Current Events

Never mind Covid, the sex scenes must go on!

Why is Hollywood exempt from the mask? I understand they must undergo some kind of protocol, which probably involves frequent testing, but it is not unreasonable to ask this question. I have gone out a few times without it or simply have not covered my nose (because I would like to breathe normally, which I wildly assume is a basic human right-who knew wanting to breathe would one day be radically counter-cultural?) and have been physically intimidated, sneered at, verbally harassed, yelled at, chased, dramatically pulled away from, looked at with fear, thrown out of stores, turned in to “authorities” and singled out for “special” treatment. I have even had these problems in church. One usher tried to prevent me from receiving Holy Communion. Another tried to physically block me from returning to my pew after continued harassment and trying to throw me out. (I have only had these problems in certain “types” of churches, if you catch my drift.)

Meanwhile, in Hollywood….

Though I am detaching more and more from the world, I occasionally have to encounter it in my research. I also still try to find something decent to watch on TV occasionally (it’s easier to get peanut butter to slide off a piece of bread…sorry, that’s the only thing I could come up with…maybe I should have said, in keeping with the peanut butter theme…it’s easier to get my husband to stop eating peanut butter, even in Lent…OK!…my brain is a bit fried after this past year, whatduhyuhwant?). I recently watched a trailer for a new movie, which showed a scene of a couple kissing intimately. I also attempted to watch a new TV show and the first thought which came to my mind was, “Why is no one wearing a mask? Why is no one distancing? HOW IS THIS POSSIBLE?” I was so angry, I had to shut it off. We are now in an age when what is on TV is more normal than what is outside. We are getting further sucked into the virtual world and away from the real one. Could this be by design?

There are many inconsistencies going on with the Covid measures. One store I was thrown out of, for not having the mask over my nose, was right down the road from a KFC, where everyone was chowin down with no masks. Just one of countless examples. No matter what you think of all these restrictions, you must admit there is something very wrong with this picture. If we don’t ask these questions now, what kind of a future are we looking at? What kind of a world will our children be living in?

2021 March For Life Wrap-Up

*** Text “March” to 73075 ***

You can “march” all year long by texting the word “march” to the number above. You will be given very easy (basically one click) ways to contact your legislators about pro-life issues. The messages are pre-written-there is no way for it to be easier! You will also become educated on every piece of pro-life legislation on the federal level, which this new administration will try to influence. If you prefer, there is also an email option. Do it today before they start changing our laws!

Watch 2021 March For Life

The virtual March for Life this year was exceptionally done. This was an unprecedented project, since the first March of 20,000 people in 1974, only one year after the “Roe vs Wade” decision. The president, Jeanne Mancini, and her team pulled it together and did a remarkable job. The footage is about 2 1/2 hours. The first half is a series of short, pre-recorded talks from pro-life leaders around the country. The second half contains live interviews and coverage of the March. This is a great “documentary” for young people, which can be used for catechism classes or youth groups. It is not boring at all, the time goes by effortlessly and is quite inspiring. One of the highlights was the talk given by Tim Tebow, keynote speaker of this year’s Rose Dinner Gala, athlete, humanitarian and himself a “miracle baby.”

March For Life Website

Click on the link above for news, March merchandise, “Take Action” button, donations and more.

Every faithful Catholic must fight this fight for life and against evil is his own way. Why is the world undergoing such a chastisement? Why is God allowing it? None of this will end until humanity repents and turns back to God and His Law of Love.

2021 March For Life...This Friday!

Washington DC *** January 29th

For most of us it will be virtual ~ Let’s get numbers like never before!

Watch the Rally & March ~ You must RSVP! From the website:

“The March for Life Rally and march to the Supreme Court will be broadcast online for you to join virtually. We invite you to join us online for the broadcast by RSVPing at On January 29th, you will receive a link in your email inbox containing the link to watch the March for Life Rally and march.”

Virtual Rose Dinner Gala Register

“Advocate for Life at Capitol Hill 101” ~ Online One-Hour Lobbying Training Session ~ Thurs, 1/28 Register



(some are scheduled for the Spring)

48th Anniversary of Roe vs Wade

This is an actual picture of a miscarried baby.  You can see the head is only as big as the mother’s thumb.

This is an actual picture of a miscarried baby. You can see the head is only as big as the mother’s thumb.

Let us remember all pro-life intentions in our prayers (how about the Rosary?) and offerings today. None of this present suffering will change if the whole world does not repent. Spread the message of repentance!

Please consider emailing your political representatives or Governor, expressing your concern for all human life (you may want to add any comments about church lockdowns). For those in New York, here is Governor Cuomo’s Email (please ignore the mind-control at the top of the page).

+++ Lord, have mercy +++

Marian Events This Weekend

Sunday, in the US, is the “Rosary Coast to Coast 2020” event, in which the Rosary will be recited in public places. Actually, this is part of a larger worldwide day of Rosary rallies. Please check your local area for events. If you cannot attend one, it would be great to join in at home with a family rosary. How wonderful it will be for Our Lady to look upon the world this Sunday and see such love for her!

We celebrate the anniversary of the Miracle of the Sun on the 13th-don’t forget our Holy Hour right here! I will be attending a Fatima procession today…stay tuned for pics!

Tropical Storm Isaias on Long Island

I will be posting, when I can, on our 4-day blackout this past week-a real-life preparedness exercise! We have had these kinds of blackouts before, but not in a long time. As a prepper, it is important when these situations occur, to examine carefully, what went wrong and what went right. Many issues present themselves in a blackout, even some you may never have considered. I have to say, we did great this time, but some issues were brought to light that need attention. THERE WILL ALWAYS BE A NEXT TIME.

A Tale of Two Realities

New York City. Lots of traffic. Even now. One would think there might be at least one decent rest-stop on your way around the city, or at least, by the time you get to New Jersey, somewhere on Route 80. Nope. Tons of land where it would be very easy to place a rest-stop. With all the minutiae the states concern themselves with, has no one thought of building at least one rest-stop around the city? I gave birth some twenty-something years ago to an almost 10-pound baby. Quite frankly, my body has never been the same. Do you see where this is going? (Don’t drink Snapple when you’re pregnant and don’t eat the 12 slices of whole wheat bread per day that they tell you to.)

Earlier this week, my husband and I were on our way to visit that same baby, traveling from Long Island to New Jersey. We finally got to The Home Depot shopping center off Route 80. I have gone to the Dunkin there, but I assumed the restroom would not be open, since the Dunkins around us have kept them closed. The only other place was The Home Depot. I came upon my first encounter with the “long line to get in” situation that I have seen pictures of….a grotesque zombie apocalypse of masks, blocked-off entrances and security guards. I thought, “I’m a middle-aged lady who’s been sitting in traffic forever-surely they would have no problem with me using their facilities.” So I walked up to the guard and explained my situation. He said, “Let me ask.” He came back. “No.” I was stunned and expressed my displeasure. I checked over at Dunkin and their restroom was open. My son is going to be getting doughnuts every time we visit. He would rather have doughnuts than duct tape or siliconized acrylic sealant.

Do I really have to state the obvious? We are losing our humanity. This should concern all of us. Reminds me of Our Lord’s words:

"For if in the green wood they do these things, what shall be done in the dry?"

Luke 23:31

Almost as soon as we got through the door with the box of doughnuts, my son said, “Want to go hiking now?” He has been making good use of his time off by hiking and gardening, much to prepper-Mommy’s pleasure. He found a large wooded area nearby while geocaching, and has been exploring all the trails. He was very excited about showing us a breathtaking ravine he found. I have not hiked in years and was already a bit tired from a poor night’s sleep, but I did not want to disappoint him. It was a long-shot, but I was going to give it my best effort.

As we approached the trail, I felt like Prepper Wonder Woman, with my hiking boots, olive-green pants with tons of pockets, wad of tissues, bug spray and mini first-aid kit. It was pure adrenaline from that point on. The world disappeared behind us as the sounds of birds and running water surrounded us. I felt free, able to breath without a mask, able to walk the path of a true human being, without feeling like a criminal. It was not a quick or easy hike. First, down a rocky hill, then we had a choice between crossing a muddy creek or walking on top of a huge mysterious pipeline. I chose the muddy creek that looked like quicksand. It proved to be a cinch. I felt over-confidence and arrogance wafting through me (not very subtle foreshadowing) as I watched my poor husband and child perilously walking atop the big pipe. Then it was quite a ways down another trail to the ravine. Suddenly, a magnificent vista of hills, trees, rocks, water and frogs appeared. It was a truly magical moment with my husband and son.

I eagerly ran down to the water and splashed my hands around in it. I felt pricks go through my thin pants and suddenly my arms and legs were all itchy. So much for Prepper Wonder Woman. My first thought was, “I’m in the middle of nowhere-what if I have a severe reaction?” I calmed down and hoped for the best. I told my son to take a picture of the plant so we could identify it when we got back (actually, we should have done it right there, with the phone). It was time to go back anyway, so we headed back and within a few minutes, the itching subsided. (I still haven’t gotten around to identifying the plant-but I should-this is how you learn as a prepper!} I barely made it back-the downwards hill at the start was now an upwards hill. At the least, the experience gave me a sense of empowerment and accomplishment. At best, a pivotal moment in my life at a pivotal moment for humanity. The choice between two realities.

I see the rest of my life as a journey back to those woods.

2020 Rome Life Forum: "Coronavirus in Light of Fatima"

The Rome Life Forum Online Conference is this Wednesday, May 20th through Friday, May 22nd. The theme is “Coronavirus in the Light of Fatima: A Tragedy and a Source of Hope.” The hours are roughly 12:00-2:00. The event is free. Please see link above for registration. Guest speakers include Cardinal Burke, Bishop Athanasius Schneider, John-Henry Westen and John Smeaton, among others. Some topics are: “Fatima: Heaven’s Answer to a World in Crisis,” “Divine Judgement in Human History,” and “The Eucharist, the Greatest Treasure of the Church, in Times of Tribulation.”

This conference is hosted by LifeSiteNews and Voice of the Family. From LifeSiteNews: “Speakers will focus on whether the COVID-19….could be part of the chastisement, preceding the Triumph of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, that Our Blessed Mother spoke about in Fatima in 1917.” Please see link above for full article. Let us pray for the Holy Ghost to be present at this event and enlighten the minds of many!

Please note, Nomen Christi Apostolate does not necessarily endorse all ideas which may be expressed in this conference.

Minor Rogation Days 18th to 20th-Never a Better Time!

From the traditional Mass of the first two Rogation Days:

Arise, O Lord, help us and deliver us for Thy Name’s sake. Alleluia.

He heard my voice from His holy temple, alleluia: and my cry before Him came into His ears, alleluia, alleluia.

I will love Thee, O Lord, my strength: the Lord is my firmament, my refuge and my deliverer.

Grant, we beseech Thee, O almighty God, that we, who in our affliction put our trust in Thy mercy, may ever be defended by Thy protection against all adversity.

Thou hast saved us, O Lord, from them that afflict us: and hast put them to shame that hate us. In God shall we glory all the day long: and in Thy name we will give praise for ever.

Alleluia, alleluia. Forgive us our sins, O Lord: lest the Gentiles should ever say: Where is their God? Alleluia.

I will be glad and rejoice in Thy mercy: for Thou hast regarded my humility: Thou hast saved my soul out of distresses. Alleluia.

Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and you shall find; knock; and it shall be opened to you. For every one that asketh, receiveth; and he that seeketh, findeth; and to him that knocketh, it shall be opened, alleluia.

Notes from The Daily Missal and Liturgical Manual, Baronius Press (this is a beautiful gold-trimmed missal to give as a gift):

“Earthquakes and other calamities afflicted the diocese of Vienne in Dauphiny (France) in the fifth century, and St. Mamertus, who was bishop of that diocese, instituted a penitential procession with public supplications on the Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday before Ascension Day. In 816, Pope Leo III introduced it into Rome, and soon after it became a general observance throughout the Church.

The Litany of the Saints, the psalms and prayers sung during the Procession on these days are supplications: hence the name of Rogation Days (rogare, to ask) applied to them. The object of these rogation supplications is to appease the anger of God and avert the scourges of His justice, and to pray for the harvest.

A similar function is observed on April 25th , on the feast of St. Mark, but this is of Roman origin.”

Please read carefully the excerpts above from the Mass and see how appropriate these prayers are for our current situation! I believe it is a time in the Church to bridge the old and the new and for the laity in combination with the clergy, to creatively design our own customs. This will help our children love the Faith and want to hold on to it, it the midst of a culture saturated with all kinds of seductive bells and whistles to distract them from the spiritual path. What are some ideas? Read the Mass from the missal as a family, abstain from meat, pray the Litany of the Saints, crafts with children relating to the season, etc.

What are we to learn from the Rogation Day Masses? Never to despair. God is with us. We are people of Faith and can get through even the worst this life can ever throw at us! If Holy Church is persecuted, He will, in the end, deliver us!

There is a separate Mass for the last Rogation Day this week, which is the Vigil of the Ascension….

Declare it with the voice of joy, and make this to be heard, alleluia: speak it out even to the ends of the earth: The Lord hath delivered His people, alleluia, alleluia. Shout with joy to God, all the earth, sing ye a psalm to His Name: give glory to His praise.

May Fatima Family Holy Hour For The Church


Thank you for joining our May Fatima Family Holy Hour for the Church! May 13th is the Feast of Our Lady of Fatima. Following is the Holy Hour Format to print and perform at home.  If you cannot do this on May 13th, please choose another day during this month. God bless you and may Our Lady shower graces upon you and your family during this difficult hour in the Church.


+ + +

Candle-Lighting for Reparation to the Immaculate Heart of Mary

(please light a candle next to a picture or statue of Our Lady)

+   Sign of the Cross   +

O Jesus, we thank Thee for this beautiful Feast of Our Lady of Fatima, which celebrates her appearance to the three holy children in Fatima, Portugal and all the miracles and wonders which took place there.  We thank Thee for our togetherness today all over the world honoring this joyful feast, though it is at a sorrowful time for Thy Holy Church and the whole world.  We light this candle for the intention of reparation to Thy Mother's Immaculate Heart, which so grieves over the sins of the world at this present hour.  We especially wish to console her for the terrible injustice to unborn children, for she is Mother to all.  May these little lights of ours ascend to her Queenly throne in Heaven and show her that indeed, there is still love for her on earth.  Love for Thy Mother always directs us to Thee, O Jesus, our Savior, Whom she holds up to the world in her loving arms.  Forgive us our sins and let us enter into this Holy Hour in a spirit of contrition and spiritual communion with Thee.  We beg Thee for a return of the Holy Mass, all the sacraments and the normal functioning of the Catholic Church. Forgive us for the disrespect given to the Holy Eucharist. We offer as well, all the intentions of those participating.  Amen. 

All Ye Holy Angels & Saints, Pray for Us!

Saint Joseph, Pray for Us!

+   + +

Hymn:  "Immaculate Mary"

(Brian Foley, Jeremiah Cummings)

Immaculate Mary, your praises we sing
You reign now in Heaven with Jesus our King

Ave, Ave, Ave, Maria!  Ave, Ave, Maria!

In Heaven the blessed your glory proclaim
On earth we your children invoke your sweet name

Ave, Ave, Ave, Maria!  Ave, Ave, Maria!

We pray for the Church our true mother on earth
And bless Holy Mary, the land of our birth

Ave, Ave, Ave, Maria!  Ave, Ave, Maria!

+   +   +

Fatima Reading & Prayer

The First Apparition ~ May 13th, 1917

...the three children took their flocks out to pasture in the small area known as the Cova da Iria. After lunch and the Rosary, they suddenly saw a bright flash of something like lightning, followed quickly by another flash in the clear blue sky. They looked up to see, in Lucia’s words, “A lady, clothed in white, brighter than the sun, radiating a light more clear and intense than a crystal cup filled with sparkling water lit by burning sunlight.” The children stood there amazed, bathed in the light that surrounded the apparition, as the Lady smiled and said: “Do not be afraid, I will not harm you.” Lucia, as the oldest, asked her where she came from.

The Lady pointed to the sky and said: “I come from Heaven.” Lucia then asked her what she wanted. “I have come to ask you to come here for six months on the 13th day of the month at this same hour. Later I shall say who I am and what I desire." Lucia then asked if they would go to Heaven and was told yes, she and Jacinta would go to Heaven, but Francisco would need to say many Rosaries first. The Lady then said: “Are you willing to offer yourselves to God and bear all the sufferings He wills to send you as an act of reparation for the conversion of sinners?” Lucia, as spokesman for all three, readily agreed. “Then you are going to have much to suffer, but the grace of God will be your comfort.”

Lucia recounted that at the same moment as she said these words, the Lady opened her hands and streamed a “light” upon the children which allowed them to see themselves in God. The Lady finished with a request: “Say the Rosary every day to bring peace to the world and the end of the war.” [She was referring to World War I.] With that, she began to rise into the air, moving towards the east until she disappeared.

The children...tried to think of ways they could make sacrifices as the Lady had asked, resolving to go without lunch and to pray the full Rosary. Francisco and Jacinta received more support from their parents than Lucia...the attitudes of the local inhabitants ranged from skepticism to utter contempt, and the children thereby suffered many insults. They would have much to suffer, just as the Lady had told them.

Text courtesy World Apostolate of Fatima, USA, slightly edited.

The first apparition of Our Lady to the children was not their first encounter with Heaven.  An angel appeared to them previously, three times, and gave them two prayers, as follows:

"My God, I believe, I adore, I hope and I love Thee!  I beg pardon of Thee for those who do not believe, do not adore, do not hope and do not love Thee!"

"Most Holy Trinity, Father, Son and Holy Ghost, I adore Thee profoundly.  I offer Thee the most precious Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity of Jesus Christ, present in all the tabernacles of the world, in reparation for the outrages, sacrileges and indifference with which He is offended.  By the infinite merits of the Sacred Heart and the Immaculate Heart of Mary, I beg of Thee the conversion of poor sinners."

+   +   +

Glorious Mysteries of the Most Holy Rosary

+   +   +

Litany of Our Lady of Fatima

Our Lady of Fatima, pray for our dear country.
Our Lady of Fatima, sanctify our clergy.
Our Lady of Fatima, make our Catholics more fervent.
Our Lady of Fatima, guide and inspire those who govern us.
Our Lady of Fatima, cure the sick who confide in you.
Our Lady of Fatima, console the sorrowful who trust in you.
Our Lady of Fatima, help those who invoke your aid.
Our Lady of Fatima, deliver us from all dangers.
Our Lady of Fatima, help us to resist temptation.
Our Lady of Fatima, obtain for us all that we lovingly ask of you.
Our Lady of Fatima, help those who are dear to us.
Our Lady of Fatima, bring back to the right road our erring brothers.
Our Lady of Fatima, give us back our ancient fervor.
Our Lady of Fatima, obtain for us pardon of our manifold sins and offenses.
Our Lady of Fatima, bring all men to the feet of your Divine Child.
Our Lady of Fatima, obtain peace for the world.

O Mary conceived without sin, pray for us who have recourse to thee.
Immaculate Heart of Mary, pray for us now and at the hour of our death. Amen.

Let Us Pray: O God of infinite goodness and mercy, fill our hearts with a great confidence in Thy dear Mother, whom we invoke under the title of Our Lady of the Rosary and our Lady of Fatima, and grant us by her powerful intercession, all the graces, spiritual and temporal, which we need.  Through Christ our Lord.  Amen.

+   +   +

Final Prayer

O Most Holy Trinity, look upon the work of Thy Hands with mercy and give us the peace we so desperately need.  Shower Thy graces upon us like the rain, like a great flood engulfing us and end these many sorrows.  We live in unprecedented times, uncertain times.  Deliver us from all evil, visible and invisible and from all fear.  Help us to prepare for the days to come and to extricate ourselves from this inauthentic culture.  We pray for the triumphalism of Holy Mother Church and the salvation of all souls.  Give us peace in our hearts and courage to face the future and win our Heavenly reward.  Our Lady of Fatima, we love you!  Pray for us!  In the Holy Name of Christ, Nomen Christi.  Amen.

+   Sign of the Cross   +

+ + +

Closing Hymn:  "Hail Holy Queen Enthroned Above"

(Contractus Hermannus)

Hail, holy Queen enthroned above, O Maria.
Hail, Queen of mercy and of love, O Maria.
Triumph, all ye Cherubim,
Sing with us, ye Seraphim,
Heav'n and earth resound the hymn,
Salve, Salve, Salve, Regina.

The cause of joy to all below, O Maria.
The spring through which all graces flow, O Maria.
Angels, all your praises bring,
Earth and heaven, with us sing,
All creation echoing,
Salve, Salve, Salve, Regina.

O gentle, loving, holy one, O Maria.
The God of light became your Son, O Maria.
Triumph, all ye Cherubim,
Sing with us, ye Seraphim.
Heav'n and earth resound the hymn,
Salve, Salve, Salve, Regina.

Thank you for joining us!  See you June 13th for the June Fatima Family Holy Hour!

For email reminders, please contact us at:

Image courtesy