tan books

"The Wonders of the Holy Name" Booklet: Act Now!

In this month of the Holy Name of Jesus (in case you haven’t noticed, this ministry is dedicated to the Holy Name), TAN Books has a great sale on the booklet mentioned above. It normally sells for $4.95 each, but if you act by January 31st, you get 5 for $10.00! It is not a prayer book, but it contains many historical anecdotes, such as Pope Gregory X’s devotion, a plague in Lisbon, glorious martyrdoms and the faith of many saints in the Holy Name.

TAN also has a monthly $10.00 “leatherette” book. They have quite a selection now of these beautiful, well-made spiritual classics and Bibles. The prices range widely, so taking advantage of the monthly offering is a good idea. As a Catholic prepper, having good quality classic books is a must. If you still need to develop your spiritual library, TAN provides a great way to move forward. They also have sets of books you might want to look at.

One warning: unless you like lots of spam, don’t sign up for their email list. Just make a point to visit the site once a month and take advantage of the leatherette, for sure.

Praise the Holy Name of Jesus now and forever!

Let us defend it valiantly!

Another Great Website for Gifts.....


I AlWAYS buy my Catholic wall calendar from TAN Books. I just purchased the "Extraordinary Jubilee Year of Mercy Wall Calendar 2016." What I love about TAN's calendars is that they contain daily feasts in both the old and new calendars and also traditional observations such as the Ember Days. Other calendars they are offering for 2016 are: The Angels, The Life of Our Lord, Mary & the Saints and a Daily Planner. The artwork is superb and uplifting-a benefit to any Catholic home and an educational aid as well.

TAN Books is a wonderful resource for Catholic books, courses and homeschooling supplies. They always offer great sales as well. Religious items as Christmas gifts helps to turn the tide away from the materialistic attitude toward Christmas. This culture needs to be reminded that the Feast of the Nativity of Our Lord is a holy day, not a holiday. Let us, in our devout celebration of this great feast, secure some measure of Divine Mercy for our ailing world.

PS Today is the Vigil of the Feast of the Immaculate Conception. Traditionally, no meat was eaten today. Immaculate Conception, Pray for Us!