“For anybody who’s been in Washington DC for more than 2 terms, you are the oldest profession.”
Chris Martenson You Tube
Peak Prosperity Website
I couldn’t resist putting this up:)
In Search of
The Authentic Life
“Pater Meus Servat Vineam”
Chris Martenson You Tube
Peak Prosperity Website
I couldn’t resist putting this up:)
I know this month’s output has been light, but I hope some of you have tried my homemaker hacks (men can do them too!). Feel free to share yours as well, and we may post them.
We’ve been working on our house and will be, for the rest of the year. I will have to try to balance it all a bit better. We’ve been hiking as a family and spending some wonderful times together...and I’ve been working on my healthcare. These are always great and necessary things, but with the continued degrading of the state of the world, it seems more urgent than ever…to push forward, take advantage of opportunities while we still can, and stop and smell the roses. Geopolitical tensions are tighter than they have been in decades and there is concern about the upcoming US elections (or possible failure to hold elections at all, as some are predicting).
I would urge all our readers to print the “15 Points Preparedness Worksheet” (see link on Home page) and work on it with your family. Also, please print our “Eclipse Pilgrimage of Mercy” supplemental prayers. Included is Cardinal Burke’s 9-Month Novena to Our Lady of Guadalupe and a prayer for the United States.
I have also been getting ready for my trip to the Catholic Land Movement Conference at Our Lady of Martyrs Shrine in northern New York (about a 4-hour trip for me), this coming weekend! I’m so excited, it is my first time there. This is a traditional Catholic organization and the Tridentine Mass will be offered. These are the kinds of things I do as research and networking, to bring the knowledge I aquire, to all of you. I hope to share some pictures and some of what I will learn, in the coming days. It’s going to be like a retreat/agrarian/prepper learning experience all in one! There will be wonderful Catholic devotions and confession, along with workshops and social time. There is an optional farm visit, where animals will be slaughtered, which I will be attending. Some of the workshops I plan to go to are “Garden Planning at Home,” “Wells and Spring Development,” and a presentation of 2 faith-centered farms. I also hope to attend Chris Martenson’s Peak Prosperity Annual Summit 2024 in New Hampshire in September (the early-bird rate is ending June 30). I attended his conference last year in Massachusetts and it was life-changing.
Due to the fact that I will be away this weekend, our Month of July post may be a day or 2 late. God bless you all and your families! Chiara F Mathews:)
Chris Martenson, Peak Prosperity
The video above is a great introduction to understanding the current state of the financial system of the US…and that we are on an unsustainable path (admitted by Jerome Powell), which is nearing the breaking point. This is well worth the 44 minutes of your time today. For the adults remaining in the room, we have a responsibility to ourselves, our loved ones and to Holy Church, to be awake and respond appropriately to as is said below, “the hand we are dealt.”
Here are Martenson’s notes on the video:
“The core insights that define the Peak Prosperity way of seeing the world are set against real-world data in this episode. Energy, debt, wealth, currency, GDP, & the fiscal vandalism of Congress combine to assure that the future will consist of hard choices as we navigate self-inflicted predicaments…Staying on top of and making sense out of the world is a real problem these days. At times like these, I like to back way up and take a wide-angle, big-picture view of the situation. When I do, things clarify, although I often wish that the picture were more benign or hopeful. Alas, we play the hand we are dealt. Once enough people see things this same way, and we cross over the common knowledge boundary line, real financial panic will set in. That’s how it will be perceived and reported on, but it will actually be a sudden and quite necessary realignment between what we have been conditioned to think of as wealth and real wealth. The difference is between primary and secondary wealth which are real and tangible, and tertiary wealth which is abstract and nothing more than a claim on real, tangible wealth. Cash only has value if you can buy something with it.
To understand this and then act on it, it’s essential to grasp the connection between oil and the economy, and the degree to which our economy is fictional due to its dependence on the perpetual expansion of debt at a rate that far exceeds the underlying economy’s rate of growth. It’s a complicated set of connections, to be sure, but vital to grasp. Armed with this information and framing, you will be far in front of the rest of your fellow humans and able to more gracefully navigate the emerging risks and opportunities.”
Then the Jews, (because it was the parasceve,) that the bodies might not remain on the cross on the sabbath day, (for that was a great sabbath day,) besought Pilate that their legs might be broken, and that they might be taken away. The soldiers therefore came; and they broke the legs of the first, and of the other that was crucified with him. But after they were come to Jesus, when they saw that he was already dead, they did not break his legs.
John 19:31
The 2 thieves died when their legs were broken because the legs support the body, so when the supports fail, death is hastened. When looking outside our windows, does this look familiar? What are the supports of a functional society? Here are a few, varying in importance, some dependent on others…
Relationship with God Freedom Morality Human Identity as Created by God Peace Honesty Honor Prosperity Access to Resources Sanctity of Life Bodily Autonomy Law Safety Reason Respect for God’s Earth Upholding the Vulnerable Cooperation Equality Free Market Limited Government Self-Defense Dignity & Civility Subsidiarity Self-Reliance Restraint of Technology Checks & Balances Support of Family Cultural Identity
For those who do not have their heads in the clouds, it is easy to see how these structural supports have been systematically attacked. Supposedly because of a 99% survival-rate virus, we have seen the erosion of freedom of speech, travel, bodily autonomy (including the very right to breathe, which square foot you are allowed to stand on and hugging a friend in public), worship, business, celebration of life events, parental rights, peaceful protest, financial rights, walking in a park and the list actually goes on. Looking at the above, how many things would you say are left?
The banking crisis the West now faces, is one example of a demolition which is further weakening the complex system we rely on. As Chris Martenson says, economy, energy and environment (“The Three E’s”) are inextricably linked. Throw in geopolitics and a history of making money out of thin air, and you get to where we are now. Martenson also makes the important point that we are seeing the general breakdown of “social contracts.”
Another expert, Robert Kiyosaki, explains the complexity of this situation with his colleague, Andy Schectman, in the video below. They explain the problems of selective bailouts, nations moving away from the dollar and an unprepared population. Pillars that we have long relied upon are now crumbling…
The world is breaking the same way the legs of the 2 thieves were broken. When you destroy the foundational supports, the body falls. But there was One also crucified, in their midst. One Who could not be broken. Set apart. Human, yet Divine. The world must remember its Redeemer. We must return to Him and rely on His strength, because He can never fail. Though He was beaten and tortured, His core stood unbreakable. Though Holy Church suffers scandals and great distress, the gates of Hell cannot prevail against her. Her core is unshakable, her teachings immovable.
No matter what the coming days will hold, we must remain true to faith, hope and love. We stand on Christ. We know that our King will triumph, for He has already conquered from the Cross…and Risen! Alleluia!
[Edited since posting.]
We might ask ourselves: “Should we be looking at the World Economic Forum at all?” We must maintain the perspective that this is only one manifestation of the spiritual warfare now upon the world. God has one unified Church. Satan has many factions all over the world, which he even pits against each other for his own ends…
Luke 11:17
The WEF is simply one part of this System to destroy Christendom and usher in…something else. These minions have operated in the shadows for centuries. But as Satan’s power rises due to rampant sin, a time must occur when the authoritarian structure becomes obvious. This is now beginning and the WEF is part of it.
Being that we are dealing with an evil genius of an angelic nature, we must always ask ourselves, “Am I falling right into a trap? Am I doing exactly what it wants? Who benefits?” What might be the negative results of looking at the WEF? There is often the element of distraction. “Look over here,” while something is going on elsewhere…the classic magic trick. Turning our attention to certain presentations can also distract from the positive things we should be doing, by taking up too much of our time. There can also be a provocation to push-back, or even violence, which gives them the excuse to crack down harder and say, “Look at these right wing white supremacist conspiracy theory terrorists!” Of course push-back is important, but understand it may not go well for you (look at the truckers in Canada). And there is the potential for despair…becoming traumatized, demoralized and paralyzed. Oh, and let’s not forget deception…is what’s being presented even true?
On the other hand, ignorance isn’t always bliss. One could say, “This is just a bunch of sci-fi freaks having fun in Davos with their chocolate-covered strawberries and Rothchild wine.” This might be fine it they weren’t actually beginning to implement these insane agendas. We can’t hide our heads in the sand. This is happening. If we don’t care about ourselves, we at least have a duty to our children, to the future. It must be exposed. Once we know what is happening, we can develop a counter-system to respond effectively. This can only be fight or flight. We must all ascertain at this time which option God is asking of us.
“You have to understand there are people using 5th generation warfare [military-grade psychological/information operations]…they have this crazy view that you have to first destroy the old before you can bring in the new…their model is “Let’s wreck all this [then] we build back better,” but they don’t know what they’re messing with…if you break it, you can’t do any building back…the chance of them not breaking this is closing in on zero…which means you need to know who’s your tribe, who can you trust, where’s your food coming from, how are you gonna heat your home, who do you want to be…
Have a look at Chris Martenson’s website above. He’s been putting out great content, encouraging a positive attitude and resilience. He emphasizes the importance of community…it takes a village!
© 2015-2025 Chiara F. Mathews Content may be reproduced or shared on the condition that this source is indicated.