Current Events

+++ Rest in Peace, Roy Thomas Richter +++

[Edited since posting.]

Roy T. Richter, was found dead at McDowell Park in Ardsley, NY (not in his home, as the media has reported), last Tuesday, October 3rd, the traditional feast of Saint Therese. He was a New York City cop’s cop who became an attorney and continued to support the police force and assist the city he loved his entire life.

I knew him, since we had a shared aunt on opposite sides of the family. He was a unique and beautiful soul. I am deeply sad. He has left behind a wife, 3 daughters, and a 99 year-old father, who is a former NYPD high level officer, also named Roy Richter. His funeral Mass and burial is today.

Whatever you can do during this Month of the Holy Rosary, I implore you to pray for his soul and his family.

Eternal rest grant unto Roy, O Lord

and may perpetual light shine upon him.


RFK Jr. & Abortion

RFK Jr., the son of Bobby Kennedy, who was killed in Los Angeles, 1968, is campaigning for President of the United States on the Democratic ticket. The Washington Post claims he already enjoys 20% of this party’s support. He is also attracting many on the “right,” due to his centrist leanings and promise to secure our freedoms, in post-Covid America. He has straddled the fence on abortion in the past, but has now fallen decidedly against the unborn. Have a look at these 2 articles…

Robert F Kennedy Jr. Supports Abortion

The Hole in the Heart of RFK Jr.’s Extraordinary Book

Sadly, RFK Jr. is a Catholic who purportedly attends Mass daily and even wrote a children’s book on his patron saint, Francis of Assisi, in 2005. Robert Francis Kennedy Jr. would do well to contemplate the words of Holy Scripture, perhaps speaking of these very times…

“I know thy works, that thou art neither cold, nor hot. I would thou wert cold, or hot. But because thou art lukewarm, and neither cold, nor hot, I will begin to vomit thee out of my mouth.”

Apocalypse 3:15

Thoughts on Memorial Day, USA

As with everything it seems, these days, we Catholics must move the opposite direction of the culture.  Memorial Day is no exception.  At my hair salon the other day, everyone was talking about their impending parties over the weekend.  Someone asked me what I was doing and I said, “Nothing,” a bit embarrassed.  I admit I am far from perfect in responding to these many awkward situations that arise.  This is our lot.  This is our cross as Christians, to follow the narrow path.

A culture that has forgotten how to mourn, has forgotten how to live.

In considering how I might “celebrate” this day, my first thought was to refrain from meat.  However, our fridge is packed with meat that needs to be cooked.  So I resolved to pray the rosary and to try to live a good, disciplined day.  Thinking of my husband’s uncle Harry who died in WWII, I decided to offer the day for him and when presented with a difficulty, to say, “Do it for Harry.” 

I have become deeply devoted to the memory of Harry, after coming across an old scrapbook in my husband’s basement.  It showed little anecdotes of Harry from his boyhood.  I was fascinated.  Finally, I turned a page and there it was.  The record of his death.  I had never heard the story and was shocked and saddened.  We have visited Harry’s memorial in the family cemetery several times now.  Someone placed a flag there which is worn, but still there.  He was buried in Germany.  26 years old, close to our son’s age now.  Like the line in “Gone with the Wind,” referring to the soldiers of the Civil War, “Maybe they are all Ashley”…I think of the men and women we honor today…Maybe they are all Harry. 

As I continue to work towards a community of love, apart from a world sinking into tyranny, I wonder what Harry died for and will remember to say, “Do it for Harry.”

On this feast of Our Lady, Mother of the Church, this octave of Pentecost and this Ember Week, let us keep these dear souls and their families in prayer, along with places of war right now and of course, pray for peace. 

­­Come Holy Ghost, give the world the illumination it needs so very much at this time!

Are You in Idaho??? / Ideas for a Catholic Prepper Event

Modern Homesteading Conference offers two full days of practical, strategic, and proven presentations. It will be held in Coeur d’Alene, Idaho on June 30th and July 1st. You’ll gain insights from individuals who have honed their techniques over many years. There will be live demonstrations to bring these concepts to life before your eyes. When it comes to pursuing a self-sufficient lifestyle and turning your homesteading dreams into reality, mere aspirations and online tutorials can only take you so far.

What: Modern Homesteading Conference

When: June 30th and July 1st

Where: Coeur d’Alene, Idaho

The curated lineup of speakers have thrived in challenging northern climates. These experienced individuals understand the unique demands of short warm-weather growing seasons, enduring long winters, and two months of rain scarcity in July and August. They’ve not only managed to feed their families year-round from their homesteads, but have also extended their offerings to provide pasture-raised livestock to others. The speakers will equip you with information for: 

  • Enhancing food production.

  • Leveraging the benefits of herbs for personal and livestock use.

  • Incorporating livestock into your homestead.

  • Mastering the art of preserving food for year-round consumption.

  • And much more!

Thanks to Peak Prosperity for this info. It has been copied from their email.

If you are not in Idaho or the surrounding area, and you have expertise in these topics, please consider chairing a community, diocesan or parish-based event. How do you Catholicize (I just made up that word) it? Obviously, you can come up with your own ideas. I might suggest discussing: Saint Francis, Saint Isidore the Farmer, Saint Fiacre or Saint Hildegard of Bingen…Saint Joseph was a woodworker!…the Ember Days…growing wheat and grapes for the Holy Mass (we should all have these seeds)…how to perform an emergency baptism…Biblical support for preparedness. Also, the Catholic Bug-Out Bag!

We will post it for you, of course. Gotta get the info out for the children of God and their little ones to navigate the coming days!

The Banking Crisis: A Fabulous Conversation....

Michelle Makori of Kitco News interviews Edward Dowd, author, financial analyst and founder of Phinance Technologies, regarding our current global financial situation. There is also talk towards the end about the Covid shots and their disastrous results, including the economic perspective…

Emergency Fed rate cut by June, only 6 US banks will be left by 2025, paving way for CBDC (Central Bank Digital Currency)

Things are heating up in the world, but never forget God loved us so much, He sent His beloved Son to die for us! Remember the 3 Theological Virtues always…

Faith Hope & Love

WEF 2023 Part 1

Welcome to the World Economic Forum 2023

“Cooperation in a Fragmented WorlD”

(Translation: “Eat or Be Eaten”)

The 4-Day Week ~ Metaverse ~ Digital Currency ~ Redefining Life

Woke Stuff ~ Battery Passports ~ Brain Transparency ~ Injections

Globalization ~ Artificial Intelligence ~ Medical Tracking ~ New Era

And More!

loads of fun for the “select group of human beings”

(This is how John Kerry referred to himself and the other Weffers in attendance.)

These plans are moving forward aggressively. They are all-in.

If this is what they are telling us, what are they hiding?

What happens to those who refuse to conform?

They are busy-bees, looking forward. So must we be. They talk about the Great Reset. We must begin creating the Greater Reset, the Newer World Order, an authentic life, close to God and nature. They talk a lot about nature, but it is doublespeak.

We are up against Satan himself, an evil genius, the likes of which we are no match for…without God.

Evil is always self-defeating. We win.

“In the end, my Immaculate Heart will triumph.”

Our Lady of Fatima

Random Stuff

WEFfers planning your future again!

The World Economic Forum * met once again in Davos, Switzerland, from January 16-20. “Cooperation in a Fragmented World” was the theme. Here’s a video from Redacted with some good info: “Something Big is Happening in Davos as WEF Blocks the Media.” (Note: I do not agree with everything these people say, but they do some good work.)

pioneer of traditional catholic movement dies

Howard Walsh, the founder of Keep the Faith media organization and publisher of Latin Mass magazine passed to the Lord on January 19, after a battle with cancer. Here’s a short article from The Remnant.

litany of the holy name of jesus

In this month of the Holy Name, please consider praying this beautiful litany with your family!

*Please use prayer and caution when viewing presentations on this website. Satan is a great deceiver.