preparedness with the holy rosary

Lesson 1-Prepper Rosary Program


Expect Wonderful Things ~ The Annunciation

Let’s begin with a basic “prepper” tenet: “Expect the best, prepare for the worst.” When the Angel Gabriel told Mary she would give birth to the Son of God, she did not understand, but she still trusted. She knew she was not socially in a proper situation to be pregnant, but she understood that something glorious was happening and kept her focus on that. Even though the world is now falling apart around us, we must remain as positive as possible, while still focusing on the tasks at hand. The popular notion of the “Doomsday Prepper” leads many to think it is all about doom and gloom…and guns. Unfortunately, for some preppers, this is true. But for the Children of God, gloom is not in our vocabulary, neither is violence. There is a peaceful, gentle, “close to the earth” preparedness, which is what we promote here.

Many of us fall into negative thinking patterns at times, often without being aware of it. If we do not practice “mindfulness,” an awareness of our thoughts and emotions throughout the day, this negativity may become corrosive to ourselves and those around us. It is true, the events in the world right now are causing a tremendous amount of grief and stress. We must allow ourselves to process those emotions, pray, and get through to the other side. We cannot get stuck there or give in to fear. Prepping is not about worry-quite the opposite! Being prepared frees you from worry and gives you the peace of mind that you are doing the best for yourself and your family. That doesn’t mean perfection. It doesn’t mean bad things can’t still happen. That’s where trust in God comes in. We also cannot get completely caught up in the cares of this world, because we know, it really is all about our journey to the Kingdom of Heaven. So it is a balance between the temporal and the spiritual.

We all need a positive vision to give us hope and motivation. Yes, Heaven is the ultimate positive vision, but we still have to get up every day and live in this world. We need to visualize a goal for the future, to give us enthusiasm and purpose. Instead of getting myopically bogged down in the present moment, let us create our own vision of a beautiful future. The next step is to make a concrete plan to incorporate changes into your life that will get you there.

We must stay hopeful and place our complete trust in God. Be grateful for all your blessings and have joy in your heart no matter what. We are one with Christ and it is an insult to Him to ever be anything but joyful. Just as Mary could not have imagined the incredible glory of the plan she was a part of, we too, are being called to build a wonderful new world!

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Pray 1 decade of the Rosary, meditating on the Mystery of The Annunciation, for the intention of enlightenment on the issues discussed today…

Our Father + 10 Hail Marys + Glory Be

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“15 Points Preparedness Worksheet”

We do not ask for donations at this time, but we do ask for prayers ~ thank you for participating ~ spread the word!

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Prepper Rosary Program-Introduction

Preparedness Journey with the Mysteries of the Rosary

Please join us for our “Prepper Rosary Program,” starting this month of the Holy Rosary. It is very simple and you can do it at your own leisure, any time. You can jump in whenever and wherever.

We will be using our “15 Points” list already posted, tied to the Mysteries. After reading each post, you will pray one decade of the Rosary. Then you will fill out our PDF worksheet with your own thoughts. So it is simple: 1) Read post. 2) Pray one decade. 3) Fill out worksheet. The worksheet is also kept very simple and may be used as a family activity. The questions are simply suggestions to get you thinking in the right direction. The prayer is also an important part of this process. It is there, that God will speak to your heart and prepare you to embark on a new lifestyle in a changed world. That is what this time is asking of us…for ourselves and our loved ones.

If you participate, we would love to hear from you (see “Contact” button above). Please share your comments and we may decide to post them. Please also share this with others-we are only as strong as our weakest link!

Important Note: Please use prayer and discretion when applying these ideas to your own life. Some may not apply to you. Some may not be good for you. This is really just an intro to preparedness concepts, so you can take these ideas and construct your own program that works for you and your family. 


The story of how this started: I realized several weeks ago that it was time to do a major re-think of my life, in light of the current world situation. I had to come up with a plan addressing all the important issues and “up” the preparedness ante. As I was writing this list, I realized that my own issues are not unique to me and that this had to become a larger project. I originally had 12 points and kept adding more until I got to 15, and finally felt satisfied. It struck me that traditionally, we had 15 Mysteries of the Rosary. Being deeply influenced by the great Fr. George Rutler when I was young, particularly his “Seven Last Words” meditations (here’s one), which he would tie into various “things of seven,” the idea came to me. I had to find a way to link the Mysteries to my list. It was kinda crazy and when I ran it by my hubby, he was amused. Undaunted, I began jotting down notes and most of it came effortlessly. I took this as a sign that it was meant to be. So here it is…

PS These are not pre-written. I am writing literally as I go. Each lesson is a new adventure!