
My Trip to The Home Depot

We discussed impending Spring in the last post, so that means a trip to a garden center, in this case, The Home Depot, since I was passing by it today anyway. Whenever I’m at The Home Depot, I manage to find something I didn’t know I needed and this time it was the battery organizer! Here is everything I bought….

An inexpensive Orchid Potting Mix, for my old orchid plant which needs some refreshing…seed starter containers and soil pods (2 different methods, both of which may be placed directly in the ground, after opening up the bottoms for the roots to grow-I love the pods, you add water and they puff up like magic, they’re really fun for children)…kale (early crop!) seeds (I’ve still got tons of seeds from last year which I will be using)…a fire extinguisher for our basement (you should have one on each level of your home and write the expiration date on it with a Sharpie)…the battery organizer (I love this thing, batteries not included LOL but it does come with a battery tester)…a new Aloe Vera plant (which is considered medicinal for the skin)…plastic indoor plant trays (I’m of the mind you can never have too many)…large Comet for a buck and Febreze cheap 2-pack. You can also see our bug-out bag and some of our maps (MAPS ARE VERY IMPORTANT! ALL KINDS!). There is our car organizer, which you can’t see too well behind everything, but it functions sort of as an extension to the bug-out bag.

Yes, I know The Home Depot is one of those big-chain monoculture seat-at-the-creepy-new-world-order-table monopolizing entities. This particular store had disturbing in-your-face cameras during Covid (because we all know why cameras are needed when there’s a virus going around), which have since been removed. I do try to limit my patronage of such stores, but I never said I was perfect. For sure, the “Mom & Pop” local businesses should be supported as much as possible…and the farmer’s markets!

I was very impressed to see an array of fruit trees for sale this year. Peach, apple, cherry and pear! I think I have to go back and check that out when hubby can carry them…but I will have to do a bit of research first, you have to know what you’re doing with fruit trees…

"Back To The Roots"

Back To The Roots

America’s Organic Gardening Company

Seeds, Soils, Raised Beds, Plant Food, Grow Kits, Innovative Products, Education & Charity

“We're on a mission to help a new generation experience the magic of gardening & reconnect back to their food.”

You can see how my Pearl Oyster Mushrooms have exploded in just a few days! These Grow Kits are amazing. They also have hydroponic ones.

“Back to the Roots” is a company dedicated to organic gardening and making it easy. Please see the website above for more info.

These were incredibly delicious and tasted almost like meat. We sauteed them in butter with salt and pepper. That’s it!

"The Wonders of the Holy Name" Booklet: Act Now!

In this month of the Holy Name of Jesus (in case you haven’t noticed, this ministry is dedicated to the Holy Name), TAN Books has a great sale on the booklet mentioned above. It normally sells for $4.95 each, but if you act by January 31st, you get 5 for $10.00! It is not a prayer book, but it contains many historical anecdotes, such as Pope Gregory X’s devotion, a plague in Lisbon, glorious martyrdoms and the faith of many saints in the Holy Name.

TAN also has a monthly $10.00 “leatherette” book. They have quite a selection now of these beautiful, well-made spiritual classics and Bibles. The prices range widely, so taking advantage of the monthly offering is a good idea. As a Catholic prepper, having good quality classic books is a must. If you still need to develop your spiritual library, TAN provides a great way to move forward. They also have sets of books you might want to look at.

One warning: unless you like lots of spam, don’t sign up for their email list. Just make a point to visit the site once a month and take advantage of the leatherette, for sure.

Praise the Holy Name of Jesus now and forever!

Let us defend it valiantly!

December is the Month of the Divine Infancy & the Immaculate Conception / December Prepper Challenge!

December is such an interesting ecclesiastical month, I hardly know where to start.  It’s chock full of every kind of feast…Our Blessed Lord, Our Lady, well-known saints, Doctors of the Church, martyrs, visionaries, 1st Century saints, Old Testament Patriarchs, the Holy Family and even Adam & Eve, an “historical” feast, on Christmas Eve.  As if that’s not enough, we also celebrate the Ember Days of Winter the week before Christmas.  And don’t forget the joyful Gaudete Sunday, the 3rd Sundy of Advent.  And Advent itself, of course!

To be clear, we discuss both trad and new feasts and the traditional calendar is below.  We will place our focus on a few feasts…

The 1st Sunday of Advent is this coming Sunday, the 3rd.  This is the beginning of the new Liturgical Year and the beginning of the Cycle of Christmas, when we await the birth of Our Savior and prepare spiritually for this great Holy Day.  On the 8th, we honor the Immaculate Conception of Mary (Patroness of the USA), a Holy Day of Obligation.  This solemnity falls on a Friday this year, so no penance is required.  Our Lady of Loreto is the 10th and Our Lady of Guadalupe the 12th. 

The Ember Days are days of prayer and penance to obtain mercy for the coming season.  As the Ember Days concern themselves with nature, it’s a particularly nice time to do crafts with children.  In this case, it can be combined with Christmas in all kinds of creative ways.  Come up with your own ideas…maybe you could even arrange a day at your parish for these activities. 

I don’t suppose I have to remind anyone about Christmas on the 25th.  But let us celebrate as holy a Christmas as we can this year, as the world continues to spiral into a plethora of polycrises.

+   +   +

December Prepper Challenge

Speaking of polycrises, how about a challenge this month?  Yes, it’s Christmastime, but unfortunately, that doesn’t mean the problems in the world take a vacation.  In a month, these progressive issues, many of which are exponential in nature (speeds up over time), will be one month closer to the critical point.  That’s why action must be taken now, Christmastime or not.  The greatest gift you can give your loved ones, besides spiritual encouragement, is preparedness. 

Let us take the 2 themes of this month as inspiration, Mother and Child.  As life gets more difficult, the vulnerable will be in greater need.  We cannot help them until we help ourselves.  We must be in a strong position to help our neighbors.  We must prepare because too many are not.  We will be held accountable.  As Chris Martenson says, we will be asked one day:

“When did you see?  What did you do about it?”

If you still don’t see the need to prepare for the coming days, pray to the Holy Ghost for an illumination.

15 Points Preparedness Worksheet

Please print our worksheet above and choose 5 points to begin working on this month.  We encourage you to involve your family, discuss it together, and write out the most important things you agree should be done.  Feel free to email us with your progress and we may share your comments.  You might also think about printing a copy for your loved ones as a Christmas gift.  Roll it up with a red or green ribbon.  I guarantee they won’t get this from anyone else!  Good luck and you all will be in our prayers!

Here is the traditional Catholic calendar for December:

DNA Contamination in Covid Shots: Very Serious Problem / Thoughts for the Day

“Our blindness is monetizable by anybody who doesn’t suffer from it. To the extent that we are slowed down in realizing what is taking place, other people will have placed bets and they can transfer our wealth by knowing what…events are going to take place.”

“The word that we need to focus on is ‘counter-intuitive.’ In the circumstance where you are being presented a false dichotomy…the same puzzle that humanity has faced for centuries, and you’re about to do it again and you know that it’s a cycle that doesn’t go anywhere good, and is only getting more dangerous based on new weapons…you can be certain that the right move is going to involve a healthy dose of the counter-intuitive. You’re gonna have to think some thought that sounds wrong at first. You’re gonna have to make some move that people are gonna swear is immoral or unbearably dangerous…You’re gonna have to do something unexpected to break out of the trajectory…”

bret weinstein

…or maybe in our case, with the illumination of the Holy Ghost, the word is intuitive. Not to toot my own horn, but I never thought for a moment that those Covid shots were at all safe…and have you seen the recent reports of DNA contamination? (see links below)

+ + +

“Enter ye in at the narrow gate: for wide is the gate, and broad is the way that leadeth to destruction, and many there are who go in thereat.”

Matthew 7:13

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“Bait & Switch”— The COVID Shots are Contaminated – FLCCC News Capsule

Webinar: DNA Contamination in COVID-19 Vaccines

22 Years: 9/11 Prayer, Song, Scripture, & Meditation

Light a candle and pray with your family, sometime this week…

O Most Holy Trinity, we light this candle for all the victims of that terrible day, 22 years ago.  We pray for those at the World Trade Center, including the 2 planes, those at the Pentagon, including the plane, and those on the plane in Pennsylvania.  We pray for the first responders who gave their lives.  We give to Thee all those who died or suffered in any way, along with their loved ones.  We remember also, those who continue to live with physical and mental disability.  May they all be healed and brought close to the Sacred Heart of Jesus.  May we never forget them.  We also lift up to Thee, those responsible for  these horrific crimes against God and humanity.  May they be brought to repentance and mercy. 

God bless the United States of America, and may we become once again, a nation respecting the laws of God, the sanctity of life and all human rights.  Lord have mercy upon us.


Song:  Let All Mortal Flesh Keep Silence

Let all mortal flesh keep silence,

and with fear and trembling stand;

ponder nothing earthly minded,

for, with blessing in His hand,

Christ our God to earth descendeth,

our full homage to demand. 

King of Kings, yet born of Mary,

as of old on earth He stood,

Lord of Lords, in human vesture,

in the Body and the Blood.

He will give to all the faithful

His own Self for heav'nly food. 

Rank on rank the host of Heaven

spreads its vanguard on the way,

as the Light of Light descendeth

from the realms of endless day,

that the pow'rs of Hell may vanish

as the darkness clears away. 

At His feet the six-winged seraph,

cherubim with sleepless eye,

veil their faces to the Presence,

as with ceaseless voice they cry,

“Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia, Lord Most High!” 


And Jesus being come out of the temple, went away. And his disciples came to shew him the buildings of the temple.  And he answering, said to them: Do you see all these things? Amen I say to you there shall not be left here a stone upon a stone that shall not be destroyed…Now all these are the beginnings of sorrows…And this gospel of the kingdom, shall be preached in the whole world, for a testimony to all nations, and then shall the consummation come…For there shall be then great tribulation, such as hath not been from the beginning of the world until now, neither shall be…And from the fig tree learn a parable: When the branch thereof is now tender, and the leaves come forth, you know that summer is nigh.  So you also, when you shall see all these things, know ye that it is nigh, even at the doors…Watch ye therefore, because ye know not what hour your Lord will come…Who, thinkest thou, is a faithful and wise servant, whom his lord hath appointed over his family, to give them meat in season…Blessed is that servant, whom when his lord shall come he shall find so doing. 

Matthew 24 

On that day 22 years ago, 2,996 people died and many more suffered, as Our Lady of Sorrows looked on from Heaven.  She continues to watch over her children with the love and compassion of her Immaculate Heart.  She understands the Foot of the Cross.  And she leads us to the joy of the Resurrection.  Death is never the end of the story. 

The “candle” Saint Francis refers to is the soul illumined by the Light of Christ.  As the hymn states:  “…the Light of Light descendeth from the realms of endless day, that the pow'rs of Hell may vanish as the darkness clears away.”   

Our Lord’s prophecy in this Gospel chapter refers to the End of Time.  We do not know where we are in that timeline, but it is clear that the world is changing.  Even if we are not at “The End,” the words above are still relevant to our times.  We are seeing unprecedented sorrows, the global reach of the Gospel and unnatural endeavors which have never been attempted before.  We are told to be watchful.  We are told to prepare and provide for those in our care.  If we heed these commands, we will be deemed “blessed” and win our heavenly reward! 

Saints of September 11th, Protus, Hyacinth, Paphnutius and Adelphus…pray for us! 

Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth

+++   New Yorkers Will Never Forget   +++

Image from Pinterest

Random Stuff...About Preparedness

I have been corresponding with a gentleman who is Catholic and also runs a preparedness forum.  He is known on the forum as “Watchman.”  I like the simple, uncomplicated presentation and it has a wealth of information… 

The Preparedness-Survival Forum

Preparing for the Inevitable

What you can find here:  news, prepper library, homesteading, technical aspects of preparedness and survival, family issues, financial info (I like that they get their stats from, health and stewardship of the Earth.  Join the forum and speak with like-minded, knowledgeable people!

After designing a completely new landscape, my husband and I have gotten a new shed (see previous post) and are now starting a raised bed.  It is late in the New York season to begin planting, but there are plenty of crops which can still start from seed.  Below is a pic of what we’ve got so far…grass (LOL).  I will keep you posted on the progress.  This is a kit we purchased at a local garden center.  There are many different kits out there, which make the process easy.  Ours comes with a greenhouse top for one side (not sure if we will use that right now).  “The Authentic Life” is exciting and makes you want to fly out of bed in the morning!  Here’s also a pic of the shelves my hubby built in the shed…they are about a foot apart and there is space beneath them to store larger items…we still need to install various hooks and clamps for rakes, shovels, etc…

 “This is the day which the Lord hath made: let us be glad and rejoice therein.”

Psalms 117:24

We do not prepare simply for a possible disaster or emergency.  As the site above states, we are preparing for the inevitable.  A time of great newness is upon us.  It is the Greater Reset or the Newer World Order.  The way we cope with the death of life as we knew it, is to keep our focus on the next big thing…The Authentic Life:  A life close to God and nature.  Focus on beauty, the beauty you are creating.  The beauty WE are creating together as the people of God!

Catholic Prepper YouTube Channel / Training Class Tomorrow!

Just found this by accident. I feel God wants me to put this up because they have ONE MORE DAY of a training class. I admit I am not familiar with this content, but a superficial look is encouraging. I would think if you miss the class, videos will be posted, not sure. Most likely, these classes will be offered again. Check it out anyway!

br coalition

The above short video talks about the class and the recent occurrences in the world which should show anyone that preparing is more than reasonable, and people are feeling the stress of a world gone wrong. The massive amount of drug overdose deaths is mentioned. We now have a statistic for 2021 in the US, a staggering 100,000. The Covid agenda was certainly one aspect of this rise. I personally know 3 people who have lost young sons to this tragedy. One is a family member (a devoutly Catholic family). One a friend and one a woman I met at church. I live in New York and it is a particular problem here, for a variety of reasons. Let us pray for our dear young men and women at this confusing time. Let us support them and teach them how to cope in an ever-changing world. Let us show them the Rock, the Holy Catholic Church and our King, Jesus Christ, in Whom all our hope resides!

Are You in Idaho??? / Ideas for a Catholic Prepper Event

Modern Homesteading Conference offers two full days of practical, strategic, and proven presentations. It will be held in Coeur d’Alene, Idaho on June 30th and July 1st. You’ll gain insights from individuals who have honed their techniques over many years. There will be live demonstrations to bring these concepts to life before your eyes. When it comes to pursuing a self-sufficient lifestyle and turning your homesteading dreams into reality, mere aspirations and online tutorials can only take you so far.

What: Modern Homesteading Conference

When: June 30th and July 1st

Where: Coeur d’Alene, Idaho

The curated lineup of speakers have thrived in challenging northern climates. These experienced individuals understand the unique demands of short warm-weather growing seasons, enduring long winters, and two months of rain scarcity in July and August. They’ve not only managed to feed their families year-round from their homesteads, but have also extended their offerings to provide pasture-raised livestock to others. The speakers will equip you with information for: 

  • Enhancing food production.

  • Leveraging the benefits of herbs for personal and livestock use.

  • Incorporating livestock into your homestead.

  • Mastering the art of preserving food for year-round consumption.

  • And much more!

Thanks to Peak Prosperity for this info. It has been copied from their email.

If you are not in Idaho or the surrounding area, and you have expertise in these topics, please consider chairing a community, diocesan or parish-based event. How do you Catholicize (I just made up that word) it? Obviously, you can come up with your own ideas. I might suggest discussing: Saint Francis, Saint Isidore the Farmer, Saint Fiacre or Saint Hildegard of Bingen…Saint Joseph was a woodworker!…the Ember Days…growing wheat and grapes for the Holy Mass (we should all have these seeds)…how to perform an emergency baptism…Biblical support for preparedness. Also, the Catholic Bug-Out Bag!

We will post it for you, of course. Gotta get the info out for the children of God and their little ones to navigate the coming days!

The Banking Crisis: A Fabulous Conversation....

Michelle Makori of Kitco News interviews Edward Dowd, author, financial analyst and founder of Phinance Technologies, regarding our current global financial situation. There is also talk towards the end about the Covid shots and their disastrous results, including the economic perspective…

Emergency Fed rate cut by June, only 6 US banks will be left by 2025, paving way for CBDC (Central Bank Digital Currency)

Things are heating up in the world, but never forget God loved us so much, He sent His beloved Son to die for us! Remember the 3 Theological Virtues always…

Faith Hope & Love