Yesterday was the trad feast of Saint Rose of Lima, patroness of gardeners. Saint Rose of Lima, pray for us!
This year, we have a simple container garden of a few things. For a number of reasons, our capabilities right now are limited. However, I do recommend that everyone have their own raised bed food garden and that every parish think about creating one. This may become increasingly necessary as society continues to be taken down by those in power, with an agenda that is not in our favor.
These are some pics of the flowers we’ve been growing. Flowers are important for every garden, largely because they attract and support the bee population, so necessary for pollination. Of course, they are also beautiful and uplift the soul. Flowers show us something about the Designer behind them and His love for us. We could meditate on that the rest of our lives. I would call flowers an essential aspect of the Authentic Life. The Church also uses them at holy Mass and in many other celebrations and ceremonies. Our Lady is often associated with and honored with flowers. It is said on the third day after her passing, the tomb was found empty and covered with flowers. Many flowers are edible and have medicinal uses. All of these pictured here are easy to grow.
Sunflowers! Exquisite, fun, bee attracting and you can eat the seeds. What more do you want? There are many varieties of differing sizes. I think of sunflowers as the lion of the plant kingdom. Our Heavenly Father clothes them in majesty. Nature always reflects spiritual realities, since the lower order must follow the higher. We must look for these hidden meanings.
Went crazy enhancing this Snapdragon photo. I don’t know if I love or hate it. You can see the red ones there.
Snapdragons! A beautiful flower and it comes in various colors. It displays the intricate handiwork of the Father. I adore this multi-colored one:
Morning Glories! Little trumpets shouting the everlasting glory of their Creator. Again, comes in a number of amazing colors and is wonderful for anything you want some vining on-mailboxes, fences, trestles. trellises. Here is a spectacular magenta variety. You can see how they curl within themselves to create a striped look.
If you like any of my photos, you are free to use them however you wish. If you share, please refer to this blog. Same goes for all text on this site.