Current World Situation

Pentecost / Whitsunday


Preface from the Tridentine Mass:

It is truly meet and just, right and for our salvation, that we should at all times, and in all places, give thanks unto Thee, O holy Lord, Father almighty, everlasting God, through Christ our Lord. Who ascending above all the heavens and sitting at Thy right hand, poured out on this day the promised Holy Spirit upon the children of adoption. Wherefore the whole world doth rejoice with overflowing joy; and the heavenly Hosts also and the angelic Powers sing together the hymn of Thy glory, evermore saying:

Sanctus, sanctus, sanctus, Dominus Deus Sabaoth! Pleni sunt coeli et terra gloria tua! Hosanna in excelsis! Benedictus qui venit in nomine Domini! Hosanna in excelsis!

From the New Marian Missal:

“Our Lord Jesus Christ, being seated on the right hand of God, sent, as He had promised, the Holy Ghost upon the Apostles, who, after His ascension, continued in prayer at Jerusalem, in company with the Blessed Virgin, awaiting the performance of His promise. Let us pray in like manner with the Church: Come, O Holy Spirit, fill the hearts of Thy faithful and kindle in them the fire of Thy love.”


The Spirit of the Lord hath filled the whole world, alleluia; and that which containeth all things hath knowledge of the voice, alleluia, alleluia, alleluia.

Let God arise, and let His enemies be scattered: and let them that hate Him flee from before His face.

Let us contemplate the above words and pray with all our hearts to the Third Person of the Most Holy Trinity, as the world now begins to grant benefits to those who have received the abortion-tainted Covid vaccine (not to mention many other concerns about these vaccines)…and begins to deprive those who refuse it. Let us understand we are at war and must prepare for the fight to increase. O Come Holy Ghost, give us courage and all the wisdom and grace we need to face this situation upon us!

Remember Pentecost is an octave, a time to be joyful and continue in our prayers to the Holy Ghost. For a short meditation on the Descent of the Holy Ghost, please see “Rosary Meditations” to the right>>>

Image courtesy Discount Catholic Store, which we previously did a post on. Purchase this Holy Spirit Suncatcher here!

Random Stuff

~ Final Minor Rogation Day ~

Since the Rogation Days invoke God’s mercy and also are associated with litanies, here is the Litany of the Mercy of God. Think about praying it tonight with your family! The closing prayer is very similar to a prayer in the Divine Mercy Chaplet:

O God, Whose Mercy is infinite and Whose treasures of pity are inexhaustible, graciously look down upon us and increase in us Thy Mercy so that we may never, even in the greatest trials, give way to despair, but may always trustfully conform ourselves to Thy Holy Will, which is Mercy itself. Through Our Lord Jesus Christ, the King of Mercy, Who with Thee and the Holy Spirit doth show us Mercy forever and ever. Amen.

~Bill Gates Sr, Planned Parenthood & Where it’s all Going~

I was doing some research last night and came across the assertion that Bill Gates’ father was the “president of Planned Parenthood.” I said to myself, “Why have I never heard this before?” I went down the rabbit hole to corroborate the info. An article on Lifesite quotes Gates in a 2003 interview with Bill Moyers: “My dad was head of Planned Parenthood. And it was very controversial to be involved with that.” Bill Gates Sr. died 8 months ago and the New York Times had this to say, “He was president of the Seattle/King County Bar Association and the Washington State Bar Association and a director of the Greater Seattle Chamber of Commerce, the King County United Way and Planned Parenthood.” We can see that Gates’ father was indeed the director of Planned Parenthood, probably on a local level. This same New York Times piece shows us a picture of Gates Sr. holding a baby of color in his arms, next to Nelson Mandela and Jimmy Carter, in South Africa. Surely, he would have had no problem presiding over this baby’s death in Washington State.

His son, Mr. Covid Vaccine King, continues the wonderful legacy. Lifesite goes on, “[Bill Gates] says, he has seen that by improving health and education, population decreases as parents decide to have less children. Despite all his distancing from Malthus, Gates remains steadfast to the unfounded Malthusian fear of overpopulation.” Another article: “The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation’s role in funding COVID-19 vaccine research has been a point of particular concern, due in large part to the couple’s history as radical advocates for abortion and population control.” Melinda Gates is quoted: "Here in the United States, it's going to be black people who really should get [the Covid vaccine] first and many indigenous people, as well as people with underlying symptoms, and then elderly people." They have it all figured out.

Yet one more Lifesite deeply concerning article tells us: ”Gates also invested approximately $20 million in MicroCHIPS, a company that makes chip-based devices, including birth-control implant chips with wireless on/off switches for remote-controlled drug-delivery by medical authorities.”

How are we to respond to all this? The Gates are for education. So must we be, in our own spheres. They’ve been busy bees. So must we be, building The Newer World Order. And as the prayer above implores, never despair. That is not our world and as we discussed on Good Friday…It Will Fail!

~ It’s Supposed to be for the Birds! ~

The squirrel likes my flax seeds.  Birds don’t.  LOL  (I don’t mind, I love the squirrels.)  I also had to remove that blue tray because it does not drain rainwater but there is plastic underneath that does drain.  The blue tray will be a perfect basin for potted plants!

The squirrel likes my flax seeds. Birds don’t. LOL (I don’t mind, I love the squirrels.) I also had to remove that blue tray because it does not drain rainwater but there is plastic underneath that does drain. The blue tray will be a perfect basin for potted plants!

In This Year of Saint Joseph: Re-Grouping for Warfare


In this Year of Saint Joseph, here is one more beautiful prayer. Let us continue to keep the Foster-Father of our Redeemer in mind and remember this is a wonderful year for indulgences, with devotions to him.

Completing my bio has turned into a mid-life odyssey. I was going to do the typical dry spewing of facts in the third person. It took on a completely different form, as it became more personal and meditative. The story just seemed to require this. In recent years, I vowed to myself that I would never tell my story because it is too dark in many ways and also because I do not want the focus on me…perhaps also because I just didn’t want to think about it and dredge up all the emotion. But recently, I began to feel that it was time to do it. I also see that it is proving to be a therapeutic exercise at this mid-point in my life and at this pivotal time in history, as all of our lives are changing. It has become a deep meditation and re-connection with the people and places of my past, a re-grouping, before continuing on the rest of my journey. There has been much suffering in my life, but also much happiness. The dark parts will be largely omitted. This effort stemmed from wanting to assist my readers, so they would not feel they were reading disembodied words from a faceless person.

Maybe it is time for all of us to be doing this. In this time of relative peace, as things are heating up with each passing day, perhaps God is calling us now to look back in recollection before going forward. It is a time to come to terms with the past in every respect, get holier and suit up for the war ahead. Saint Joseph, Patron of the Universal Church, is here to help us at this time. Saying the prayer above for embarking on this process can only be a benefit. Christ is with us. No fear. Only trust, peace and joy…Faith, Hope and Love!

Image courtesy gardeniablossm on Instagram

Reflections on this Easter Triduum

Let us rejoice on this Easter Thursday, as we contemplate the following Psalm, which gives praise to our Heavenly Father and shows us how our present sufferings will end….Trial & Triumph!

Psalm 91

It is good to give praise to the Lord: and to sing to thy name, O most High. To shew forth thy mercy in the morning, and thy truth in the night: Upon an instrument of ten strings, upon the psaltery: with a canticle upon the harp. For thou hast given me, O Lord, a delight in thy doings: and in the works of thy hands I shall rejoice.

O Lord, how great are thy works! thy thoughts are exceeding deep. The senseless man shall not know: nor will the fool understand these things. When the wicked shall spring up as grass: and all the workers of iniquity shall appear: That they may perish for ever and ever: But thou, O Lord, art most high for evermore. For behold thy enemies, O Lord, for behold thy enemies shall perish: and all the workers of iniquity shall be scattered.

But my horn shall be exalted like that of the unicorn: and my old age in plentiful mercy. My eye also hath looked down upon my enemies: and my ear shall hear of the downfall of the malignant that rise up against me. The just shall flourish like the palm tree: he shall grow up like the cedar of Libanus. They that are planted in the house of the Lord shall flourish in the courts of the house of our God. They shall still increase in a fruitful old age: and shall be well treated, that they may shew, that the Lord our God is righteous, and there is no iniquity in him.

+ + +

GOOD FRIDAY-Last week, someone we love was planning to get the Covid mRNA “vaccine.” My husband and I were concerned, not only due to the medical considerations, but also the ethical issues regarding abortion and vaccines. Not even thinking of Holy Week, we decided to pray the Divine Mercy Novena. It was wonderful to pray this on Good Friday, uniting it to the Passion of Christ. This novena is often begun on Good Friday, to be completed just prior to the Divine Mercy feast. There is also an indulgence attached.

A number of our friends and family members have already gotten the vaccine, which is a sorrow. However, I have great consolation that through our prayers, the effects will be mitigated, as far as God wills. I am with Bishop Athanasius Schneider in saying that I will never get it, under penalty of death…for God, for the babies, for freedom…we must make ourselves worthy to inherit the earth when all is said and done.

HOLY SATURDAY-I found myself thinking about the mysterious apparition at Knock, Ireland, in 1879, on the morning of Holy Saturday and wondered why God put that in my mind. The strange thing about this vision, seen by many people, was that the figures were both silent and motionless. “Our Lady of Knock” is well-known, but many do not know that Saint Joseph, Saint John the Evangelist and even Our Lord as a Lamb with angels, also appeared. Saint John was holding a book in one hand and appeared as a bishop. Hundreds of miracles were reported in the days following the apparition. Some feel that Knock was related to the End Times, perhaps the times we are now living in. When the author of Apocalypse appears with an open book, maybe it’s time to consider we should be paying attention to the Signs of the Times!

So what does this have to do with Holy Saturday? This day is only one of 2 days in all the year, including Good Friday, when the Mass is not celebrated (except for the Easter Vigil in the evening). The altar is bare. We call to mind the dark moments when Our Blessed Lord was enclosed within the tomb. Stillness, silence, mourning. We can see a connection to the stillness and silence at Knock. There is a lot to meditate on here.

EASTER SUNDAY-Our celebrant gave a wonderful homily at the Easter Mass. He related a little-known story about the Hungarian uprising against the Soviet Union in 1956. As the tanks approached a small village on Easter, the local parish priest stood in front of them, forcing them to stop. He shouted, “Jesus is risen!” The soldiers peeked their heads up and responded, “Indeed He is risen!" They had heard this countless times as children and it was their spontaneous reaction. The smart priest had bottles of vodka waiting for them and the village was spared. (Great prepper lesson!) The question for you and me is, “Do I have that kind of courage and trust during these times, when I am called upon to defend the Truth?” It is now our turn. Something else to meditate on.



“It Will Fail”

+ + +

A friend of mine recently said something very profound that really stuck with me. It was just 3 simple words: “It will fail.” When looking at all the changes of the past year, as the Brave New World Order advances, he said we must keep these words in mind: “It will fail.” Our Lady of Fatima, foreseeing these times, proclaimed, “In the end, my Immaculate Heart will triumph!” As bad as things get, we know we are God’s children and He will not leave his Church orphaned. She is His Bride and will be restored to her pristine purity and beauty. We must keep our eyes beyond the sufferings of the present moment and focus on the “Newer World Order” that we are building. The cucarachas have been very busy bees. So must we be.

So when you see the suffering all this “safe & healthy” nonsense is incurring upon people, remember these words. When you see your aunt going deaf in one ear right after receiving the Covid “vaccine,” remember these words. When you see your sister imprisoned for several days in a hotel room (even the key to the room taken away), due to a simple paperwork error while traveling, remember these words. When you see your young child developing social fears due to isolation and masks, when you see your friend’s business closing, a pregnant woman being thrown out of Church while the Sacred Host is still upon her tongue, a “vaccine mandate” to attend a wedding, turmoil in families due to coercion to vaccinate, a woman losing a tooth due to dentistry lockdown, people with severe anxiety and depression, marital problems, counting heads during burials in the open air…remember these words: “It will fail.”

Just as those who conspired against Our Blessed Lord on this day, were ultimately defeated, the veil ripped, the Temple destroyed only 7 years after completion…”It will fail.” Just as Satan’s “great moment” was his final undoing, the Crucifixion attaining our Redemption, “It will fail!”

Wishing all great blessings and graces during this Easter Triduum! Don’t forget the Divine Mercy Novena begins today.

Note: All the above stories are true-some have happened to me, some related by friends, some local to New York, or as in the case of the woman thrown out of church, this happened in Dallas recently-she was not wearing a mask, but was forcibly removed by the police, even after the mandate was removed in Texas…even more of an outrage, because she was pregnant!

Image courtesy

Lesson 5-Prepper Rosary Program

This concludes the Joyful Mysteries of the Prepper Rosary Program. We will resume this program at a later date. Please get on our email list to be notified. In the meantime, finish the Worksheet and incorporate greater preparedness into your life!


”And it came to pass, that, after three days, they found him in the temple, sitting in the midst of the doctors, hearing them, and asking them questions. And all that heard him were astonished at his wisdom and his answers. And seeing him, they wondered.”

Luke 2:46

Know Opportunity When You See It ~ The Finding of Jesus in the Temple

Next time your Protestant friend criticizes the Rosary, you can say it is in fact, a form of Bible study. The Fifth Joyful Mystery, “The Finding of the Child Jesus in the Temple,” is found in Luke, 2:41-52. The Holy Family, along with their “kinsfolks and acquaintance,” embarked on their yearly trip from Nazareth to Jerusalem for the Pasch. Upon making their journey back, Our Lord stayed behind, amazing the elders in the Temple with His divine wisdom. Mary and Joseph realized He was not with them and sadly returned to Jerusalem to seek Him. They found their precious Son in His Father’s House, where He told them, they ought to have known He would be. The learned men also found Him, as He opened their eyes to the knowledge that Someone extraordinary had entered Herod’s still-under-construction Second Temple.

When this Bar Mitzvah-aged youth tried to engage these men, they could easily have said, “Get outta here kid, we have no time for this. Aren’t your parents looking for you?” But instead, their hearts were moved to see what this young man had to say. Probably, they initially felt they would help HIm out with some questions. By the time His parents showed up, they were left in wonder, participants in a Mystery that would be told till the end of time. They saw the opportunity before them, heeded the call and were forever changed.

Knowing opportunity when you see it requires a broad view of your surroundings and thinking outside the box. It is a skill that develops over time, by training your mind to scan the environment for benefits the average person would not see. After a while, it becomes second-nature and you become an asset to yourself and those around you. However, keep in mind that not every idea is a good one. Discernment must be used, with prayer. When you pass that farm with the “For Sale” sign, remember there is a reason why “bought the farm” is an expression for death (then again, a farm might be just what you need-the idea of creating rural refuges is gaining in popularity and very much in accord with the mission of our ministry). Some ideas will be small and some will be big. On the small end…you might notice sturdy candles on sale, which would be great during a blackout, your neighbor might be selling his old generator, or you may see some good bulk deals on storable food. On the large end…well, there’s the farm…turning an abandoned lot into a community garden or establishing a prayer group at an otherwise socially-deficient church…strong communities are critical during hard times (those in power have done everything they can to destroy connectedness, because they want us to rely on big government instead of the strength of subsidiarity). We must also trust in Divine Providence, that God will give His children what they need. “Ask and you shall receive.” We just need to notice these gifts when they cross our paths.

Another kind of opportunity is the simple, personal kind, that we often miss. It could be a bored child asking for attention, a beautiful spring day you could enjoy with your family, or a cousin who calls out of the blue when you’re busy. Sometimes we need to take a step back and embrace what the moment is asking of us. What does this have to do with preparedness? Strong relationships are the essence of life…the essence of an authentic life. Such a life, close to God, each other and nature, is the ultimate preparedness. This is exactly what our modern culture has been attacking for decades. We must turn the dial in the other direction if there is to be any hope for the future.

Just as Mary and Joseph finally looked for their Child in the Temple and the Jewish doctors humbly recognized His wisdom, we must also use our minds and hearts to navigate an increasingly hostile world. Surely, God’s Judgement is upon us and there are those who need us. We must do our best for them and for Holy Church, to re-establish His reign on earth…

From Act of Consecration of the Human Race to the Sacred Heart of Jesus:

Grant, O Lord, to Thy Church assurance of freedom and immunity from harm, give peace and order to all nations, and make the earth resound from pole to pole with one cry:

Praise to the Divine Heart that wrought our salvation. To It be glory and honor forever! Amen.

+ + +

Pray 1 Decade of the Rosary, meditating on the Mystery of The Finding of Jesus in the Temple, for the intention of enlightenment on the issues discussed above…

Our Father + 10 Hail Marys + Glory Be

+ + +

Please fill out #5

“15 Points Preparedness Worksheet”

Thank you for participating ~ spread the word!

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Never mind Covid, the sex scenes must go on!

Why is Hollywood exempt from the mask? I understand they must undergo some kind of protocol, which probably involves frequent testing, but it is not unreasonable to ask this question. I have gone out a few times without it or simply have not covered my nose (because I would like to breathe normally, which I wildly assume is a basic human right-who knew wanting to breathe would one day be radically counter-cultural?) and have been physically intimidated, sneered at, verbally harassed, yelled at, chased, dramatically pulled away from, looked at with fear, thrown out of stores, turned in to “authorities” and singled out for “special” treatment. I have even had these problems in church. One usher tried to prevent me from receiving Holy Communion. Another tried to physically block me from returning to my pew after continued harassment and trying to throw me out. (I have only had these problems in certain “types” of churches, if you catch my drift.)

Meanwhile, in Hollywood….

Though I am detaching more and more from the world, I occasionally have to encounter it in my research. I also still try to find something decent to watch on TV occasionally (it’s easier to get peanut butter to slide off a piece of bread…sorry, that’s the only thing I could come up with…maybe I should have said, in keeping with the peanut butter theme…it’s easier to get my husband to stop eating peanut butter, even in Lent…OK!…my brain is a bit fried after this past year, whatduhyuhwant?). I recently watched a trailer for a new movie, which showed a scene of a couple kissing intimately. I also attempted to watch a new TV show and the first thought which came to my mind was, “Why is no one wearing a mask? Why is no one distancing? HOW IS THIS POSSIBLE?” I was so angry, I had to shut it off. We are now in an age when what is on TV is more normal than what is outside. We are getting further sucked into the virtual world and away from the real one. Could this be by design?

There are many inconsistencies going on with the Covid measures. One store I was thrown out of, for not having the mask over my nose, was right down the road from a KFC, where everyone was chowin down with no masks. Just one of countless examples. No matter what you think of all these restrictions, you must admit there is something very wrong with this picture. If we don’t ask these questions now, what kind of a future are we looking at? What kind of a world will our children be living in?

Covid Culture and the Age of Separation

[Edited since posting.]

There are numerous theories as to why they want us in our homes so badly. I have not heard anyone else point out that we are simultaneously being concentrated and separated. It is true, venturing out is no longer for the faint-hearted. But I am beginning to see the whole thing as a game. This perspective changes everything and is very therapeutic. Games are frustrating and fun. With the right attitude, maybe we can actually cope with this emerging chaotic world and preserve our sanity…

“With God all things are possible."

Matthew 19:26

I needed to shop for several things and my favorite department store was having a big sale this weekend. I spent 2 days shopping and was rather exhausted after the experience…

The fitting rooms were closed, so they expected you to buy clothes simply to take them home and try them on…then come back and hold up the 6-foot distanced line with all your returns and exchanges. How much more sanitary is it for people to take the clothes home and throw them all over their beds? What a great new system! At one point, I started to overheat in my winter coat (menopause) and wondered where I could stash it while I shopped. I thought, “The closed fitting room!” I explained to a female employee I was not feeling well and asked if I could do that. She said “No” and walked away. I wanted to yell, “I see you’ve never had a hot flash!” I then asked a cashier if I could stick my coat by the register and she was very accommodating. She was young and I could have been her mother. I learned something: always ask a young person. Okay, I’m starting to get the rules of this game! Another great thing I found out was that the handicapped stall in the women’s room was taped up to prevent people from trying on clothes in there. So if you’re in a wheelchair or have a baby in a stroller, you’ll need to go down one level on the elevator (which is nowhere near the restroom), out of the store and all the way to the mall restrooms, which are down a long hallway. Wow, this mall’s got it goin on!

Out in the mall, all the chairs have been removed. They were vinyl, which would have been easy to wipe down. There is no place to rest or sit and have a snack. Starbucks won’t let you sit either, so you can get your Egg Bites and eat them standing up at one of the charging stations. Okay, let’s play the game! Figure out where you can sit. Some restrooms still have chairs and there are always SHOE DEPARTMENTS! K-Ching! 50 points! It is very sad, the mall used to be populated with many lonely people, some elderly, who would sit in the chairs and just hang out. I guess they’re all at home now, living like recluses and getting depressed, which is probably great for their health. So much for “safe and healthy.” The connection between the mind and body, which has been well established, has been completely dismissed. We are now just bodies with no connection to anything higher, with no other needs.

I have been wearing a clear mask, which allows me to breathe better and smile at people. I was behind a father and his 2 children on line. I smiled at the kids and said, “I can smile!” I could see big smiles on their faces, even through the masks. The father turned around, looked at me coldly and looked away. Just trying to give your children a sense of hope and normalcy. Sorry! (Okay, I admit it was weird.) One older man commented on the clear mask and said he liked it. We got into a great conversation. He said he finds the mask uncomfortable, dehumanizing and wonders about ill effects. So wonderful when you meet another true human being who can still think and feel!

The fear of “covid” has permeated every aspect of our culture and everyday lives. My husband tried to food shop yesterday, but turned around as soon as he saw the lines outside…the Super Bowl plus an impending snowstorm…forget about it.

A culture designed around a disease will itself be diseased.

When we speak of this “Age of Separation,” it means many things. It seems a great chasm between good and evil is forming, a polarization as never before. The forced physical separation between individuals results in psychological separation as well (there’s a reason why hugs are so powerful). Homicide rates this past year have skyrocketed. That is no surprise, when you’ve created fear between people and the inability to connect…and when you’ve stressed them to the breaking point. “Safe and healthy” is classic Orwellian doublespeak. All the humanity, compassion and understanding is leaving our society. What will replace it?

Welcome to the New World Order!

2021 March For Life Wrap-Up

*** Text “March” to 73075 ***

You can “march” all year long by texting the word “march” to the number above. You will be given very easy (basically one click) ways to contact your legislators about pro-life issues. The messages are pre-written-there is no way for it to be easier! You will also become educated on every piece of pro-life legislation on the federal level, which this new administration will try to influence. If you prefer, there is also an email option. Do it today before they start changing our laws!

Watch 2021 March For Life

The virtual March for Life this year was exceptionally done. This was an unprecedented project, since the first March of 20,000 people in 1974, only one year after the “Roe vs Wade” decision. The president, Jeanne Mancini, and her team pulled it together and did a remarkable job. The footage is about 2 1/2 hours. The first half is a series of short, pre-recorded talks from pro-life leaders around the country. The second half contains live interviews and coverage of the March. This is a great “documentary” for young people, which can be used for catechism classes or youth groups. It is not boring at all, the time goes by effortlessly and is quite inspiring. One of the highlights was the talk given by Tim Tebow, keynote speaker of this year’s Rose Dinner Gala, athlete, humanitarian and himself a “miracle baby.”

March For Life Website

Click on the link above for news, March merchandise, “Take Action” button, donations and more.

Every faithful Catholic must fight this fight for life and against evil is his own way. Why is the world undergoing such a chastisement? Why is God allowing it? None of this will end until humanity repents and turns back to God and His Law of Love.

48th Anniversary of Roe vs Wade

This is an actual picture of a miscarried baby.  You can see the head is only as big as the mother’s thumb.

This is an actual picture of a miscarried baby. You can see the head is only as big as the mother’s thumb.

Let us remember all pro-life intentions in our prayers (how about the Rosary?) and offerings today. None of this present suffering will change if the whole world does not repent. Spread the message of repentance!

Please consider emailing your political representatives or Governor, expressing your concern for all human life (you may want to add any comments about church lockdowns). For those in New York, here is Governor Cuomo’s Email (please ignore the mind-control at the top of the page).

+++ Lord, have mercy +++