You’ll never get at truth unless you extend a bit beyond it.
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Create the flow and stop the friction.
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Too much of one thing produces the opposite effect.
In Search of
The Authentic Life
“Pater Meus Servat Vineam”
You’ll never get at truth unless you extend a bit beyond it.
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Create the flow and stop the friction.
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Too much of one thing produces the opposite effect.
Just Sayin
I normally don't like explaining myself too much, because I never want to insult the intelligence of my audience and I also like to get people to think for themselves. What does evil do? It enslaves, it destroys the self. Good seeks to empower. It seeks no power for itself, only to assist others. I am very much of the mind...."If you wish to feed a man for a day, give him a fish. If you wish to feed him for a lifetime, teach him how to fish." However, I'd like to just say a few words about the above sentiment. There is another saying, which Pope Francis is also acquainted with, which illustrates well, what I mean. These are his words from a press conference two years ago, “God always forgives, we men forgive sometimes, but nature never forgives. If you give her a slap, she will give you one." This has everything to do with the search for the "authentic life." Okay, I'll leave the rest to you and the Holy Ghost.....
But sometimes, it grows legs and runs.
"Reach for the stars. If you only get to the planets, that's okay. At least you got passed the Moon!"
(me, I think)
"If you can imagine it, if you can dream's probably on the internet."
(definitely me-but most likely someone else has said it)
"Politics is show-biz for ugly people."
(somebody else-probably a genius)
© 2015-2025 Chiara F. Mathews Content may be reproduced or shared on the condition that this source is indicated.