
Caution with Generators

A generator is a prepper must-have, but they must be used with caution. Read your owner’s manual and make sure you know how to properly operate it in the event of a power outage. Don’t wait for the outage to occur. If you don’t know how to use your equipment (or where to find it), it’s not going to be very useful if you suddenly need it. Carbon Monoxide is an issue with gas-powered generators. Electrocution in flood water is also an issue…and always be careful venturing into your basement during flooding!

From The Epoch Times:

Hurricane Beryl Death Toll Rises to 7, Generator Misuse Is Blamed for 2 Deaths


Mr. [Emergency Management Chief] Kidd said two of the deaths were caused by carbon monoxide poisoning, and he warned against mishandling gas-powered generators to power their homes. He reminded people that carbon monoxide is a colorless, odorless gas.

“If you have a generator that you’re running, please make sure it is far away from the area [where] you’re living and sleeping,” he said.

“These are preventable deaths.”

Feasts of July

July began on the 1st with the celebration of the Most Precious Blood of Jesus.  What better way to honor and offer reparation to Our Lord, than to recite the Litany of the Most Precious Blood (see previous post), in the coming weeks?  Litanies are one of the treasures of our Catholic faith, that have gone out of use.  It is a joy to pray them and we must all work to bring back these beautiful aspects of Catholicism for ourselves, our children, and the future. 

Be the restoration you wish to see!

We honor Saint Maria Goretti, young Italian girl who died for purity, on the 6th and the 9th (new/trad).  She was so quickly canonized, her own mother attended the ceremony in Rome. 

We celebrate the holy life of Saint Benedict of Nursia, another Italian, on the 11th.  He is well-known as the father of Western monasticism and the author of the Benedictine Rule, which spread throughout Europe (therefore he became the patron saint of Europe).  Benedict left the sinful world to seclude himself in a rural area, much as some Catholic laity now are beginning to do.  He believed in the self-sufficient community and wrote the principles upon which such communities would thrive.  Also, he was known for invoking the Crucifix and performing many miracles.  His medal is widely worn by the faithful and possesses indulgences.  Benedict’s abbey at Monte Cassino still stands atop a tiered hill in the beautiful Italian countryside.  His twin sister, Saint Scholastica, followed her brother in founding the Benedictine Order for women.  Here are some prayers to Saint Benedict…you may also read further about the medal and even buy one at The Catholic Company…

Prayers to Saint Benedict of Nursia

This past weekend, at the Catholic Land Movement Conference, I was privileged to walk upon the ground of Saint Kateri Tekawitha’s birth, whom we honor on the 14th.  This is also the holy ground, about 10 years before her birth, where Saint Isaac Jogues and his companions gave their lives for Christ.  It was an extraordinary experience.   Kateri is ever-present, in spirit and in statue form, at Our Lady of Martyrs Shrine, located in rural Auriesville, New York.

Our Lady of Mount Carmel’s feast is the 16th.  She appeared to Saint Simon Stock, giving him the Brown Scapular.  Our Lady of Fatima requested the wearing of this scapular.  Also, at The Catholic Company, here is where you can buy the scapular, in addition to a booklet explaining investiture into this privileged service of Our Lady…

A Journey to Mount Carmel

Further notable feasts of July:

19th-Saint Vincent de Paul

22nd-Saint Mary Magdalen

25th-Saint James the Greater, Apostle (vigil day before) / Saint Christopher

26th-Saints Joachim & Anne, Parents of the Blessed Virgin Mary

29th-Saint Martha

31st-Saint Ignatius Loyola, Founder of the Jesuits

We provide both trad and new feasts.

Coronal Mass Ejections Official Source

Please stay tuned to the site below for ongoing updates…we will not continue to cover this story unless something major changes.

Space Weather Prediction Center

National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration

From the above site:

Severe and Extreme (G4-G5) Geomagnetic Storms Likely on 12 May 2024

published: Saturday, May 11, 2024 17:54 UTC

Another series of CMEs associated with flare activity from Region 3664 [sunspot region] over the past several days are expected to merge and arrive at Earth by midday (UTC) on 12 May. Periods of G4-G5 (Severe-Extreme) geomagnetic storms are likely to follow the arrival of these CMEs.  

"Financial Armageddon is Now Baked in the Cake"

"The Real Panic Hasn’t Even Started Yet, Part 1”

Chris Martenson, Peak Prosperity

The video above is a great introduction to understanding the current state of the financial system of the US…and that we are on an unsustainable path (admitted by Jerome Powell), which is nearing the breaking point. This is well worth the 44 minutes of your time today. For the adults remaining in the room, we have a responsibility to ourselves, our loved ones and to Holy Church, to be awake and respond appropriately to as is said below, “the hand we are dealt.”

Here are Martenson’s notes on the video:

“The core insights that define the Peak Prosperity way of seeing the world are set against real-world data in this episode. Energy, debt, wealth, currency, GDP, & the fiscal vandalism of Congress combine to assure that the future will consist of hard choices as we navigate self-inflicted predicaments…Staying on top of and making sense out of the world is a real problem these days.  At times like these, I like to back way up and take a wide-angle, big-picture view of the situation. When I do, things clarify, although I often wish that the picture were more benign or hopeful.  Alas, we play the hand we are dealt. Once enough people see things this same way, and we cross over the common knowledge boundary line, real financial panic will set in. That’s how it will be perceived and reported on, but it will actually be a sudden and quite necessary realignment between what we have been conditioned to think of as wealth and real wealth. The difference is between primary and secondary wealth which are real and tangible, and tertiary wealth which is abstract and nothing more than a claim on real, tangible wealth. Cash only has value if you can buy something with it.

To understand this and then act on it, it’s essential to grasp the connection between oil and the economy, and the degree to which our economy is fictional due to its dependence on the perpetual expansion of debt at a rate that far exceeds the underlying economy’s rate of growth. It’s a complicated set of connections, to be sure, but vital to grasp.  Armed with this information and framing, you will be far in front of the rest of your fellow humans and able to more gracefully navigate the emerging risks and opportunities.”

Chiara F Mathews on Bill Kassel's Podcast / Good Shepherd Catholic Radio!

Listen to Chiara F Mathews discuss the “Eclipse Pilgrimage of mercy”

(at 20:08 minutes)

Bill Kassel, host of the radio show “Free Expressions” on Good Shepherd Catholic Radio out of Michigan, was gracious enough to request an interview about our “Eclipse Pilgrimage of Mercy.”

It’s a short discussion relating the main points of the Pilgrimage and why it is important and relevant for the entire world. I am deeply grateful to Bill for this opportunity. Please have a listen and here is more about Mr. Kassel and “Free Expressions” from his website:

“Bill Kassel has made a specialty of communicating religious ideas and moral principles in highly accessible ways to a broad public.  He is the author of two Christian mysteries: Holy Innocents (2000) and This Side of Jordan (2005).  He is also a songwriter, Christian entertainer, and humorist…

Writing under his own byline or as a ghostwriter for others, he has authored or edited non-fiction books as well as articles appearing in The Wall Street Journal, The New York Times, Los Angeles Times, Chicago Tribune, USA Today, Newsweek, National Catholic Register, American Legion Magazine, and numerous other publications.”

Kassel’s most recent book My Brother’s Keeper, a novel about the family of Jesus, has won the 2018 “Catholic Arts & Letters Award.” Here’s more:

“MY BROTHER’S KEEPER is an imaginative and riveting historical / religious novel in the tradition of such bible-based classics as Ben Hur, The Robe, and The Silver Chalice. It offers a sweeping vision of a nation at its tipping point — a proud and ancient people facing economic stress, political division, and the specter of radicalism and violence, conditions not unlike those of our own time. This is a sprawling tale with a fresh and compelling perspective on Jesus and his family that will make you reconsider the story that’s at the very heart of Western Civilization.”

Kassel also writes a blog, see above link for further exploration of his work.

Good Shepherd Catholic Radio is affiliated with EWTN, Ave Maria Radio and the Diocese of Lansing, Michigan.

"Avoiding Babylon" Interviews Michael Hichborn & Gives Us a Plug!

Are [Certain] Bishops Tools of the World Economic Forum?

I’ve mentioned our friend Anthony Abbate before. We’ve known him from the Latin Mass on Long Island for years. He started a YouTube channel called “Avoiding Babylon” several years ago and has recently had a meteoric rise in popularity. He’s had incredible guests like Dr. Taylor Marshall and Bishop Athanasius Schneider. Last night, he and his sidekick Rob (who very entertainingly smokes cigars while Anthony talks) interviewed the President of The Lepanto Institute, Michael Hichborn. From their website:

The Lepanto Institute for the Restoration of All Things in Christ is a research and education organization dedicated to the defense of the Catholic Church against assaults from without as well as from within.  Whether in the form of armies, heretics, or traitors, the Church has always faced enemies seeking Her destruction.  Today, the Church faces all three.”

Towards the very end of the video, Anthony mentions Nomen Christi Apostolate’s “Eclipse Pilgrimage of Mercy.” I am deeply grateful for his help in promoting this. Wouldn’t it be wonderful to have people in all 50 states, from sea to shining sea, praying the Divine Mercy Novena and visiting Catholic sites to pray the Holy Rosary for mercy? I don’t know if this campaign will be quite that successful, but we are giving it the best effort we can….and we need your help too!

Check out “Avoiding Babylon” for a whole host of fascinating discussions and guests!

My Trip to The Home Depot

We discussed impending Spring in the last post, so that means a trip to a garden center, in this case, The Home Depot, since I was passing by it today anyway. Whenever I’m at The Home Depot, I manage to find something I didn’t know I needed and this time it was the battery organizer! Here is everything I bought….

An inexpensive Orchid Potting Mix, for my old orchid plant which needs some refreshing…seed starter containers and soil pods (2 different methods, both of which may be placed directly in the ground, after opening up the bottoms for the roots to grow-I love the pods, you add water and they puff up like magic, they’re really fun for children)…kale (early crop!) seeds (I’ve still got tons of seeds from last year which I will be using)…a fire extinguisher for our basement (you should have one on each level of your home and write the expiration date on it with a Sharpie)…the battery organizer (I love this thing, batteries not included LOL but it does come with a battery tester)…a new Aloe Vera plant (which is considered medicinal for the skin)…plastic indoor plant trays (I’m of the mind you can never have too many)…large Comet for a buck and Febreze cheap 2-pack. You can also see our bug-out bag and some of our maps (MAPS ARE VERY IMPORTANT! ALL KINDS!). There is our car organizer, which you can’t see too well behind everything, but it functions sort of as an extension to the bug-out bag.

Yes, I know The Home Depot is one of those big-chain monoculture seat-at-the-creepy-new-world-order-table monopolizing entities. This particular store had disturbing in-your-face cameras during Covid (because we all know why cameras are needed when there’s a virus going around), which have since been removed. I do try to limit my patronage of such stores, but I never said I was perfect. For sure, the “Mom & Pop” local businesses should be supported as much as possible…and the farmer’s markets!

I was very impressed to see an array of fruit trees for sale this year. Peach, apple, cherry and pear! I think I have to go back and check that out when hubby can carry them…but I will have to do a bit of research first, you have to know what you’re doing with fruit trees…

"Back To The Roots"

Back To The Roots

America’s Organic Gardening Company

Seeds, Soils, Raised Beds, Plant Food, Grow Kits, Innovative Products, Education & Charity

“We're on a mission to help a new generation experience the magic of gardening & reconnect back to their food.”

You can see how my Pearl Oyster Mushrooms have exploded in just a few days! These Grow Kits are amazing. They also have hydroponic ones.

“Back to the Roots” is a company dedicated to organic gardening and making it easy. Please see the website above for more info.

These were incredibly delicious and tasted almost like meat. We sauteed them in butter with salt and pepper. That’s it!

Oops, Forgot to Talk About the Ember Days!

The Ember Days of Lent (or Spring) are celebrated the week after Ash Wednesday this year. That is, Wednesday the 21st, Friday the 23rd and Saturday the 24th. Traditionally, meat is eaten at only one meal (obviously, you will not be eating meat on Friday). These are days of prayer and penance for the coming season. The Ember Days are particularly fun to celebrate with children because you can take the opportunity to come up with crafts having to do with the seasons and working in a spiritual message. If you have a trad-minded parish or group of friends, why not get the children together to learn about the Ember Days…or…

How About Planting on the Ember Days?

Seedlings my son and I planted a few years ago with a seed starting kit.

In Nomen Christi Apostolate style, let’s see how we might combine the Ember Days, the season of Spring, Lent and preparedness! On Long Island, where I am, indoor seedlings are started in February, for transplanting outdoors when temperature permits and when the plants are strong enough to handle rain and other stresses. Some common foods one might start indoors, would be Bell Peppers, Tomatoes, Broccoli and Kale. A number of herbs can also be started at this time. The Ember Days this year would be perfect days for planting these seeds indoors. Again, I’m talking about my area. If you can sow directly in the ground, think about that (or plant in pots if you’re not quite set up to garden yet) or if it’s too cold in your area, you can still do an indoor plant, perhaps even winter bulbs or cooking herbs.

What about the prayerful quality of the Ember Days and Lent? You could bless the seeds with holy water and pray for a good harvest, you could thank God for your abundance and pray for the poor…or pray to the saints invoked for gardening and nature, such as Saint Francis of Assisi, Saint Rose of Lima, Saint Hildegard of Bingen, Saint Isidore the Farmer, Saint Kateri and Saint Fiacre. To see the planting calendar for your own area: Old Farmers Almanac

In addition, the readings for the Ember Days are quite beautiful. This can be incorporated into your daily prayertime. Blessings to all on these wonderful traditional feasts!

New York Gov Issues Snow Travel BAN (Climate Lockdown)

I’m in NY and didn’t even know about this till a few days ago. This occurred Jan 13th in Erie County. This article from “Signs of the Times” is written by the attorney who is handling the case against Gov Hochul regarding “Isolation and Quarantine Procedures, Rule 2.13,” the infamous decision to allow the NYS Dept of Health unprecedented bodily control over citizens…

Conspiracy Theorists Were Right About Climate Lockdowns