Catholic Months

March: Month of Saint Joseph


Within this “Year of Saint Joseph,” we now celebrate the “Month of Saint Joseph,” which also includes his feast on the 19th. We remain in Lent throughout the month. Perhaps some of our Lenten exercises can include devotions to the Foster-Father of Our Lord. We will be posting some prayers to Saint Joseph on his feastday.

March also includes 2 Marian feasts, the Annunciation and the lesser feast of the Seven Sorrows (one week before Good Friday). Interestingly, Saint Gabriel is celebrated the day before the feast of the Annunciation. We also honor 4 Doctors of the Church, including Pope St. Gregory the Great, who is considered by some “The Greatest of the Great” (in other words, the greatest Pope who ever lived, having a reign of only 14 years). This got me very curious about him, so look for a post on his feast, which will try to understand his charism. Saint Isidore the Farmer’s feast is on the 22nd, which brings to mind the mission of Nomen Christi Apostolate: the pursuit of a life closer to nature and more self-reliant. In the USA, I don’t think we are in danger of forgetting the feast of St. Patrick, much beloved by the many Irish whose ancestors settled here (myself included).

The month ends in Holy Week, our final Lenten penitential efforts, to prepare for the glorious feast of the Resurrection, the greatest of all solemnities. May we continue through the month of March to give the Most Holy Trinity our very best, to secure mercy for ourselves, our loved ones, Holy Church and the whole world at this hour. Here are some notable feasts coming up….

3/3-St. Katharine Drexel, 20th Century Saint

3/5-First Friday

3/6-First Saturday / Sts. Felicity & Perpetua, invoked in Canon of Mass (trad)

3/7-Sts. Felicity & Perpetua (new) / Saint Thomas Aquinas, Doctor, “The Angelic Doctor,” “The Common Doctor”

3/12-Pope St. Gregory the Great, Doctor, “The Greatest of the Great”

3/17-St. Patrick, Patron of Ireland

3/18-St. Cyril of Jerusalem, Doctor, “Doctor of Catechesis”

3/19-St. Joseph (solemnity, no Friday penance)

3/21-Passion Sunday (trad) / St. Benedict

3/22-St. Isidore the Farmer

3/24-St. Gabriel the Archangel, Angel of the Annunciation



3/27-St. John Damascene, Doctor, “Doctor of Christian Art,” “Doctor of the Assumption”


3/31-Spy Wednesday

Image courtesy

February: Month of the Passion of Our Lord


We are keeping track of where we are in the Liturgical Year. As of the last day of January, we have moved from “Season After Epiphany” to “Season After Septuagesima,” or simply “Septuagesima.” This is the brief time before Lent, when the vestments turn purple and we begin to contemplate the Mystery of the Redemption: The Cycle of Easter has begun! During Septuagesima, we prepare for Lent so we are not caught on Ash Wednesday with no plan. This year, roughly one year into a changed world, it is more important than ever, to be prepared for Lent and to give God our very best. We must do all we can to secure mercy for the world and Holy Church at this hour. In many places last Easter, the churches were closed (including New York, where I live) and people could not receive Our Blessed Lord on this greatest of all solemnities. Let us celebrate a worthy Lent this year, that we may joyfully attend Holy Mass on Easter this year!

It is also important though, to remain positive and not to stress ourselves too much. We are all traumatized from the past year and concerned about the state of the world. We must practice good self-care and stress reduction. So there needs to be a balance between our penitential practices and remembering the joy of life. The most important thing is love. Love for God, for self and for neighbor. When in doubt, just love!

Traditionally in Lent, meat is eaten at only one meal and of course, no meat on Fridays. Being that February is devoted to the Passion of Our Lord, we may wish to think about how we may integrate this into our Lenten activities. We also have the Ember Days this month-further opportunity for prayer and penance.

On the 2nd of the month, we celebrate the Presentation of Our Lord, a topic we dealt with in Lesson 4 of our Prepper Rosary Program. On Shrove Tuesday, we adore the Holy Face of Jesus, a wonderful contemplation as Lent is about to begin. This month also honors 2 Doctors of the Church, Our Lady of Lourdes and Saint Bernadette, St. Apollonia and Francisco & Jacinto Marto, 2 of the Fatima children who died young. Following is a sampling of the feasts of February. Septuagesima* and Lenten blessings to all!

2/2-PRESENTATION OF OUR LORD, traditionally also known as the PURIFICATION OF THE BLESSED VIRGIN MARY and Candlemas

2/3-St. Blaise, Blessing of Throats

2/5-First Friday / St. Agatha, Martyr honored in Canon of Mass

2/6-First Saturday / St. Titus, Companion of St. Paul

2/7-Sexagesima Sunday

2/8-St. Josephine Bakhita, 20th Century Saint

2/9-St. Cyril of Alexandria, Doctor, “Doctor of the Incarnation,” “Seal of the Fathers” / St. Apollonia, Martyr, Patroness of Dentistry


2/14-Quinquagesima Sunday / St. Valentine, Martyr, Patron of lovers, epileptics and beekeepers / Sts. Cyril & Methodius

2/16-HOLY FACE OF JESUS, Shrove Tuesday

2/17-ASH WEDNESDAY, fast & abstinence

2/18-St. Bernadette, Seer of Lourdes

2/20-Francisco & Jacinta Marto, Seers of Fatima, 20th Century Saints

2/21-St. Peter Damian, Doctor, “Monitor of the Popes” (new)

2/22-Chair of St. Peter

2/23-St. Polycarp, Martyr / St. Peter Damian (trad)

2/24-Ember Wednesday in Lent / St. Matthias, Apostle who replaced Judas, Martyr

2/26-Ember Friday in Lent

2/27-Ember Saturday in Lent

* I’ve typed this word so many times over the years, I just don’t care anymore! Of course, the spell check does not know of such things. Please don’t contact me to tell me I spelled it wrong:)

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January: Month of the Holy Name of Jesus

Nomen Christi means “Name of Christ.”  This apostolate has a special devotion to the Holy Name.  May we honor and defend His Name always!  Let us perform some special devotion this month to the Holy Name of Jesus.

Nomen Christi means “Name of Christ.” This apostolate has a special devotion to the Holy Name. May we honor and defend His Name always! Let us perform some special devotion this month to the Holy Name of Jesus.

January is a most interesting month in the Church. A new secular year begins, which occurs not long after the new liturgical year. The new year begins with a glorious Marian feast in the new calendar. What better way to start 2021, than by commending it to Our Lady, as the whole world has begun its descent into a great abyss. We celebrate 4 feasts of Our Lord: His Circumcision, Epiphany, Holy Name and Baptism. We have a total of 6 Doctors of the Church we honor, including “The Angelic Doctor,” St. Thomas Aquinas. There are several interesting unique feasts and finally, our preparation for Lent, beginning the last day of the month!

St. Genevieve’s feast is January 3rd. I can’t think of her without thinking of the song The Simple Joys of Maidenhood, from the musical “Camelot,” which I heard countless times growing up. Its a wonderful song by Lerner and Loewe, which Julie Andrews sang to perfection (I’ve given you a theatrical version above, but please also listen to Julie’s version)…Guinevere laments to her patron saint that she is soon to wed a king she does not love. St. Genevieve is the patron saint of Paris and died in 512. In the year 1129, an illness called the “burning fever” killed many in Paris. After invoking St. Genevieve, many healings took place and the illness vanished. She is a great saint to appeal to during this present time, whatever you believe the nature of “covid” to be.

The new liturgical year has been declared the “Year of Saint Joseph.” Let us increase our love and devotion to the Foster-Father of Christ during this new year. And let us above all, contemplate the need for mercy at this time and do all we can in the coming year to secure it. Here are some notable feasts this month in the old and new calendars:

1-BLESSED VIRGIN MARY, HOLY MOTHER OF GOD (new, solemnity-no penance, Holy Day of Obligation prior to NWO takeover) / CIRCUMCISION OF OUR LORD (trad) / Octave Day of the Nativity / First Friday

2-St. Basil the Great, Doctor, “Father of Eastern Monasticism” / St. Gregory Nazianzen, Doctor, “The Theologian,” “The Christian Demosthenes” / First Saturday


4-St. Elizabeth Ann Seton

5-St. John Neumann

6-EPIPHANY OF THE LORD (trad) / Sts. Caspar, Balthasar & Melchior (The Three Wisemen)


13-BAPTISM OF OUR LORD (trad) / St. Hilary of Poitiers, Doctor, “The Athanasius of the West” (new)

14-St. Hilary of Poitiers (trad)

19-St. Canute

21-St. Agnes, Martyr

22-Day of Prayer for the Unborn (48th Anniversary of Roe vs. Wade +++Lord, have mercy+++)

24-Sunday of the Word of God / St. Timothy, Martyr, Companion of St. Paul (trad) / St. Francis de Sales, Doctor, “The Gentleman Doctor,” “Patron of the Catholic Press,” “Everyman’s Spiritual Director” (new)

25-Conversion of St. Paul

26-Sts. Timothy & Titus, Companions of St. Paul (new) / St. Polycarp, Martyr

27-St. John Chrysostom, Doctor, “The Golden-Mouthed,” “Doctor of the Eucharist”

28-St. Thomas Aquinas, Doctor, “The Angelic Doctor,” “The Common Doctor”

29-St. Francis de Sales (trad)

31-Septuagesima Sunday / St. John Bosco

Image courtesy

December: Month of the Divine Infancy & the Immaculate Conception


“And the Word was made flesh.”

John 1:14

+ + +

Blessings to all in this new Church year! We are now several days into Advent. This is the time when we are in waiting for Our Savior, a time to perform appropriate spiritual exercises. If you have arrived at Advent unprepared, try to get it together this week. Certainly, a good confession before Christmas is probably in order for all of us, as our celebrant told us this past Sunday. December is traditionally dedicated to the Divine Infancy or the Immaculate Conception. Of course, we celebrate both great feasts this month. Perhaps our Advent devotions could include one or both of these themes.

This month honors 5 Doctors of the Church, 2 of whom share the same day. Saint Ambrose is known for his writings on devotion to the Blessed Mother. Reading his work this month would be one way to honor the Immaculate Conception. St. Nicholas, popularly associated with Christmas, has his feast on the 6th. In addition to the feast of the Immaculate Conception, 4 days later, we honor Mary under the wonderful title of “Our Lady of Guadalupe.” As if all of this is not enough, we have the Ember Days as well! Time to ramp-up the penance heat, especially in the wake of a dire year for Holy Church. Towards the end of the month, we honor the Holy Innocents-let us remember pro-life intentions as well.

Wishes to my readers for a most blessed Christmas and let us pray for a triumphant New Year in the Church! Here are some notable feasts this month…

4-First Friday / St. John Damascene, Doctor, “Doctor of Christian Art,” “Doctor of the Assumption” / St. Peter Chrysologus, Doctor, “The Golden-Worded”

5-First Saturday

6-2nd Sunday of Advent / St. Nicholas

7-St. Ambrose, Doctor, “Patron of the Veneration of Mary”

8-IMMACULATE CONCEPTION OF THE BLESSED VIRGIN MARY, Patroness of the USA (holy day of obligation before the NWO takeover)

12-Our Lady of Guadalupe

13-3rd Sunday of Advent, Gaudete Sunday / St. Lucy, Patroness of the blind

14-St. John of the Cross, Doctor, “Doctor of Mystical Theology”

16-Ember Wednesday in Advent (prayer and penance, trad meat at one meal)

18-Ember Friday in Advent (prayer and penance)

19-Ember Saturday in Advent (prayer and penance-trad meat at one meal)

20-4th Sunday of Advent

21-St. Thomas, Apostle / St. Peter Canisius, Doctor, “Doctor of the Catechism”

24-Vigil of the Nativity of Our Lord Jesus Christ

25-NATIVITY OF OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST (holy day of obligation before the NWO takeover, solemnity-no Friday penance) / St. Anastasia

26-St. Stephen, Protomartyr, Archdeacon (one of the original 7 deacons ordained by the Apostles)

27-Sunday in the Octave of the Nativity (trad) / The Holy Family / St. John the Evangelist

28-The Holy Innocents

November: Month of the Holy Souls in Purgatory


November is dedicated to the Holy Souls in Purgatory. They are holy because they died in a state of grace, but still must be washed of all remnant of sin. They are in a state of suffering and need our prayers for alleviation and a speedy ascent to the Kingdom of Heaven. How much they desire and appreciate our prayers! Though All Souls Day is not a holy day of obligation, it’s still a wonderful idea to attend mass and offer for these souls, especially your loved ones. You can help make the image above, a reality.

We begin the month with All Saints Day. One thing that separates the saints from others, is their willingness to embrace possibility, rather than shrink from it. This takes great courage because the world continually discourages us from being all we can be. Holiness threatens those in power and their agenda. Right now, this is particularly true in the world.

November also gives us 3 Doctors of the Church and another notable theologian, Saint Gertrude the Great. She was a mystic, best known for the work, The Herald of Divine Love. Benedict XIV gave her the title “Great,” to distinguish her from another St. Gertrude (whom she knew personally) and probably because he thought she was great! She is the only woman saint to bear this title. It is appropriate her feast is in the month of November, since she was greatly dedicated to the souls in purgatory and is often invoked on their behalf.

By the end of this month, we will be in Advent! Let us prepare for our spiritual exercises of Advent and remember those of the Body of Christ, who remain suffering in the afterlife.

BTW, the TAN calendar states that Thanksgiving Day is a new feast. I have been unable to corroborate this in my research. If you have any info, please contact us above. Here are a few notable feasts this month:


2-All Souls Day

6-First Friday

7-First Saturday

10-Pope St. Leo the Great, Doctor, “Doctor of the Unity of the Church”

13-St. Francis Cabrini, 20th Century Saint

15-St. Albert the Great, Doctor, “The Universal Doctor”

16-St. Gertrude the Great

21-Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary

22-CHRIST KING OF THE UNIVERSE / St. Cecilia, Patroness of Music

24-St. John of the Cross, Doctor, “Doctor of Mystical Theology”

29-First Sunday of ADVENT

30-St. Andrew, Apostle

This blog gives both old and new feasts

Image courtesy

October: Month of the Holy Rosary / Respect Life


Traditionally, October is dedicated to the Holy Rosary and more recently, to the sanctity of human life. We can easily see the connection between Our Lady, who bore the Savior, and the precious life in the womb (and all the vulnerable). We can also easily combine the two, by reciting the Rosary diligently this month, for the intention of life. As the world unravels, all the more important it is to seek God’s mercy through prayer…and to participate in whatever pro-life activities we can this month.

Most importantly, we celebrate the traditional feast of Christ the King on October 25th. Below is a listing of additional notable feasts. There is only one Doctor of the Church, Saint Therese of Lisieux, who extraordinarily acquired this title after spending only 24 years on this earth. We have a feast for the Guardian Angels and also St. Raphael the Archangel. We have 2 Marian feasts, along with the 103rd anniversary of the Miracle of the Sun on the 13th (don’t forget our Fatima Holy Hour!). Also, two 20th century popes and several great visionaries, including St. Faustina Kowalska (this is the first year of her feast, which was announced in May!). Our month concludes with All Hallows Eve, the Triduum of Death.

1-St. Therese of Lisieux, Doctor, “Doctor of the Little Way of Spiritual Childhood & Merciful Love” (new)

2-First Friday / The Holy Guardian Angels

3-First Saturday / St. Therese of Lisieux (trad)

4-St. Francis of Assisi

5-St. Faustina, Seer of the Divine Mercy


8-St. Bridget of Sweden


16-St. Margaret Mary Alacoque, Seer of the Sacred Heart (new)

17-St. Margaret Mary Alacoque (trad)

18-St. Luke, Evangelist

22-Pope St. John Paul II

24-St. Raphael the Archangel


28-Sts. Simon & Jude, Apostles

31-All Hallows Eve (not a feast, though evening prayer prior to All Saints Day, is part of liturgical observance)

Please don’t laugh at my photography…it's conceptual!

September: Month of Our Lady of Sorrows

This month, we honor the sorrows of our Heavenly Mother. A wonderful devotion is the Chaplet of Our Lady of Sorrows, in which one meditates on the 7 Sorrows with a specially designed chaplet. You can buy one for a good price at Direct From Lourdes (get some Lourdes water while you’re at it!). The feast is September 15th.

Our dear Mother must look upon her children right now with great sorrow. Humanity is being separated and torn apart at the most fundamental levels. The Church has lost much attendance and the House of God has been turned into something looking more like a makeshift military hospital. Let us resolve to console her this month as she grieves over the world. Who knows what will transpire in the next several months? But there is reason for concern. Prayer and prepping are going to be critical, starting immediately. As it says on our Home page, “Pray & Prep!” This has never been more important in our lifetimes than it is RIGHT NOW.

Here is a selection of some of the interesting feasts this month:

3-St. Gregory the Great, Doctor, ”The Greatest of the Great”

4-First Friday

5-First Saturday / St. Teresa of Calcutta



13-St. John Chrysostom, Doctor, “The Golden-Mouthed,” “Doctor of the Eucharist” / Anniversary of Fifth Apparition at Fatima (Don’t forget our Holy Hour!)

14-Exaltation of the Holy Cross


16-Ember Wednesday (prayer and penance-trad meat at one meal)

17-St. Robert Bellarmine, Doctor, “Prince of Apologists,” “Gentle Doctor of The Controversies” / St. Hildegard of Bingen, Doctor, “The Teutonic Prophetess,” “Sibyl of the Rhine”

18-Ember Friday (prayer and penance)

19-Ember Saturday (prayer and penance-trad meat at one meal) / OUR LADY OF LA SALETTE (hist)

21-St. Matthew, Apostle & Evangelist

23-St. Pio of Pietralcina


29-Sts. Michael, Gabriel & Raphael, Archangels (new) / “Michaelmas Day” (trad)

30-St. Jerome, Doctor, “Father of Biblical Science”

This blog gives old and new feasts. The titles of the Doctors of the Church are taken from The 35 Doctors of the Church,TAN Books.

August: Month of the Immaculate Heart of Mary

“In the end, my Immaculate Heart will triumph!”

~ Our Lady of Fatima ~

In this month of the Immaculate Heart, we begin on the 1st, with the First Saturday, which is a devotion in reparation to this very Heart. What a great time to begin the “Communion of Reparation,” given to us by Our Lady of Fatima. If your church is not doing this, why not help them start it? Otherwise, you can look at: First Saturdays At Home. Regarding Marian-related feasts, we have St. Alphonsus Liguori (famously authored The Glories of Mary) also beginning the month…..St. Dominic, the Assumption, St. Joachim (he is honored together with Our Lady immediately following the Assumption) and a double Marian feast on the 22nd, which includes the trad feast of the Immaculate Heart. We also have another saint devoted to Mary, St. Maximilian Kolbe, who died on the Vigil of the Assumption. He was starved at Auschwitz, but would not die, so he was given a lethal injection. How appropriate a day to die for one who early in life, created a Marian apostolate, “Militia Immaculatae.” I have noticed something in my research that I have not seen mentioned anywhere…he started the apostolate in 1917, just 3 days after the “Miracle of the Sun,” witnessed by thousands at Fatima. I wonder if that great event spurred him on to create his ministry. Let us give honor and reparation to Our Mother’s dear heart this month. There are so many ways to do this-please find something that resonates for you and your family.

This month shows us 3 Doctors of the Church and also the Transfiguration of Our Lord. These are just some highlights of Holy Church’s month of August. Its always good to look at the coming weeks to plan your spiritual life…..


1-First Saturday / St. Alphonsus Liguori, Doctor, ”Prince of Moralists, Most Zealous Doctor, Patron of Confessors & Moral Theologians” (new)

2-St. Alphonsus Liguori, Doctor (trad)

4-St. John Vianney (new-I saw his heart once!) / St. Dominic, Seer of the Holy Rosary


7-First Friday

8-St. John Vianney (trad)

11-St. Clare of Assisi, her actual name was Chiara (my name-I am named after my grandmother who was born in Sicily), also known as Clara (new)

12-St. Clare of Assisi (trad)

14-Vigil of Assumption / St. Maximilian Kolbe, Martyr of Charity under Hitler

15-ASSUMPTION OF THE BLESSED VIRGIN MARY (not a holy day of obligation this year in the US)

16-St. Joachim, Father of the Blessed Virgin Mary

20-St. Bernard of Clairvaux, Doctor, ”The Mellifluous Doctor, Oracle of the 12th Century, Thaumaturgus of the West, Arbiter of Christendom, Last of the Fathers”

22-Queenship of the Blessed Virgin Mary / Immaculate Heart of Mary

24-St. Bartholomew, Apostle

28-St. Augustine, Doctor, ”Doctor of Grace, Doctor of Doctors”

This blog gives old and new feasts. The titles of the Doctors of the Church are taken from The 35 Doctors of the Church,TAN Books.

July: Month of the Precious Blood of Jesus


Eternal Father, I offer Thee the Most Precious Blood of Jesus Christ, in satisfaction for my sins, in supplication for the holy souls in Purgatory, for the needs of Holy Church and especially for the soul of (Name). From The Raccolta

Today is the feast of the Most Precious Blood of Our Lord Jesus Christ in the traditional calendar. And it is the first day of the month in which Holy Church gives us the Blood of Christ to meditate upon and honor. His Precious Blood has been poured out upon the whole world. How much more should we pour ourselves out upon Him. All our guilt. All our sorrows. All our confusion. All our doubt. All our worry. Just give it to Him as He gives Himself to us. This is our great consolation.

In addition to this feast of Our Lord, we also have two Marian feasts coming up this month-the Visitation and Our Lady of Mount Carmel. We have two Apostles, Saint Mary Magdalen and the parents of Our Lady. We celebrate 3 Doctors of the Church as well.

There are many devotions to the Precious Blood we might acquaint ourselves with. How wonderful it always is to learn new prayers and devotions! How endless are the treasures of our Faith! In addition to the prayer above, here are two other devotions:

Litany of the Most Precious Blood of Jesus Chaplet of the Precious Blood

Here is a sampling of some of the old and new feasts this month:

7/1-Most Precious Blood of Our Lord Jesus Christ

7/2-Visitation of the Blessed Virgin Mary

7/3-St. Thomas, Apostle

7/6-St. Maria Goretti

7/14-St. Kateri Tekakwitha / St. Bonaventure, Doctor (trad)

7/15-St. Bonaventure, Doctor (new)

7/16-Our Lady of Mount Carmel (instituted Brown Scapular devotion to St. Simon Stock)

7/19-St. Vincent de Paul

7/21-St. Lawrence of Brindisi, Doctor

7/22-St. Mary Magdalen

7/25-St. James the Greater, Apostle / St. Christopher

7/26-Sts. Joachim & Anne

7/30-St. Peter Chrysologus, Doctor

7/31-St. Ignatius of Loyola

Image courtesy

June is the Month of the Sacred Heart of Jesus


This week, we have talked about “Mary, Mother of the Church” and the Ember Days of Summer in the Octave of Pentecost (prayer and penance for the coming season). What else do we have to look forward to in this Month of June? Let’s look at a sampling, as we normally do….

Trinity Sunday is both an old and new feast. In the old, it marks the end of Eastertide and the beginning of the Season After Pentecost. However, we are still celebrating the Mystery of the Redemption, as we are still in the Easter Cycle, the Second Part of the Liturgical Year. A new Liturgical Year begins at Advent, when we contemplate the Mystery of the Incarnation.

We have several feasts of Our Lord this month and one for Our Lady. I get excited every June, when we celebrate the “back-to-back” feasts of the Sacred Heart and the Immaculate Heart. Let’s think in advance how we will honor these feasts together. We can be celebratory, since the Sacred Heart is a Solemnity! We honor 3 Doctors of the Church and several Apostles as well.

What can we do to give glory to the Sacred Heart of Jesus this month? We can educate ourselves about St. Margaret Mary and the Devotion that was given to her. Please see link on our last post and link below. The Sacred & Immaculate Hearts at EWTN, has a variety of wonderful prayers. One of Our Lord’s “12 Promises of the Sacred Heart” to St. Margaret Mary was:  “I will bless those places wherein the image of my Sacred Heart shall be exposed and venerated.” If you do not already have this image in a place of honor in your home, that would be a great little project this month!

7-Trinity Sunday

9-St. Ephrem of Syria, Doctor

11-Corpus Christi

13-St. Anthony of Padua, Doctor

14-Most Holy Body & Blood of Christ (new version of Corpus Christi), St. Basil the Great, Doctor

18-St. Ephrem of Syria, Doctor (trad)

19-Most Sacred Heart of Jesus-Solemnity, no penance

20-Immaculate Heart of Mary

23-Vigil of St. John the Baptist

24-Nativity of St. John the Baptist (my 25th wedding anniversary:)

26-Sts. John & Paul

27-St. Cyril of Alexandria, Doctor

28-Vigil of Sts. Peter & Paul

29-Sts. Peter & Paul

30-Commemoration of St. Paul

We provide both old and new feasts.

Image courtesy Church of the Sacred Heart of Jesus in London-please read their page on the Sacred Heart.