Current Events

+++ Feast of the Assumption +++ / Migrant Crisis in New York City

O Holy Virgin Mary, on the glorious feast of your Assumption, pray for us!

From the Tridentine Mass:

A great sign appeared in heaven: A
woman clothed with the sun, and the
moon under her feet, and on her head
a crown of twelve stars. Sing ye to the Lord a new canticle:
because He hath done wonderful

Almighty everlasting God, who hast
taken body and soul into heaven the
Immaculate Virgin Mary, Mother of Thy
Son: grant, we beseech Thee, that by
steadfastly keeping heaven as our
goal we may be counted worthy to join
her in glory.

The Lord hath blessed thee by His
power, because by thee He hath
brought our enemies to nought.
Blessed art thou, O daughter, by the
Lord the most high God, above all
women upon the earth. Blessed be the
Lord who made heaven and earth,
who hath directed thee to the cutting
off the head of the prince of our
enemies. Because He hath so
magnified thy name this day that thy
praise shall not depart out of the
mouth of men who shall be mindful of
the power of the Lord, for ever.

~ ~ ~

“Filthy Migrant encampment including illicit open-air market hawking drugs — sprouts up on Randall’s Island [New York]: It’s a calamity

New York Post

Safe & healthy! Still don’t think it’s time to hit the road?

Hit the Road Jack

Ray Charles

The End of the Dollar as the World's Reserve Currency? What They Said Could Never Happen....

I like Andy Schectman and I also like Kitco News. Here, Andy is interviewed by Michelle Makori. The Petrodollar deal which Kissinger made with Saudi Arabia is discussed, along with Nixon’s departure from gold-backing and the world’s current moving away from the dollar. There’s a one-hour video and a short article…

End of the Petrodollar?

Excerpts from the article:

Saudi Arabia reportedly let the 50-year petro-dollar agreement expire on June 9th, opting to sell oil in multiple currencies instead of exclusively using the U.S. dollar. Andy Schectman, President and Owner of Miles Franklin Precious Metals, warns that if the "petro" is taken from the "dollar," the U.S. currency will be backed by "nothing," which could trigger "catastrophic" consequences…

The foundation of the petrodollar system lies in a 1974 agreement between Saudi Arabia and the United States. Under this deal, Saudi Arabia agreed to recycle its petrodollars into U.S. Treasuries in exchange for a security guarantee from the U.S., creating a strategic alliance that has significantly influenced global politics for decades. By 1975, all OPEC members had agreed to price oil in dollars and invest in U.S. government debt…  

If the U.S. dollar is no longer the primary payment option for oil, Schectman foresees a massive spike in interest rates as one of the consequences, with the situation getting quite chaotic for the U.S.

“If this happened all at once, it would be catastrophic. It would be chaotic because the natural reaction of the dollar being dumped globally is hyperinflation. It would hit our shores in a tsunami of inflation,” Schectman said. “The dollar would collapse, the stock market would collapse, the bond market would collapse, the banking system would collapse, the insurance companies would collapse. Everything. This is the great reset.”

…The move away from using the U.S. dollar in international trade transactions is not new, but it has been accelerating…

Caution with Generators

A generator is a prepper must-have, but they must be used with caution. Read your owner’s manual and make sure you know how to properly operate it in the event of a power outage. Don’t wait for the outage to occur. If you don’t know how to use your equipment (or where to find it), it’s not going to be very useful if you suddenly need it. Carbon Monoxide is an issue with gas-powered generators. Electrocution in flood water is also an issue…and always be careful venturing into your basement during flooding!

From The Epoch Times:

Hurricane Beryl Death Toll Rises to 7, Generator Misuse Is Blamed for 2 Deaths


Mr. [Emergency Management Chief] Kidd said two of the deaths were caused by carbon monoxide poisoning, and he warned against mishandling gas-powered generators to power their homes. He reminded people that carbon monoxide is a colorless, odorless gas.

“If you have a generator that you’re running, please make sure it is far away from the area [where] you’re living and sleeping,” he said.

“These are preventable deaths.”

Andrew Cuomo Admits Covid Mandates Were Unlawful!

In the wake of the Main Stream Media finally admitting the mRNA shots maybe sorta kinda weren’t all that great…

In a stunning change of narrative, former (dishonorably discharged) New York Governor Andrew Cuomo had this to say to Dr. Leana Wen (one of the main mouthpieces for the Goebbels-style Covid and “anti-vaxxer” fear propaganda, also former Planned Parenthood President):

"Government had no capacity to enforce any of this. ‘You must wear a mask.’ People wore masks in New York. If they said 'I'm not wearing a mask' there was nothing I could do about it. You must close your private business. 'I won't'. There was nothing I could really do about it. It was really all voluntary.

Seriously? Re-writing history here!

As a New Yorker who suffered horribly during that time and witnessed the suffering of those around me with various human rights abuses, I hardly have any words in response to this.

If these mandates were not enforceable, then they MUST HAVE BEEN ILLEGAL. Is Cuomo actually saying there were no mandates? Tell that to the people who lost their businesses, lost teeth due to dental care lockdown, could not attend religious services at a time when they needed God the most, were forced to leave burials because they had more than 10 people, were thrown out of stores for having the mask under the nose, were refused public toilet facilities, not allowed access to almost everything in NYC if not “vaxxed,” forced Covid tests (nose rapes), told to stand on dots and remain 6 feet apart, separated like cattle, subjected to constant auditory and visual mind control…all of this resulting in increased OD’s, suicides, car fatalities and dysfunction of all sorts. SAFE & HEALTHY!

In fairness to Cuomo, it’s true there were many who were so quick to become the “prison guards,” lording their power over others in an almost sadistic way. And others who happily embraced it all because of fear…of what? Illness? Death? No trust in God. No ability to look around and see with their own eyes how extreme, unnecessary and in fact, counter-productive these measures were. Mass Formation Psychosis. This was no Spanish Flu or Black Plague, and even if it was, these measures would still have been grossly wrong. Let us learn that if something is not observable, do not believe it. Because these psychopaths are not done yet. (Example: Earthquakes and hurricanes are not a sign of climate change. They happen.) When true crises do occur, the real solution is prayer and repentance, not tyranny.

Cuomo laments how terrible it is that “people do not trust the government” anymore. Are we supposed to trust the government? Why should we? The American Founders were acutely aware of the dangers of leaders gone wrong. After all, they waged war against their own King George. That’s why they wrote checks and balances into the system and further warned of potential dangers of corruption. Well, here we are.

Video Clip from RealClear Politics

“Who controls the past controls the future. Who controls the present controls the past.”

“Political language…is designed to make lies sound truthful and murder respectable, and to give an appearance of solidity to pure wind.”

George Orwell

Coronal Mass Ejections Official Source

Please stay tuned to the site below for ongoing updates…we will not continue to cover this story unless something major changes.

Space Weather Prediction Center

National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration

From the above site:

Severe and Extreme (G4-G5) Geomagnetic Storms Likely on 12 May 2024

published: Saturday, May 11, 2024 17:54 UTC

Another series of CMEs associated with flare activity from Region 3664 [sunspot region] over the past several days are expected to merge and arrive at Earth by midday (UTC) on 12 May. Periods of G4-G5 (Severe-Extreme) geomagnetic storms are likely to follow the arrival of these CMEs.  

Coronal Mass Ejections Hitting Earth Over Weekend

[Edited Since Posting.]

Disclaimer: This is the information we have received. We bear no responsibility for errors. Please make your own decisions with prayer. Please do not rely on this website for alerts, we will give them only when we are able and have received the information in a timely manner.

Apparently, there have been 6 solar ejections as of this time which are inbound towards earth. They can begin hitting at any time and will continue for the next several days.

The main concern appears to be power outages which could do major damage and be long-term. Some communications and GPS are also a concern. Here are the recommendations:

1) Prepare for blackouts to begin at any time.

2) Work on general preparedness such as supplies, including water.

3) Limit travel, unless you feel it is necessary to leave your area.

4) Unplug appliances.

5) Keep in contact with your loved ones.

6) Be careful in areas which could be dangerous during an outage (basements, attics, elevators), keep a flashlight on you.

7) See if anyone in your neighborhood needs help.

8) Pray the Rosary and the Novena to the Holy Ghost. Don’t worry. Trust in God!

Hopefully all will be well. Certain areas may see auroras in the sky, that don’t normally see them. Your area might be one!

PS Here’s a post I wrote 4 years ago on the time I was trapped in my basement during a power outage:

Trapped in a Dark Basement

2 Important Upcoming Conferences: New York & New Hampshire

From Catholic Land Movement:

“The 3rd Annual Catholic Land Movement Mid-Atlantic Conference will once again be held at the beautiful Our Lady of Martyrs Shrine in Auriesville, NY. Once a 17th century Mohawk village, it is now a Roman Catholic shrine dedicated to the first North American martyrs and to St. Kateri Tekakwitha…The conference will begin early on Friday 6/28 [to Sunday 6/30] for anyone interested in hog and sheep butchering [I’m going to pass on this, I saw a rabbit get the treatment at Peak Prosperity’s conference last year, that was enough for me]…We have a packed weekend with events including Mass, confessions, Divine Office, Rosary, workshops and discussions. Camping is available free of charge at the Shrine. Nearby hotel accommodations can be found in Amsterdam, NY. In order to keep costs low, food will not be included with your conference ticket, but will be made available for purchase…If you're interested in volunteering or hosting a workshop or a discussion group, please get in touch.”

The price for the 3 days is $50 per person, free for those 14 and under. Some of the topics to be covered: Various aspects of homesteading, gardening/farming, canning, traditional Catholicism, dairy, carpentry, wild edibles, masonry, water supply. Definitely all the things supported by Nomen Christi Apostolate-reserve soon!

From Chris Martenson’s Peak Prosperity:

“Transitioning from the beloved Honey Badger Gathering to the Peak Prosperity Summit, [Friday 9/13 to Sunday 9/15] we not only change our venue but also deepen our commitment to resilience, sustainability, and community…Nestled in the breathtaking surroundings of Lake Winnipesaukee [New Hampshire]…The Lodge at Camp Robindel…Economic Resilience: Cultivating a robust financial foundation to withstand and adapt to the unpredictabilities of the global economy, ensuring stability and self-sufficiency when traditional systems falter. True Sustainability: Embracing a lifestyle and practices that enable us to not only survive but thrive independently when external supply chains and conventional resources are compromised, ensuring our ability to live off the grid if necessary. Personal and Community Empowerment: Fostering a culture of health, wellness, and mutual support that prepares us to face adversities together, strengthening our individual and collective capacity to navigate through tough times…Foundations of Preparedness…Advanced Resilience Techniques…sessions will cover everything from homesteading to advanced medical training, alongside hands-on demonstrations and keynotes focused on practical, life-enhancing skills.”

Included in the reasonable ticket price: Workshops and Educational Tracks, Accommodations, Food, Interactive Exhibits and Vendors, Recreational Activities, Networking and Socializing, All Necessary Amenities. Reserve soon for early-bird price! Please note, on-site accommodations may not be private, preferences may be indicated when ordering, verify details to make sure you will be comfortable, as this is a camp site with both men and women.

Sharing Our Eclipse Pilgrimage of Mercy

Stay tuned for posts about our family’s Pilgrimage in San Antonio, Texas, including pics! We prayed the Rosary at all 5 Franciscan Missions along the San Antonio River, including the Alamo (which no longer has a church, so we prayed in the outside garden). We will have one post per Mission, plus one all about Eclipse Day. It was such an extraordinary experience full of blessings!

God bless all who participated all over the country in Nomen Christi Apostolate’s Eclipse Pilgrimage of Mercy…

working on pictures!

Please be patient as we work on all the pictures we took. We have to enhance color and light and fix framing. Also, email from the phone, re-size and place in files. It’s time-consuming, but we want to bring the very best pics that do these amazing Missions some justice!

"Eclipse Pilgrimage of Mercy" Supplemental Prayers

Here are a few extra prayers you may wish to add to your Divine Mercy Novena or Pilgrimage Rosary. This is a 2-page PDF and includes the following prayers:

Traditional Catholic Prayer for the United States of America (By Archbishop John Carroll, the first bishop of the USA)

Prayer of the 2024 Nine-Month Novena to Our Lady of Guadalupe (By Raymond Leo Cardinal Burke)

Canticle of Brother Sun & Sister Moon (By Saint Francis of Assisi)

Brother Sun, Sister Moon (Poem by CF Mathews)

Nomen Christi Apostolate Prayer (By CF Mathews)

Eclipse Pilgrimage of Mercy Supplemental Prayers PDF Printable

Everything "X" Eclipse!

“And God said: Let there be lights made in the firmament of heaven, to divide the day and the night, and let them be for signs, and for seasons, and for days and years: To shine in the firmament of heaven, and to give light upon the earth. And it was so done. And God made two great lights: a greater light to rule the day, and a lesser light to rule the night: and the stars. And he set them in the firmament of heaven to shine upon the earth. And to rule the day and the night, and to divide the light and the darkness. And God saw that it was good.”

Genesis 1:14

“The Great American Eclipse”


“The Great North American Eclipse”

2017 ~ 2024 

Many believe the Total Eclipse of the Sun proves the existence of God.  It shows obvious intelligent design, that the Moon fits perfectly over the Sun, to block out the day and show the glorious corona, that can never be seen otherwise.  For many, witnessing this event is deeply spiritual and life-changing.  Other cultures, notably the Native Americans and the Muslims, have taken eclipses very seriously.  Let us pray that the upcoming Total Eclipse on April 8th will see a conversion in hearts for those living lives of sin or those who do not believe in the Divine Majesty.  Let us also pray, for those already on the path of holiness, that they may increase in faith and trust in our Almighty Creator after witnessing such an incredible phenomenon. 

What are the basic facts about these 2 eclipses?

The upcoming eclipse takes place on the feast of the Annunciation, when the Angel Gabriel announced to the Virgin Mary, that she will bear the Savior of Mankind.  Is this event an announcement of a sort?  Even if it portends dark times, we know that there is always hope and in God’s time, a glorious ending.  Totality starts in the Pacific Ocean, lands in Sinaloa Mexico, traverses from Texas to Newfoundland, Canada, and onto the Atlantic Ocean.  This whole wavelike dance takes roughly 3 hours, 15 minutes (on land) and reaches maximum totality at 2:17 EDT.  This eclipse is unique in that it will last roughly 4 ½ minutes (which is long), the sky will fall darker and the the Sun’s Corona will be quite active, as we will be close to a solar maximum (this refers to the Sun’s 11-year cycle).  From  

“Everyone in the continental U.S. will see at least a partial eclipse.  In fact, if you have clear skies on eclipse day, the Moon will cover at least 16 percent of the Sun’s surface…you’ll start to notice that the shadows around you are getting sharper. The reason is that the Sun’s disk is shrinking, literally approaching a point — and a smaller light source produces better-defined shadows. At about 85 percent coverage, you’ll be able to spot Venus 15° west-southwest of the Sun. If any trees are at your site, you may see their leaves act like simple pinhole cameras, with hundreds of crescent Suns appearing in their shadows…Unlike the 2017 eclipse, which covered only one large city, Nashville, the 2024 event will plunge several major metropolitan centers into darkness. [Following is edited for clarity.]  Many lie directly along the path of totality, while others will have a smaller (but still significant) percentage of their areas covered. Among them are Mazatlán, San Antonio, Austin, Fort Worth, Dallas, Indianapolis, Cincinnati, Columbus, Cleveland and Buffalo.” 

The last total eclipse 7 years ago, crossed the USA from Oregon to South Carolina.  The 2 eclipses together, create an “X” across the Midwest:  9,000 square miles covering parts of Missouri, Kentucky and Illinois.  The first eclipse occurred on August 21st, the date of the Our Lady of Knock apparitions in Ireland in 1879.  This was a strange, silent vision, seen by many people, which included not only Our Lady, but also Our Lord in the form of a Lamb, Saint Joseph and Saint John the Evangelist, along with angels.  The presence of the writer of Apocalypse may indicate a prophetic meaning, perhaps even speaking of our own times.  It is also worth noting this occurred during the month of the Immaculate Heart and the year of the Fatima Centennial.  There was also a 9-month-long astronomical event overlapping with this eclipse, to be discussed below. 

What is the significance of the 7-year time period between these eclipses? 

This is obviously in the realm of speculation.  We would do well to take a look at what has transpired in the past 7 years.  2 years after the first eclipse, the world saw a weaponized virus descend upon it.  It’s been a whirlwind ever since, with no end in sight.  We are now engulfed in a variety of polycrises or multi-front attack vectors, which we will take a look at below.  The Western world has indeed crossed a threshold during these 7 years.  The Covid agenda successfully proved that all human rights we took for granted can now be breeched, even in “the Land of the Free and the Home of the Brave.”  Not surprisingly, in the wake of this unprecedented disaster, things are heating up all over.  Since the US is the world’s great military power, anything happening here should concern the entire world…and there’s an “X” coming…and it’s hard to ignore. 

Darkness in the form of an “X”…or a cross.  We know God has used darkness before as a sign and will use it again.  The 9th Plague of Egypt was 3 days of darkness.  And during Our Lord’s Crucifixion, there were three hours of darkness, about the same amount of time for this eclipse to traverse from Mexico to Canada: 

“Now from the sixth hour there was darkness over the whole earth, until the ninth hour.” 

Matthew 27:45 

But darkness is only a metaphor, an eclipse is only a symbol for the spiritual eclipse which has taken place in our world.  Sin has blotted out the Light of Christ.  And repentance will bring it back. 

What are the spiritual polycrises facing us?

Gender Ideology     In Vitro Fertilization     Pornography     Fornication     Homosexuality     Contraception     Abortifacients     Abortion     Child Abuse     Sacrilegious Communion     Modernism     Scandal & Confusion in the Church     Occult Practices     Corrupt Entertainment     Despair     Drug Use     Dishonesty     Violence     Materialism     Divorce     Nihilism     Religious Persecution     Corruption of Children Immodesty

What are the temporal polycrises facing us?

Energy Depletion     Green Energy Pipe Dream     Trillions in Debt     Excessive Money Printing     International Abandoning of Dollar     Political Corruption     Distrust of Institutions     Mass Human Migration     Mind Control & Mass Psychosis     Breeches of International & Domestic Law     All Human Rights in Jeopardy     Climate Change Hysteria     Screen Addiction     Human Trafficking     Genocide     Geo-Political Tensions     Supply Chain Issues     Weaponized Government     Media Lies     Electronic Surveillance     Artificial Intelligence     Ecological Damage     Crime     Biotechnology     Advanced Weaponry     Breakdown of Family & Community     Government Dependence     Globalist Agenda     Weaponized Healthcare

This is why we must pray for mercy.  Of course these 2 groupings overlap in many ways and fundamentally all is a spiritual battle…

“For our wrestling is not against flesh and blood, but against principalities and powers, against the rulers of the world of this darkness, against the spirits of wickedness in the high places.”

Ephesians 6:12

Why perform a Pilgrimage?

Pilgrimages, or physical travel to places of religious significance is a universal and ancient practice.  It has been practiced by Catholics and also the Jewish people, including the Holy Family, were required to visit the Temple in Jerusalem 3 times per year.  Pilgrimages connect the faithful to places of meaning, for we live after all, in a physical world.  The physical contains the spiritual, as the body contains the soul, as the Tabernacle contains the Real Presence.  Pilgrimages connect us to the transcendent and also each other.  Physical travel, along with devotional practice, shows effort and contains some measure of sacrifice.  It is extraordinarily beneficial and also offers opportunity to create beautiful memories with our loved ones.

The Eclipse Pilgrimage of Mercy first invokes Our Lord in the Divine Mercy Novena, which is a Pilgrimage of the Heart coming to Christ.  Then we travel to a holy site to pray the Rosary, invoking Our Lady.  Our Two Hearts, pierced by 2 swords of sin across the land, creating a cross, we pray, will receive consolation and reparation.  We in turn, hope to mitigate the coming chastisement.

What role does Our Lady of Guadalupe play in these events?

Our Lady appeared to Saint Juan Diego on Tepeyac hill in Mexico.  This coming eclipse begins on land, also in Mexico.  The miraculous image which appeared upon Diego’s “Tilma,” shows the Mother of God surrounded by the rays of the Sun and standing upon a crescent Moon.  One cannot help but see a connection to Saint John’s apocalyptic vision mentioned below, which some say appeared in the sky 33 days after the first eclipse.  Also, Mary’s image on the cloak has been described as a kind of “eclipse,” as she seems to be blocking the Sun, while its Corona emanates from her. 

Our Lady of Guadalupe is known as the “Queen of Mexico” and the “Empress of the Americas,” as her devotion spread throughout Mexico and to all the people of South America.  The “X” Eclipse is given to North America, within her patronage (and hence to the world).  She brings this warning to our land at a time when we are engulfed in crises like never before, with all manner of devastation looming.  Just as she converted the pagans of Mexico, she now seeks to convert this post-Christian culture, which has forgotten its great Redeemer, and create a new world, close to God and nature…the Authentic Life.

April 8th’s Eclipse is overlapping with Raymond Leo Cardinal Burke’s Nine-Month Novena to Our Lady of Guadalupe, which began March 12th.  He sees the polycrises all around us and has instituted this devotion as a response.  Like a loving Mother, Our Lady always comes, not simply to chastise, but ultimately to console.  Remember her words to Saint Juan Diego:

“Are you not in the hollow of my mantle, in the crossing of my arms?”

How does this Eclipse relate to Apocalypse 12:1?

What was the 9-month astronomical event which took place in conjunction with the Eclipse 7 years ago?

“And a great sign appeared in heaven: A woman clothed with the sun, and the moon under her feet, and on her head a crown of twelve stars.”  

Apocalypse 12:1

My research has yielded the following.  This is speculative.  Please make your own judgement.  I am not responsible for errors, as I am not an astronomy expert. 

On the feast of Christ the King, Novemer 20th 2016, an astronomical story began to unfold, which lasted 9 ½ months, correlating roughly with a woman’s pregnancy.  Some believe a comet, which appeared at the outset, represented the Incarnation.  And at the end of this period, a birthing, reflecting Apocalypse 12.

This story began with Jupiter, representing a king, entering the womb area of the constellation Virgo, representing a virgin.  Jupiter was in “retrograde,” and spent 9 months in this position.  The first half of the “X” Eclipse occurred on August 21st, 2017.  On September 23rd, on the feast of Saint Padre Pio, in the month of Our Lady of Sorrows, the “birthing” was seen in the night sky.  The planet came out of Virgo, the Sun rose directly behind the constellation, and the Moon was at its lower part.  Saint John’s account depicts a crown of 12 stars upon the lady.  Above Virgo, appeared the nine stars of Leo, along with Mercury, Venus and Mars.  Some say the saga continues astronomically with the depiction of the dragon seeking to devour the child, etc. 

Saint Pio may be significant, as he gave a number of warnings about the coming days.  The woman in this verse, is often seen to represent the Church or the Virgin Mary.  There are varying opinions as to the uniqueness of these events.  Some insist that taken as a whole, such a progression in the sky cannot be ignored and would be extremely rare.  The Eclipse in August is a local sky event that can be seen as overlapping with the other universal phenomena.  Are we living through Apocalypse in real time?  You decide.

Remember to be joyful and always trust in God!

He sends us this “X” out of love!

We have such a great Savior and such a beautiful Mother!

Peace be with you & your families!

PS If you are reading this after the factthe “X” will remain relevant, it cannot be forgotten…you can always say the Divine Mercy Chaplet Novena and you can always pray the Rosary…please also pray Cardinal Burke’s Guadalupe prayer, see link above.