
Traditional Priest is Doing Something Amazing in the Italian Alps!

Young Priest Turns Forsaken Farm into Paradise Homestead

I was blown away by the above video. Below are the notes provided by the video-maker, Kirsten Dirksen (she’s got a great YouTube channel, but this is not necessarily an endorsement of all her content). The video is 23 minutes, well-worth your time. We all need to be thinking this way going forward, due to the state of the world. This priest also has filmed 2 documentaries-link is below-I have not seen them yet, but I’m sure they are good…

Five years ago Catholic priest Johannes Schwarz left his parish to "withdraw for a few years" in the Italian Alps (in the shadow of his beloved Monte Viso). He bought an old "rustico" - stone farm building - for 20,000 euros and transformed it into his mountaintop hermitage.

Inspired by the early Christian desert hermits from the "200s and 300s when some people went into the deserts of Egypt and Palestine searching for a more rigorous life", Schwarz found something remote: he has only one full-time neighbor on the entire mountainside and in winter, he often has to snowshoe for a couple hours just to buy food and supplies.

To be as self-sufficient as possible, he makes his own bread and stores plenty of potatoes which he grows using Ruth Stout's "No-Work" gardening method. To grow much of his own fruit and produce, he terraced the steep hillside (using stones from the area) to create micro-climates. "You try to build walls that have southern exposure because they heat up during the day and they give off the warmth and can make a difference of several degrees." (Studies show differences of 27°F/15°C in the ultra-deep Incan terraces). He grows plenty of tomatoes inside his self-built recycled greenhouse.

For heating and cooking, he built a combination rocket stove and masonry heater by creating his own casts and loam coating. His refrigerator, which he transported up the hill on top of his bicycle, is kept in the unheated room, along with his food stores. He uses a tiny 30-year-old 3-kilogram washing machine and built his bathroom out of salvaged materials. To transport the lumber up the hill for his remodel, he got some help from a local farmer.

He divided the old barn into four small rooms on two floors; the living room/kitchen and pantry on the ground floor and a chapel and bedroom upstairs. His bedroom also serves as an editing studio where he creates videos on philosophy and religion.

He created a wooden-arched indoor chapel where he “celebrates the traditional Latin mass” alongside a wall he painted with Byzantine, romanesque and gothic styles in appreciation of "the symbolism of the ancient art."

Johannes’ pilgrimage films:

Flower #2...



Lillies are ubiquitous, but how much do you know about them? They certainly are beautiful, most are fragrant, they support pollinators and are easy perennials, grown from bulbs. Some grow as tall as 6 to 8 feet and are called “tree lillies.” The Daylily is of a different plant family, yet the flowers are similar. They are called “daylillies” because they blossom for only one day.

Common lillies are: Oriental (among tallest), Asiatic, Martagon (if you want numerous blossoms), Trumpet/Aurelian, Tiger (grows wild all over the New York area, where I live) and Rubrum. The white “Easter Lily” we are so familiar with is a variety of the fragrant Trumpet Lily. Here are some little-known facts about the Easter Lily which adorns our altars every year as we celebrate Our Lord’s Resurrection…

1) There are no known hazards. 2) Can often be found on the coastline. 3) According to Plants For A Future, the bulb is edible and “can be used as a vegetable in similar ways to potatoes.” 4) Also according to PFAF, the bulb has been used to treat coughs, insomnia and other ailments. 5) A fragrant essential oil can be extracted from the flowers.

Flower #1 / Plants For A Future

Please see the previous post for recent pictures of some of my flowers. I asked our readers to guess what they are (some are quite easy) and now I will be giving some answers with some info, mostly taken from “Plants For A Future.” The purpose here is not necessarily to get you interested in these particular flowers, but to pique your interest in flowers (one of the many things that show the nature of God Himself and His love for us)…and to show how all plants have some prepper/sustainable/ecological use and many are even medicinal. Here is one…



This unique shrub is also known as Calico Bush or Spoonwood. The photo above shows its wonderful potential as an ornamental and privacy bush. It is native to the Eastern United States. I am fortunate enough to have several of these-they produce the most exquisite flowers. They are so delicately designed, it looks as if our Heavenly Father hand-painted each one. They have no fragrance. Mine are white, but they also come in pink and red tones. The plant is highly poisonous. It is however, considered somewhat medicinal, but the poisonous properties mean it should only be used by an herbal medicine professional. I am delighted to have them though, the flowers are so beautiful. Some useful things about Mountain Laurel: attracts birds (I do have a variety of birds), the leaves may be used to create a yellow/tan dye, the roots have traditionally been used to make spoons, due to the durability of the wood (hence the name Spoonwood). We know it is toxic to humans and animals. It may be possible, in a rustic setting, to use it for euthanizing animals, if it works quickly and does not produce undue pain. I don’t know-this would have to be researched (but this is the way we need to start thinking, if the goal for us is to leave this corrupt and dangerous society).

My Mountain Laurels are growing on the side of a wooded hill in a shady area with rich, moist soil. I feel that one was probably planted long ago and self-seeded to create a few more. I love them mostly for their ornamental nature, though it is fun to think about making dye. I would eat with my hands before I would cut them down to make spoons! And if you consider the name, one could fashion a crown with the leaves, as the ancient Greeks did to honor winners of the Pythian games. I am cherishing them and if they start to die, I will take measures to cultivate more of them.

Many spiritual people have observed how nature often seems a metaphor for the higher reality…”As Above, So Below.” God gives us lessons when we observe His creation, if we have eyes to see them. What does Mountain Laurel teach us? I think the most obvious answer lies in the fact that it is so seemingly innocent and lovely, yet the leaves are so deadly, the American indigenous people used them to commit suicide. Beware of the outward appearance of things. As we are told in every traditional Holy Mass, from Psalms 25:10: “In whose hands are iniquities, their right hand is filled with gifts.” How do we apply that to what is going on right now? Don’t think I need to spell that out.

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Plants For A Future

Plants For A Future is a non-profit that operates on a high level of ecological philosophy and systems, to help the architects of these systems choose appropriate plants. Their philosophy is much like Nomen Christi Apostolate’s, in that it is concerned with respecting the natural order and economizing time, effort and energy. These are important aspects of the “Authentic Life” and survivability outside the industrial/tech world. These ideas are not only essential for those considering the establishment of off-grid communities, but for anyone who wants to live a more prepared, self-reliant life. From their “About” page:

“It is our belief that plants can provide people with the majority of their needs, in a way that cares for the planet's health. A wide range of plants can be grown to produce all our food needs and many other commodities, whilst also providing a diversity of habitats for our native flora and fauna. There are over 20,000 species of edible plants in the world yet fewer than 20 species now provide 90% of our food. Large areas of land devoted to single crops increase dependence upon intervention of chemicals and intensive control methods with the added threat of chemical resistant insects and new diseases…Our emphasis is on growing perennial plants with some self-seeding annuals, a large part of the reason for this is the difference in the amount of time and energy it takes to cultivate and harvest crops. Annuals means the cultivation of the ground every year, sowing the seeds, controlling the weeds, adding fertilizers and attempting to control pests and diseases. It all seems so much extra work compared to planting a perennial and waiting to harvest its yield. Especially when you consider that even with all the effort put into growing carrots their yield for the same area of ground will be less than that of a fruit tree and will only last the one season…We aim to recover lost knowledge and learn more about the hundreds of medicinal plants that we can grow, in a race to find safe natural alternatives to drugs used today. Plants can also provide us with fibers for clothes, rope and paper, oils for lubricants, fuels, water proofing and wood preservatives, dyes, construction materials and more.”

Plants For A Future is known for their database of over 7,000 plants, explaining all basic info about them. You can use it to get ideas for new plants or to investigate those you already have. It can be used more technically, or less. For instance, if you’re looking for specifics such as growth rate, soil pH, pollution tolerance, livestock feed or types of pollinators, you can do that. If you just want hardiness zones and sun needs, you can do that too.

For a newish gardener, when looking for new plants, please see Before You Start, which will show you the issues you need to be looking at. From that page: “Choosing unsuitable plants creates more work and often dead plants.” How true. There is so much else on this website, if you peruse it long enough, it is like a course in gardening or landscaping. All the various aspects of gardening can be overwhelming for the newbie, but please take care not to get discouraged. If it were that difficult, the human race would have gone extinct long ago. From my own past experience, I can say, if you have no idea what you are doing and in fact, do everything wrong, you will still have some success. So, be optimistic, leave all in God’s hands and enjoy the journey of greater independence and oneness with nature.

Image courtesy

Organic Plant-Killing Methods / The Old Farmer's Almanac

[Edited since posting.]

Mini Update: Posting has been light since I am inundated with several things at once right now. I will do my best during this busy time to keep up (but it may stay light for a while), continue to make improvements and move forward. As always, I appreciate your patience. I am working on a few more yard pics and you will see the progress of my son’s project as soon as he gets around to texting me the pics…I guess sending Mommy pictures of his plants is not the top priority of this 20-something young man…and I guess I should be happy about that…because that would make him a tad….weird…right?

Now to the topic at hand…why do I use the word “plant” and not the word “weed?” Because “weed” is a pejorative! So many “weeds” create pretty flowers, are good for the ecology and are medicinal. Our modern culture has forgotten what God has given us in nature. We have developed fear and distaste for nature in many ways. An “authentic life” understands that we are nature and nature is us. There is no separation. And you cannot love what you fear.

Having said all that high-minded philosophical stuff, sometimes certain plants just gotta go! When pulling out by the roots is for some reason less of an option and you don’t want to use toxic chemicals, what can you do? I am going to cheat a little and simply refer you to an Old Farmer’s Almanac article entitled, “Homemade Herbicides: 5 Natural Ways to Weed.” The 5 methods mentioned are: boiling water, fire (I have to tell you NOT to do this on the off chance that someone tries it, burns down their house and then sues me), salt, vinegar and borax. I have to say, the method I feel most comfortable with is boiling water.* Fire…we discussed that already. Salt, vinegar and borax all have the potential to have a negative impact on the soil. However, if you take care to use these methods properly, they may be good options.

I have been collecting useful articles from The Old Farmer’s Almanac. Following are a few, starting with an intro to “Gardening for Everyone,” a series of articles for beginners or those who wish to brush-up on their knowledge. I love these articles because they are short, well-outlined and to the point. Please think about subscribing to them-you can choose the types of emails you receive…

The Old Farmer’s Almanac Gardening for Everyone Grow Your Own Food with Our Step-By-Step Series

Tick Bites/Lyme Disease/Treatment

Poison Ivy: Identifying and Treating Poison Ivy Rashes

Plants that Repel Mosquitoes and Other Insects

Home Remedies for Colds

10 Easiest Vegetables to Grow at Home

* Let me just say with something like poison ivy, that has strong poisonous oils, I’m not sure the boiling water method is safe (burning it probably isn’t good either). The steam may be able to carry the oils right up into your face (I don’t know how scientific this is). I’m just very cautious about poison ivy because I had a severe case of it once. It spread all over my body and I won’t traumatize you with the details. It was one of the worst experiences of my life, and that’s saying a lot. So, I would be cautious about this method when dealing with this type of plant. I was also stung by a nest a bees once (one of my worst experiences as well)…but still, I don’t fear nature…

Nature must be respected and understood, not feared.

Gardening Update

If you haven’t seen it, please scroll down to “Gardening Pics.” I showed you the beginning of my son’s planting project along with random yard pictures. Scroll down further to “Gardening/Landscaping Projects” for an intro to this series…we will continue to show the progress throughout the season…

The long seedlings bursting out of the tray are peas. They will need to be trellised. It is really fun to grow peas and beans…and great for children too! The flowers are pretty and they are a delight to harvest.

My son had one extra peat disc for me to plant something in, so I chose purple African daisies. You can see the seed clipping I acquired last year from a neighbor. The brilliant purple color of the flowers was so spectacular, I had to have them. We’ll see how it goes!

My son took the seedlings home (he lives in another state) and transplanted some of them. What you see above includes pumpkin, butternut squash, cantaloupe, cucumber, watermelon, peas and several different flowers.

My landscape is under construction, so the gardening is going at a slow pace. Stay tuned…


Oh yes, the infamous Poison Ivy Fence. Sometimes ya just gotta use the weed killer! (It is ideal to remove poison ivy from the roots with gloves, but since it’s growing on the neighbor’s side…actually, there are organic techniques to kill undesirable plants, I’ll try to post on that soon.)

Gardening Pics

Blessings on this Ascension Thursday and feast of Our Lady of Fatima. O Lord ascended in glory, have mercy on us! Our Lady of Fatima, pray for us!

If you haven’t seen the previous post “Gardening/Landscaping Projects,” please do. This is my son’s gardening project, which is mostly un-germinated seeds (wow!) and random yard pics from the past month. We have a blank slate of a landscape now, but just showing you a few things…


“Jiffy Seed Starting Greenhouse Kit with Expanding Peat Pellets.” Say that 10x fast. My son bought this at The Home Depot and though it uses peat moss, I think it’s pretty cool. He made cryptic markings on the label sticks to keep the orientation and wrote it all out on a planting map. If you look carefully, you can see tiny blue seeds in the 2 rows to the far left. These are Ferry-Morse “Sow Easy” chives, rosemary and thyme. As explained on their website: “Sow Easy seeds are pelleted with an all-natural coating made from a mix of clay, perlite, and FDA-approved food coloring. This coating adds some bulk to small seeds and stands out in the soil, making direct sowing and accurate spacing easier than ever. However, the coating does add a few days to the germination time.” These are resting upon the soil because my son felt like putting some above and some below the soil. As always with gardening…we’ll see what happens!

Where’s all this going to be planted? My son has access to some property near his apartment, where he will be planting. Some may stay here. We will follow the progress as it goes on.

I just learned how to do a gallery! A few words: I adore my apricot & pink striped tulips, I also love the paperwhites-they are quite fragrant, marigolds repel mosquitoes which is a big prob in these parts, the poison ivy fence…just don’t ask.


My flamingo solar light next to my “Footprints” stone.


This is the life! Is it? Why do I always have to get philosophical?

Recent Pics

Is this the most beautiful thing you have ever seen???  How sweetly Baby Jesus is holding His Mother’s chin!  (I don’t know where that statue is, unfortunately.)Image courtesy

Is this the most beautiful thing you have ever seen??? How sweetly Baby Jesus is holding His Mother’s chin! (I don’t know where that statue is, unfortunately.)

Image courtesy

A seed purchase from  You can make textiles with these.  We talked previously about Stinging Nettle in this post and this post, when I encountered it on a hike in New Jersey and the results were…interesting.

A seed purchase from You can make textiles with these. We talked previously about Stinging Nettle in this post and this post, when I encountered it on a hike in New Jersey and the results were…interesting.

Another purchase from  Press Control + to zoom in and see what I bought!  (The most interesting thing is Stevia, a great alternative to sugar-it produces tiny sweet leaves.)

Another purchase from Press Control + to zoom in and see what I bought! (The most interesting thing is Stevia, a great alternative to sugar-it produces tiny sweet leaves.)

This is one method for organizing seeds.  I got this cute box from Michael’s (you can get them dirt cheap when they are on sale and they come in all kinds of colors and designs).  Just cut out a piece of cardboard and place in the middle.  I organiz…

This is one method for organizing seeds. I got this cute box from Michael’s (you can get them dirt cheap when they are on sale and they come in all kinds of colors and designs). Just cut out a piece of cardboard and place in the middle. I organize them alphabetically and separate the flower seeds. This is part of my “Survival Seed Bank.” I will not be planting all of this in one year. PS Always make sure your seeds are Non-GMO!

Remember the Kitchen Crop Sprouter?  These are broccoli sprouts-good eats!  I also did beet sprouts, if you recall-they got moldy because they took too long-always learning…

Remember the Kitchen Crop Sprouter? These are broccoli sprouts-good eats! I also did beet sprouts, if you recall-they got moldy because they took too long-always learning…

Can’t even buy pizza anymore.  Gotta laugh sometimes!  The mind control is everywhere.

Can’t even buy pizza anymore. Gotta laugh sometimes! The mind control is everywhere.

Saint Isidore the Farmer

Saint Isidore, Pray for Us!

“Pater Meus Agricola Est”


“My Father is the Vinedresser”

Saint Isidore the Faremer was born in Madrid, Spain, and lived from about 1070 to 1130. He is also known as “St. Isidore the Laborer” or “St. Isidore the Husbandman.” He was married to Blessed Maria de la Cabeza. His traditional feast is March 22nd and the new feast is the date of his death, May 15th. Isidore is the patron of peasants and day-laborers.

Saint Isidore was born to poor parents who were also farmers. He was named after the other Saint Isidore, of Seville, who is a Doctor of the Church, the “Schoolmaster of the Middle Ages.” The most famous story about Saint Isidore the Farmer, is the account of his employer witnessing the presence of angels, helping him with his work. He was also known for miracles, particularly involving water. Blessed Maria is also invoked in Spain for drought. Isidore was kind to all, especially those even poorer than he. After death, he notably assisted the rulers of Spain and is honored by various Spanish cities.

Other saints which may be invoked regarding nature and sustainability, are Saint Francis of Assisi, Saint Hildegard of Bingen, Saint Rose of Lima and Saint Fiacre.

O God, through the intercession of Saint Isidore the holy Farmer, grant that we may overcome all feelings of pride. May we always serve Thee with that humility which pleases Thee, through Saint Isidore’s merits and example. Amen.


Regarding the agrarian “Authentic Life” versus the “New World Order,” take a look at the stone relief above. That is Benjamin Franklin in the center. How would you interpret this?

Image St. Isidore & prayer slightly edited, courtesy, Image stone relief courtesy Michael Wann

+++ Ash Wednesday +++


Ash Wednesday begins with the following words (old rite) from the “Blessing of Ashes:”

“Hear us O Lord, for Thy mercy is kind: look upon us, O Lord, according to the multitude of Thy tender mercies. Save me, O God, for the waters have come in even unto my soul.”

This is a very interesting text, “the waters have come in…” Something to meditate upon today. Does this express an interior distress or the corruption of the soul…or both? Certainly this year, our collective distress remains as we look outside our windows. And certainly, in such times, our spiritual condition must be brought forward as never before…and dealt with to the highest degree, lest we perish with the rest, and to obtain mercy for the world. Let us give the Most Holy Trinity our very best this Lent, make ourselves deserving of the great celebration of His Resurrection and leap forward in our quest for the Kingdom of Heaven!

+ + +

Beet seeds are starting to do something! :):):)  (I soaked them for a whole day and that seems to have helped.)

Beet seeds are starting to do something! :):):) (I soaked them for a whole day and that seems to have helped.)

This was posted one day before Ash Wednesday.

Grow Your Own Sprouts & More / Old Farmer's Almanac Gardening Webinar & Planner

From Seed to Soup!


The Kitchen Crop 4-Tray Sprouter is a convenient way to eat fresh, free sprouts any time. I recently found the product online and am now enjoying my homegrown sprouts! According to “Healthline:”

“Sprouts are very nutritious. They may also offer a variety of health benefits, including easier digestion, improved blood sugar levels and a lower risk of heart disease. However, keep in mind that they are also associated with a risk of food poisoning. That said, for the majority of healthy people, the benefits of eating raw or lightly cooked sprouts likely outweigh the risks.”

I am not an expert, but if you handle the sprouts properly and keep the trays clean (they are fine in the dishwasher-wash them once per week, even if that requires temporarily removing the sprouts), I don’t think bacteria or mold should be an issue. Read instructions and keep out of direct sunlight.

This product is also great fun for kids and a sustainability learning experience…


I used only two trays to grow alfalfa (the kit came with those seeds) and beet sprouts. In one week, the beet seeds did not do much, but the alfalfa seeds grew to perfection…


When the sprouts are mature, rinse them in water and the hulls mostly sink to the bottom. Unused sprouts may be refrigerated.


Sprouts are great for salads, sandwiches, soups and as an elegant garnish. I added mine to a simple chicken soup. The aroma and flavor was wonderful and gave it an exotic flair-it’s an easy way to impress your friends!

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VKP Brands

This sprouter is made by “VKP Brands,” which produces many food and preparedness/sustainability products. Here is a video on this product. They also sell a “Deluxe Sprouter,” which doesn’t seem much different. You can also turn wide-mouth mason jars into sprouters with the Sprouting Jar Lid. Common sprouting seeds such as sunflower, radish, beans, broccoli and alfalfa are also available.

“VKP Brands” can help you do almost anything to food that you want…

canning, dehydrating, milling or juicing!

They also have various kitchen supplies, travel slow cookers and water distillers.

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Check out the Old Farmer’s Almanac Gardening 101 webinar next week*…I also recommend their Garden Planner, which is a year-long subscription that allows you to design your own garden and receive all kinds of incredible help and resources…well worth the money if you really will use it-both of these things will well-prepare you to grow an amazing garden this year…Spring is around the corner…get started now!

* Why bother paying $39.99 for this when I could just watch a few YouTube videos? Yes, you could watch videos and there’s a lot of great content out there, but you always have to evaluate the source. The Almanac is a trusted source and you’ll get a good overview here of the basic concepts of gardening. They also give an opportunity to ask questions.