nations.  Not only are they bringing crime, to add insult to injury, many of the crimes are going unpunished.  This is not to say all migrants are bad people. But many of them do not share our “Western Values,” which the World Economic Forum openly predicted would soon be “tested to the breaking point.” The Weffers say what they mean and they mean what they say. They are not simply abstractionist loons cavorting in luxurious ski villages. They are actually implementing their insane agendas before our very eyes. Part of the plan is to provoke civil war. They love anything that is destructive, because it gives them more power and more of an opportunity to crack down with martial law, advancing their plans.

What the Devil wants is to place hate in our hearts.  We must remain vigilant about this.  Hate and violence is never the answer. Love is.

“Put up again thy sword into its place: for all that take the sword shall perish with the sword.”

Matthew 26:52

We have to be strategic and prayerful in our responses to the globalist occultist elites. We can glean what they want by what they are provoking. What do they really NOT want? More Catholics. This is why the traditional Church is being persecuted by various entities (including the FBI-look that up if you don’t know the story). This is why our beliefs are being attacked from every possible avenue, from within and from without. 

While working toward more sane immigration policies, what do we do in the meantime?

How about a new Catholic ministry, with a missionary mindset, to convert the migrants?

If you don’t feel love for the migrant people, pray for this grace and it will be given to you. As CS Lewis said in Mere Christianity, if you only act as if you love someone, actual love will follow. This will require certain skill-sets. This job is not for everyone, just as not everyone is called to work on the pro-life front-lines. Missionary work has never been safe or easy. It is often frowned upon by those in power and has spawned many martyrs. Ministering to migrants will require knowing their language and being “willing to march into Hell for that Heavenly cause.”

Are you being called?  Pray on it!