“It’s not only about the economy. You got mentally deranged people in charge in a country near you…If we don’t stop where we’re going, we are going to be annihilated in a nuclear war. We have demonic, evil people in charge…I fight for peace and so I’m telling everybody out there, you better put your money where your heart is and do something to support peace because if we don’t, this thing is finished.”
Catholic Prepper YouTube Channel / Training Class Tomorrow!
Just found this by accident. I feel God wants me to put this up because they have ONE MORE DAY of a training class. I admit I am not familiar with this content, but a superficial look is encouraging. I would think if you miss the class, videos will be posted, not sure. Most likely, these classes will be offered again. Check it out anyway!
br coalition
The above short video talks about the class and the recent occurrences in the world which should show anyone that preparing is more than reasonable, and people are feeling the stress of a world gone wrong. The massive amount of drug overdose deaths is mentioned. We now have a statistic for 2021 in the US, a staggering 100,000. The Covid agenda was certainly one aspect of this rise. I personally know 3 people who have lost young sons to this tragedy. One is a family member (a devoutly Catholic family). One a friend and one a woman I met at church. I live in New York and it is a particular problem here, for a variety of reasons. Let us pray for our dear young men and women at this confusing time. Let us support them and teach them how to cope in an ever-changing world. Let us show them the Rock, the Holy Catholic Church and our King, Jesus Christ, in Whom all our hope resides!
+++ Good Friday & A World in Crisis +++
Then the Jews, (because it was the parasceve,) that the bodies might not remain on the cross on the sabbath day, (for that was a great sabbath day,) besought Pilate that their legs might be broken, and that they might be taken away. The soldiers therefore came; and they broke the legs of the first, and of the other that was crucified with him. But after they were come to Jesus, when they saw that he was already dead, they did not break his legs.
John 19:31
The 2 thieves died when their legs were broken because the legs support the body, so when the supports fail, death is hastened. When looking outside our windows, does this look familiar? What are the supports of a functional society? Here are a few, varying in importance, some dependent on others…
Relationship with God Freedom Morality Human Identity as Created by God Peace Honesty Honor Prosperity Access to Resources Sanctity of Life Bodily Autonomy Law Safety Reason Respect for God’s Earth Upholding the Vulnerable Cooperation Equality Free Market Limited Government Self-Defense Dignity & Civility Subsidiarity Self-Reliance Restraint of Technology Checks & Balances Support of Family Cultural Identity
For those who do not have their heads in the clouds, it is easy to see how these structural supports have been systematically attacked. Supposedly because of a 99% survival-rate virus, we have seen the erosion of freedom of speech, travel, bodily autonomy (including the very right to breathe, which square foot you are allowed to stand on and hugging a friend in public), worship, business, celebration of life events, parental rights, peaceful protest, financial rights, walking in a park and the list actually goes on. Looking at the above, how many things would you say are left?
The banking crisis the West now faces, is one example of a demolition which is further weakening the complex system we rely on. As Chris Martenson says, economy, energy and environment (“The Three E’s”) are inextricably linked. Throw in geopolitics and a history of making money out of thin air, and you get to where we are now. Martenson also makes the important point that we are seeing the general breakdown of “social contracts.”
Another expert, Robert Kiyosaki, explains the complexity of this situation with his colleague, Andy Schectman, in the video below. They explain the problems of selective bailouts, nations moving away from the dollar and an unprepared population. Pillars that we have long relied upon are now crumbling…
is it over for the us dollar?
The world is breaking the same way the legs of the 2 thieves were broken. When you destroy the foundational supports, the body falls. But there was One also crucified, in their midst. One Who could not be broken. Set apart. Human, yet Divine. The world must remember its Redeemer. We must return to Him and rely on His strength, because He can never fail. Though He was beaten and tortured, His core stood unbreakable. Though Holy Church suffers scandals and great distress, the gates of Hell cannot prevail against her. Her core is unshakable, her teachings immovable.
No matter what the coming days will hold, we must remain true to faith, hope and love. We stand on Christ. We know that our King will triumph, for He has already conquered from the Cross…and Risen! Alleluia!
The Banking Crisis: A Fabulous Conversation....
Michelle Makori of Kitco News interviews Edward Dowd, author, financial analyst and founder of Phinance Technologies, regarding our current global financial situation. There is also talk towards the end about the Covid shots and their disastrous results, including the economic perspective…
Emergency Fed rate cut by June, only 6 US banks will be left by 2025, paving way for CBDC (Central Bank Digital Currency)
Things are heating up in the world, but never forget God loved us so much, He sent His beloved Son to die for us! Remember the 3 Theological Virtues always…
Faith Hope & Love
Follow-Up to Last Post: "No College Mandates"
No College Mandates: Restoring Medical Freedom
“We are a group of concerned parents, doctors, nurses, professors, students and other college stake holders working towards the common goal of ending COVID-19 vaccine mandates.”
This organization is US based. You can find, on the above link (if you scroll down) listings of the mandate status of many colleges. They also write letters to schools expressing their views on the mandates.
Nuremberg 2.0
“Were the injections required for all the students?”
In spite of the overwhelming evidence against the Covid shots, particularly the danger for young people, Harvard (and likely other universities) continues to require them for students, but not for most faculty.
Thought for the Day
When you have spent your entire life meditating upon the Passion of our lord, nothing this world throws at you will ever surprise you.
this has been our preparation for future shock.
and that moment is now.
WEF 2023 Part 1
Welcome to the World Economic Forum 2023
“Cooperation in a Fragmented WorlD”
(Translation: “Eat or Be Eaten”)
The 4-Day Week ~ Metaverse ~ Digital Currency ~ Redefining Life
Woke Stuff ~ Battery Passports ~ Brain Transparency ~ Injections
Globalization ~ Artificial Intelligence ~ Medical Tracking ~ New Era
And More!
loads of fun for the “select group of human beings”
(This is how John Kerry referred to himself and the other Weffers in attendance.)
These plans are moving forward aggressively. They are all-in.
If this is what they are telling us, what are they hiding?
What happens to those who refuse to conform?
They are busy-bees, looking forward. So must we be. They talk about the Great Reset. We must begin creating the Greater Reset, the Newer World Order, an authentic life, close to God and nature. They talk a lot about nature, but it is doublespeak.
We are up against Satan himself, an evil genius, the likes of which we are no match for…without God.
Evil is always self-defeating. We win.
“In the end, my Immaculate Heart will triumph.”
Our Lady of Fatima
Random Stuff
WEFfers planning your future again!
The World Economic Forum * met once again in Davos, Switzerland, from January 16-20. “Cooperation in a Fragmented World” was the theme. Here’s a video from Redacted with some good info: “Something Big is Happening in Davos as WEF Blocks the Media.” (Note: I do not agree with everything these people say, but they do some good work.)
pioneer of traditional catholic movement dies
Howard Walsh, the founder of Keep the Faith media organization and publisher of Latin Mass magazine passed to the Lord on January 19, after a battle with cancer. Here’s a short article from The Remnant.
litany of the holy name of jesus
In this month of the Holy Name, please consider praying this beautiful litany with your family!
*Please use prayer and caution when viewing presentations on this website. Satan is a great deceiver.
Month of January: The Holy Name of Christ ~ Nomen Christi!
Christological Triad of the Months
In a previous post, I discussed the “Marian Triad of the Months,” which are 3 months in a row, dedicated to Our Lady (August-October). I may have said this was the only “triad” of the year, however, if we look at the Liturgical Year, we see another grouping of 3 from December to February. This is my own concept, which I have titled, “Christological Triad of the Months.” Let us meditate upon the Divine Infancy, the Holy Name and the Passion of Our Lord. How do they interrelate?
Mary, Mother of God
O Mary, Mother of God, we entrust this new year to you!
A New Year
It is time to leave the world. If you don’t see this, I don’t know how to help you. This is our job this year. It will mean different things to different people. We must pray for guidance.
May we honor the Holy Name of Christ this month and dedicate ourselves more fully to its defense!