
Grow Your Own Sprouts & More / Old Farmer's Almanac Gardening Webinar & Planner

From Seed to Soup!


The Kitchen Crop 4-Tray Sprouter is a convenient way to eat fresh, free sprouts any time. I recently found the product online and am now enjoying my homegrown sprouts! According to “Healthline:”

“Sprouts are very nutritious. They may also offer a variety of health benefits, including easier digestion, improved blood sugar levels and a lower risk of heart disease. However, keep in mind that they are also associated with a risk of food poisoning. That said, for the majority of healthy people, the benefits of eating raw or lightly cooked sprouts likely outweigh the risks.”

I am not an expert, but if you handle the sprouts properly and keep the trays clean (they are fine in the dishwasher-wash them once per week, even if that requires temporarily removing the sprouts), I don’t think bacteria or mold should be an issue. Read instructions and keep out of direct sunlight.

This product is also great fun for kids and a sustainability learning experience…


I used only two trays to grow alfalfa (the kit came with those seeds) and beet sprouts. In one week, the beet seeds did not do much, but the alfalfa seeds grew to perfection…


When the sprouts are mature, rinse them in water and the hulls mostly sink to the bottom. Unused sprouts may be refrigerated.


Sprouts are great for salads, sandwiches, soups and as an elegant garnish. I added mine to a simple chicken soup. The aroma and flavor was wonderful and gave it an exotic flair-it’s an easy way to impress your friends!

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VKP Brands

This sprouter is made by “VKP Brands,” which produces many food and preparedness/sustainability products. Here is a video on this product. They also sell a “Deluxe Sprouter,” which doesn’t seem much different. You can also turn wide-mouth mason jars into sprouters with the Sprouting Jar Lid. Common sprouting seeds such as sunflower, radish, beans, broccoli and alfalfa are also available.

“VKP Brands” can help you do almost anything to food that you want…

canning, dehydrating, milling or juicing!

They also have various kitchen supplies, travel slow cookers and water distillers.

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Check out the Old Farmer’s Almanac Gardening 101 webinar next week*…I also recommend their Garden Planner, which is a year-long subscription that allows you to design your own garden and receive all kinds of incredible help and resources…well worth the money if you really will use it-both of these things will well-prepare you to grow an amazing garden this year…Spring is around the corner…get started now!

* Why bother paying $39.99 for this when I could just watch a few YouTube videos? Yes, you could watch videos and there’s a lot of great content out there, but you always have to evaluate the source. The Almanac is a trusted source and you’ll get a good overview here of the basic concepts of gardening. They also give an opportunity to ask questions.

Lesson 4, Part 2B-Prepper Rosary Program

Matthew 6:31 & The Sermon on the Mount

We will deal further with the 3 ideas presented in the last Lesson…

1) Always use common sense combined with prayer.

We need to be careful when interpreting Holy Scripture. The Protestants somehow can read "For my flesh is meat indeed: and my blood is drink indeed,” (John 6:56) and still think Holy Communion is merely a symbol. The Jews can somehow read the entire Old Testament and fail to notice how Christ fulfilled every prophecy about the Messiah. We too, can interpret wrongly, if not properly prepared. We need to proceed with prayer and a proper knowledge of the Faith. Being in a state of grace, as should always be our primary concern, will help us as well. If you have not been confirmed for some reason, this is important, to receive all the wisdom of the Holy Ghost. If we are confused, consulting with a good priest or good resource would be in order. It is also important to be well-versed in Scripture as a whole, so all things can be seen in proper context and relation…also, each verse must be carefully taken in its own context.

“Common Sense” is hard to explain these days, in an age where it has completely lost meaning. Several decades ago, there was still a vestige of it, but today it seems utterly lost. However, among the holy, it seems to still exist. Common sense springs forth from the Essence of God Himself. It appeals to an inner-knowing that the world and all its wiles cannot override. It possesses simplicity, reason and balance. It is not a thing that can be taught or over-thought. It is simply there within each of us. Particularly, at this confusing time, we have no other recourse than to appeal to common sense and inner-knowing.

Matthew 6:31 is an important verse from The Sermon on the Mount which contains great wisdom. We must take care to interpret it with the balance of common sense. We are told not to worry about our physical needs. The operative word here is “worry” (“solicitous”). That does not mean do not care for our own physical needs and for those in our care. It is in fact our duty to do so, which brings us to the next point…

2) Do what you can within reason. Beyond this, trust in God.

“Within reason.” This will mean different things to different people, depending on their circumstances. What does “within reason” mean to you? We are familiar with blizzards, blackouts, floods, hurricanes and fires. Now, with the advancement of the New World Order takeover (I am not mentioning covid, because that is the distraction-every twobit magician knows this trick), we are becoming familiar with supply shortages, lockdowns, quarantines and riots. If things continue to escalate, it is not unreasonable to assume access may continue to decrease and self-sufficiency will become more important. Preppers and “truthers” have been predicting these times for years. Only you can answer this question for yourself: What does “within reason” mean to you?” What is your own situation? What are your own responsibilities?

Another point that needs to be said, is that we have been living in unprecedented times for the past century. Normal self-sufficient practices are largely gone from western culture. So something like Matthew 6:31 needs to be taken in that light. In addition, some people have a special calling to a preparedness ministry. These people should not be criticized or judged. In that hour, after the tsunami has hit, those judgers will be thankful they have a safe place to go with their children.

So…do what you can and always trust in God and His Providence. That doesn’t mean bad things can’t still happen to you. “For after all these things do the heathens seek.” We have a fear-obsessed culture which focuses only on this life and physical well-being. When people say to me these days, “Be safe,” I now say to them, “Life is not about being safe.” We must accept that our efforts may at times fail and retain "the peace of God, which surpasseth all understanding." (Philippians 4:7)

3) Avoid extremes.

On one end of the scale is living only in the moment, careless of what tomorrow may bring. The other end is a “Doomsday Prepper” compound, complete with mini-army, booby-traps and underground bunker with a deluxe stereo system. There has got to be a happy medium of sanity, holiness, responsibility and trust in God. This is what we are trying to accomplish here at Nomen Christi Apostolate-to find this balance and encourage resilient communities of love and peace which strive to bring back “The Authentic Life,” life as our Creator intended it. This life is inherently safer and self-reliant.

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“Sufficient for the day is the evil thereof.” This is one of the most consoling messages of Our Lord and one we should recite frequently to ourselves. In practicality, this means to focus on the work of the day with peace and simplicity. There are times to address the overarching reality, the Big Plan, but for the most part, our lives involve the “mundane” activities. The key that many never understand, is that some of our greatest intuitions and moments of growth come at these times-because the essence of life is within these little things. There is a blessed peace contained in these moments if they are approached with complete acceptance. God will take care of the Big Plan. We especially must trust in this, at a time when unthinkable things are happening in the Church, such as the suspension of Mass obligation. He’s got this. We are His children, purchased by His Son’s very Blood. "I will not leave you orphans." (John 14:18)

“Seek ye therefore first the kingdom of God, and his justice, and all these things shall be added unto you.” This is another quote which should be committed to memory and often meditated upon. How can we expect God’s protection in this chaotic life without first being right with Him? Our Lord is illustrating the primary importance of spiritual well-being, for nothing else matters if you have lost your soul. This does not mean that if you are holy, no hardship will come to you, but it suggests that you will have some measure of protection or at least consolation in your sufferings. Take care of your soul and the rest will fall into place.

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The Sermon on the Mount is the most famous sermon in all history and the longest recorded in the Gospels, spanning Chapters 5 through 7 of Matthew. Our Lord begins by teaching the 8 Beatitudes* and then tells us “You are the light of the world.” We must be detached from the world in order to properly transform it. He then teaches His revolutionary transformations of the Old Law. Now that God’s Son has come into the world, perfection can be attained…”Be you therefore perfect, as also your heavenly Father is perfect.” “The Lord’s Prayer” is taught and then He goes on to the text we have been discussing. Actually, the full verse comprises Matthew 6:19-34, and contains some of the most poetic language of the Gospels:

“Consider the lilies of the field, how they grow: they labour not, neither do they spin. But I say to you, that not even Solomon in all his glory was arrayed as one of these. And if the grass of the field, which is today, and tomorrow is cast into the oven, God doth so clothe: how much more you, O ye of little faith?”

The Sermon concludes with a series of additional admonitions. We can now see the teaching we are focusing on in its context within The Sermon on the Mount. Our Lord is giving us a number of lessons on how to live life, both with respect to God and to man. He is showing us that an evolution is now occurring. God’s revelation of Himself to man has entered its next chapter and greater perfection will be expected. This is understandable, given the great gift of His Son, His Holy Church and the Holy Eucharist. Matthew 6:31 simply expounds upon the Sermon’s themes of detachment and trust in God. The Sermon on the Mount is deeply consoling, especially during times such as our own. These teachings transformed the world once before and can do so once again!

* From Learn Religions:

The word beatitude comes from the Latin beatitudo, meaning "blessedness." The phrase "blessed are" in each beatitude implies a current state of happiness or well-being. This expression held a powerful meaning of "divine joy and perfect happiness" to the people of Christ's day. In other words, Jesus was saying "divinely happy and fortunate are those who possess these inward qualities." While speaking of a current "blessedness," each pronouncement also promised a future reward.

Lesson 4, Part 2A-Prepper Rosary Program

“Lesson 4” of our Prepper Rosary Program deals with the topic, “Improve Your Spiritual Life ~ The Presentation of Our Lord.” We presented the verse from Holy Scripture below, focusing on the admonition to “Seek ye therefore first the kingdom of God.” We dealt briefly with the rest of the quote. Being that this particular verse is sometimes used against the idea of “preparedness,” it is important to focus more deeply on it (which we will do now and also in our next lesson, Part 2B)...

“Be not solicitous therefore, saying, What shall we eat: or what shall we drink, or wherewith shall we be clothed? For after all these things do the heathens seek. For your Father knoweth that you have need of all these things.

Seek ye therefore first the kingdom of God, and his justice, and all these things shall be added unto you.

Be not therefore solicitous for tomorrow; for the morrow will be solicitous for itself. Sufficient for the day is the evil thereof.”

Matthew 6:31

Looking at the above, from the standpoint of a “Catholic Prepper,” there are 3 basic points that need to be made. I will simply ask you to meditate on these until our next lesson, which will expound upon each point-you may wish to make your own notes.

1) Always use common sense combined with prayer.

2) Do what you can within reason. Beyond this, trust in God.

3) Avoid extremes.

In addition, below is a link to our Scriptural quotes dealing with preparedness. Please review this-it exists nowhere else on the internet. I compiled it myself, through painstaking research-there is also a PDF, which is less comprehensive, since it needed to fit on one page…

and don’t forget Noah, “The Original Prepper!”



Lesson 4-Prepper Rosary Program


“And there came one of the scribes that had heard them reasoning together, and seeing that he had answered them well, asked him which was the first commandment of all. And Jesus answered him: The first commandment of all is, Hear, O Israel: the Lord thy God is one God. And thou shalt love the Lord thy God, with thy whole heart, and with thy whole soul, and with thy whole mind, and with thy whole strength. This is the first commandment.”

Mark 12:28

“Be not solicitous therefore, saying, What shall we eat: or what shall we drink, or wherewith shall we be clothed? For after all these things do the heathens seek. For your Father knoweth that you have need of all these things. Seek ye therefore first the kingdom of God, and his justice, and all these things shall be added unto you. Be not therefore solicitous for tomorrow; for the morrow will be solicitous for itself. Sufficient for the day is the evil thereof.”

Matthew 6:31

Improve Your Spiritual Life ~ The Presentation of Our Lord

It was the Mosaic Law that every firstborn son must be specially consecrated to God. Mary and Joseph brought Our Lord to the Temple to accomplish this, in what we call “The Presentation.” This was a most extraordinary Presentation, since it was the very Son of God, being presented to the Father. This took place in the very city in which He would secure our Redemption on the Cross and was a foreshadowing of this ultimate Presentation. Just as Our Lady and Saint Joseph gave their greatest Gift to the Father, we must also give our very best to Him.

Our Lord states above, “thou shalt love the Lord thy God, with thy whole heart, and with thy whole soul, and with thy whole mind, and with thy whole strength.” This is a profound statement-we are told to completely relinquish ourselves to Him. The key is to recognize when these moments occur and push through them, with the help of His grace. When we do this, we change in a substantial way. We grow. We ascend one step higher to the Kingdom of Heaven. We also become that much further from the world. What prepares us for these moments is a proper moral formation, a good examination of conscience and a good confession. Only then, can we have the ability to know when the spiritual challenge is taking place, pray for guidance and strength, and win our triumph over temptation. We must love Christ above all other loves.

Our Lord also intructs us to, “Seek ye therefore first the kingdom of God.” We see the just consequence of sin coming upon the world. We can mitigate this and secure mercy for the world, only by making ourselves worthy. We will be given what we need on earth, only after seeking Heaven. The lower order always follows the higher. As Catholic preppers, we are not obsessed with the needs of this life, we simply accept that the natural business of life is survival, which our present culture has forgotten. We try within reason, and place our trust in God for what we cannot control. And of course we recognize that spiritual preparedness is always our priority.

Mary and Joseph went to the House of God with their precious Son and showed fidelity to His law. This is an example for the Catholic life: to attend Holy Mass and observe Catholic moral law, presenting to the Holy Trinity, our best selves, out of love. There are many other great riches of the Catholic Faith which we can draw upon to improve our spiritual lives. Pray and gravitate towards what resonates with you. To strive for spiritual perfection is the most exciting life and is the true purpose of life. To become a saint is not unreachable, it is what we were created for!

Please read EWTN’s The Presentation of Our Lord. This is beautifully written and very insightful.

“Lesson 4-Part 2” will deal further with Matthew 6:31…

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Pray 1 decade of the Rosary, meditating on the Mystery of The Presentation, for the intention of enlightenment on the issues discussed today…

Our Father + 10 Hail Marys + Glory Be

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Please fill out #4

“15 Points Preparedness Worksheet”

Thank you for participating ~ spread the word!

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I will tell you why the posting has been delayed. It’s all because an Irish-born young man showed up on our doorstep when he noticed our property looked horrible…

He was doing masonry on another home in the neighborhood and was looking for new clients. My initial reaction was, “I have to blow him off. I’m not ready to do this and he has NO IDEA what he’s getting into. This is a job for industrial professionals.” (We are on a hill and the job is very complicated and very large.) When I noticed he was Irish, I said I’m half Irish and he said he thought I was probably Irish or Italian due to the statue of Our Lady up on the hill. I told him I’m actually both (my Sicilian father would spin in his grave if he ever heard me say I’m Italian). The young man with an Apostolic name, using the term “Our Lady” impressed me and I was hooked…I think you know where this is going!

So I am now engulfed in the management of a complicated, expensive project, that will take several weeks. To say my life is in an upheaval would be…literally accurate. Instead of concrete steps outside my kitchen door, there is now a precarious drop. The steps heading to the driveway are now completely filled with debris. Our cars are parked down the road and the neighbors are getting antsy. Anyway, the dog has been very good but a tad nervous about the jackhammering. A number of difficulties have presented themselves already, so it is constant damage-control. But it’s all gonna be okay because we started the project with a prayer to Saint Joseph-the whole team prayed with me.

I do think these 2 Irish brothers (yes, his brother ran up the steps shortly after him) were sent by God to give us the kick-in-the-pants we needed to get this difficult job done. So I deeply appreciate your patience in the weeks ahead and I will try to keep up with the blog and our “Autumn Prepper Rosary Program” as best as I can. I will try to post within the next few days.

PS Turns out my great-grandmother from Tipperary had the same name as these guys. They said they have family in Tipperary and some relatives had moved to New York in the past. Hmmmmmm. God truly works in amazing ways!

PPS By doing this project, we are knocking off THREE of our “15 Preparedness Points!” (See “Autumn Prepper Program Intro” side button for the full list.) Here they are:

#5 Know opportunity when you see it-even though we were not expecting to do this project this year, we were open to the possibility when it literally came upon our doorstep!

#11 Work on home improvement-self-explanatory.

#15 Address security and self-defense issues-we are addressing security issues by building higher, more secure walls and fencing.

Lesson 3-Prepper Rosary Program


Acquire a Sustainable Skill ~ The Nativity

Another basic prepper tenet, is to be able to function without power. If your entire livelihood depends on power, you will want to think about learning a new skill. Woodworking, sewing, food gardening, weaving, pottery, herbal medicine and fishing, are often thought of as old-fashioned and fewer people are knowledgeable in them. There are also skills many people do still have, which can be considered sustainable, such as landscaping, animal care, massage therapy, alternative medicine, counseling, construction, cooking, child care, teaching, martial arts, hair styling and music. Just as the world entered a new era with the Birth of Christ, humanity at this time, must look toward a new era of life closer to the earth.

Aside from giving us a new potential livelihood, these kinds of skills give us a greater connectedness to our ancestors and to each other. Many of them also make us physically stronger, which is another basic prepper tenet. Acquiring such new abilities draws us closer to nature and what may be called the “authentic life,” living the way God intended. How do you go about it, though? There are so many ways to learn these days. If you can think of it, there is probably a video on it. Check out your community festivals and fairs too, for workshops and networking. Getting the whole family involved can make it even more fun and motivating.

We are living in a profoundly nature-detached society.  This was not the case before the 20th century.  In the past, people lived more self-sufficiently and therefore, were more prepared in general.  This is why the whole concept of preparedness has emerged in recent decades. The New Tech World Order has not only made us less self-reliant, it has polluted the earth and our bodies with unhealthy food, drugs and vaccines. It has absorbed us all into electronics and caused a dangerous dependence on fragile technology and power grids. What most people don’t realize is that this whole mistake was always destined to fall and we are now seeing the beginning of that. As Our Blessed Lord came into the world through the blood of the Holy Innocents, this change will not come easily either. But we are God’s children and we will get through it.

A great birthing is now under way. What an incredibly exciting time to be alive. There is no time for despondency or clinging to the old world. Let us begin to work toward a new world, closer to our Creator, closer to nature and closer to each other. A world of love. A world of joy. We will need to focus on this continually in the coming days. We will decisively need to choose a side. Humanity is now in its Advent, its time of waiting and preparing. We know this new world is coming…as Our Lady of Fatima declared, “In the end, my Immaculate Heart will triumph!”

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Pray 1 decade of the Rosary, meditating on the Mystery of The Nativity, for the intention of enlightenment on the issues discussed today…

Our Father + 10 Hail Marys + Glory Be

+ + +

Please fill out #3

“15 Points Preparedness Worksheet”

Thank you for participating ~ spread the word!

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Lesson 2-Prepper Rosary Program


“And behold thy cousin Elizabeth, she also hath conceived a son in her old age; and this is the sixth month with her that is called barren…And Mary rising up…went into the hill country with haste into a city of Juda. And she entered into the house of Zachary, and saluted Elizabeth…And Mary abode with her about three months…Now Elizabeth's full time of being delivered was come, and she brought forth a son.”

Luke 1:36

Extend Yourself to Others ~ The Visitation

The above scripture shows us the loving Immaculate Heart of Our Lady. Immediately following the Annunciation, she flees to the side of her cousin Elizabeth. We can infer the reason she does this, is because she knows Elizabeth is older and needs help in her final days of pregnancy. We are told Mary stays with her for 3 months, right up until she gives birth. What profound humility, for one carrying the Son of God in her own womb, to place herself at the service of another woman with child. Taking Mary’s example, who are you being called to help?

Holy Church gives us the Corporal Works of Mercy, based on the teachings of Christ. This is a good place to start, if seeking to know where you are being called. Gravitate to what resonates with you. Some of us will not have to seek at all, it will be obvious that there is someone close who needs us. But sometimes, these are the ones we are most blind to. How does this relate to preparedness? When we strengthen others, we strengthen ourselves and we are only as strong as the weakest link. Humanity is a fabric of connectedness (which is presently being torn apart) and as they say, “What goes around, comes around.”

It is also important to cultivate relationships with your neighbors. You lend them your leaf-blower this fall, they lend you their snow-blower this winter. That’s not to say we should give with the thought of getting back, but from a prepper point of view, it is pragmatic (and what helps you, helps those in your care). This is the way a healthy community functions. In a crisis, it is much better to work together than to have an “every man for himself” attitude. Resilient, sustainable communities of love are the way of the future.

When we think of others, it always come back to us with great blessings. It makes us happier, healthier and holier. It is also a fundamental part of the Christian life. “With haste,” Mary met the need of Saint Elizabeth. How much more should we sinners, seek to meet the needs of those around us?

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Pray 1 decade of the Rosary, meditating on the Mystery of The Visitation, for the intention of enlightenment on the issues discussed today…

Our Father + 10 Hail Marys + Glory Be

+ + +

Please fill out #2

“15 Points Preparedness Worksheet”

Thank you for participating ~ spread the word!

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Lesson 1-Prepper Rosary Program


Expect Wonderful Things ~ The Annunciation

Let’s begin with a basic “prepper” tenet: “Expect the best, prepare for the worst.” When the Angel Gabriel told Mary she would give birth to the Son of God, she did not understand, but she still trusted. She knew she was not socially in a proper situation to be pregnant, but she understood that something glorious was happening and kept her focus on that. Even though the world is now falling apart around us, we must remain as positive as possible, while still focusing on the tasks at hand. The popular notion of the “Doomsday Prepper” leads many to think it is all about doom and gloom…and guns. Unfortunately, for some preppers, this is true. But for the Children of God, gloom is not in our vocabulary, neither is violence. There is a peaceful, gentle, “close to the earth” preparedness, which is what we promote here.

Many of us fall into negative thinking patterns at times, often without being aware of it. If we do not practice “mindfulness,” an awareness of our thoughts and emotions throughout the day, this negativity may become corrosive to ourselves and those around us. It is true, the events in the world right now are causing a tremendous amount of grief and stress. We must allow ourselves to process those emotions, pray, and get through to the other side. We cannot get stuck there or give in to fear. Prepping is not about worry-quite the opposite! Being prepared frees you from worry and gives you the peace of mind that you are doing the best for yourself and your family. That doesn’t mean perfection. It doesn’t mean bad things can’t still happen. That’s where trust in God comes in. We also cannot get completely caught up in the cares of this world, because we know, it really is all about our journey to the Kingdom of Heaven. So it is a balance between the temporal and the spiritual.

We all need a positive vision to give us hope and motivation. Yes, Heaven is the ultimate positive vision, but we still have to get up every day and live in this world. We need to visualize a goal for the future, to give us enthusiasm and purpose. Instead of getting myopically bogged down in the present moment, let us create our own vision of a beautiful future. The next step is to make a concrete plan to incorporate changes into your life that will get you there.

We must stay hopeful and place our complete trust in God. Be grateful for all your blessings and have joy in your heart no matter what. We are one with Christ and it is an insult to Him to ever be anything but joyful. Just as Mary could not have imagined the incredible glory of the plan she was a part of, we too, are being called to build a wonderful new world!

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Pray 1 decade of the Rosary, meditating on the Mystery of The Annunciation, for the intention of enlightenment on the issues discussed today…

Our Father + 10 Hail Marys + Glory Be

+ + +

Please fill out #1

“15 Points Preparedness Worksheet”

We do not ask for donations at this time, but we do ask for prayers ~ thank you for participating ~ spread the word!

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Prepper Rosary Program-Introduction

Preparedness Journey with the Mysteries of the Rosary

Please join us for our “Prepper Rosary Program,” starting this month of the Holy Rosary. It is very simple and you can do it at your own leisure, any time. You can jump in whenever and wherever.

We will be using our “15 Points” list already posted, tied to the Mysteries. After reading each post, you will pray one decade of the Rosary. Then you will fill out our PDF worksheet with your own thoughts. So it is simple: 1) Read post. 2) Pray one decade. 3) Fill out worksheet. The worksheet is also kept very simple and may be used as a family activity. The questions are simply suggestions to get you thinking in the right direction. The prayer is also an important part of this process. It is there, that God will speak to your heart and prepare you to embark on a new lifestyle in a changed world. That is what this time is asking of us…for ourselves and our loved ones.

If you participate, we would love to hear from you (see “Contact” button above). Please share your comments and we may decide to post them. Please also share this with others-we are only as strong as our weakest link!

Important Note: Please use prayer and discretion when applying these ideas to your own life. Some may not apply to you. Some may not be good for you. This is really just an intro to preparedness concepts, so you can take these ideas and construct your own program that works for you and your family. 


The story of how this started: I realized several weeks ago that it was time to do a major re-think of my life, in light of the current world situation. I had to come up with a plan addressing all the important issues and “up” the preparedness ante. As I was writing this list, I realized that my own issues are not unique to me and that this had to become a larger project. I originally had 12 points and kept adding more until I got to 15, and finally felt satisfied. It struck me that traditionally, we had 15 Mysteries of the Rosary. Being deeply influenced by the great Fr. George Rutler when I was young, particularly his “Seven Last Words” meditations (here’s one), which he would tie into various “things of seven,” the idea came to me. I had to find a way to link the Mysteries to my list. It was kinda crazy and when I ran it by my hubby, he was amused. Undaunted, I began jotting down notes and most of it came effortlessly. I took this as a sign that it was meant to be. So here it is…

PS These are not pre-written. I am writing literally as I go. Each lesson is a new adventure!

What to do RIGHT NOW-Part 3

And here’s what we should be doing RIGHT NOW…

This list is not in order of importance, but it IS in a particular order, which we will get to later on (hint: the Mysteries of the Rosary), along with commentary on each point. It is based on many years of research, experience and reflection. For now, please review the list, pray on it and begin implementing these points into your life. A PDF will be coming for you to print out and work on with your family…

1) Expect wonderful things.

2) Extend yourself to others.

3) Acquire a sustainable skill.

4) Improve your spiritual life.

5) Know opportunity when you see it.

6) Incorporate general preparedness into your life.

7) Stock up on supplies (within reason, understand the world transition has already begun and major stockpiling is no longer an option, it is now unethical).

8) Become a minimalist in all things.

9) Investigate alternate living arrangements, locations and resources.

10) Love, Love, Love!

11) Work on home improvement.

12) Investigate alternative media.

13) Consider the needs of your extended family.

14) Address all medical care and general health issues.

15) Address security and self-defense issues.