The Authentic Life

Lesson 1-Prepper Rosary Program


Expect Wonderful Things ~ The Annunciation

Let’s begin with a basic “prepper” tenet: “Expect the best, prepare for the worst.” When the Angel Gabriel told Mary she would give birth to the Son of God, she did not understand, but she still trusted. She knew she was not socially in a proper situation to be pregnant, but she understood that something glorious was happening and kept her focus on that. Even though the world is now falling apart around us, we must remain as positive as possible, while still focusing on the tasks at hand. The popular notion of the “Doomsday Prepper” leads many to think it is all about doom and gloom…and guns. Unfortunately, for some preppers, this is true. But for the Children of God, gloom is not in our vocabulary, neither is violence. There is a peaceful, gentle, “close to the earth” preparedness, which is what we promote here.

Many of us fall into negative thinking patterns at times, often without being aware of it. If we do not practice “mindfulness,” an awareness of our thoughts and emotions throughout the day, this negativity may become corrosive to ourselves and those around us. It is true, the events in the world right now are causing a tremendous amount of grief and stress. We must allow ourselves to process those emotions, pray, and get through to the other side. We cannot get stuck there or give in to fear. Prepping is not about worry-quite the opposite! Being prepared frees you from worry and gives you the peace of mind that you are doing the best for yourself and your family. That doesn’t mean perfection. It doesn’t mean bad things can’t still happen. That’s where trust in God comes in. We also cannot get completely caught up in the cares of this world, because we know, it really is all about our journey to the Kingdom of Heaven. So it is a balance between the temporal and the spiritual.

We all need a positive vision to give us hope and motivation. Yes, Heaven is the ultimate positive vision, but we still have to get up every day and live in this world. We need to visualize a goal for the future, to give us enthusiasm and purpose. Instead of getting myopically bogged down in the present moment, let us create our own vision of a beautiful future. The next step is to make a concrete plan to incorporate changes into your life that will get you there.

We must stay hopeful and place our complete trust in God. Be grateful for all your blessings and have joy in your heart no matter what. We are one with Christ and it is an insult to Him to ever be anything but joyful. Just as Mary could not have imagined the incredible glory of the plan she was a part of, we too, are being called to build a wonderful new world!

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Pray 1 decade of the Rosary, meditating on the Mystery of The Annunciation, for the intention of enlightenment on the issues discussed today…

Our Father + 10 Hail Marys + Glory Be

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Please fill out #1

“15 Points Preparedness Worksheet”

We do not ask for donations at this time, but we do ask for prayers ~ thank you for participating ~ spread the word!

Image courtesy

More Garden Photos-Flowers!


Yesterday was the trad feast of Saint Rose of Lima, patroness of gardeners. Saint Rose of Lima, pray for us!

This year, we have a simple container garden of a few things. For a number of reasons, our capabilities right now are limited. However, I do recommend that everyone have their own raised bed food garden and that every parish think about creating one. This may become increasingly necessary as society continues to be taken down by those in power, with an agenda that is not in our favor.

These are some pics of the flowers we’ve been growing. Flowers are important for every garden, largely because they attract and support the bee population, so necessary for pollination. Of course, they are also beautiful and uplift the soul. Flowers show us something about the Designer behind them and His love for us. We could meditate on that the rest of our lives. I would call flowers an essential aspect of the Authentic Life. The Church also uses them at holy Mass and in many other celebrations and ceremonies. Our Lady is often associated with and honored with flowers. It is said on the third day after her passing, the tomb was found empty and covered with flowers. Many flowers are edible and have medicinal uses. All of these pictured here are easy to grow.

Sunflowers! Exquisite, fun, bee attracting and you can eat the seeds. What more do you want? There are many varieties of differing sizes. I think of sunflowers as the lion of the plant kingdom. Our Heavenly Father clothes them in majesty. Nature always reflects spiritual realities, since the lower order must follow the higher. We must look for these hidden meanings.

Went crazy enhancing this Snapdragon photo.  I don’t know if I love or hate it.  You can see the red ones there.

Went crazy enhancing this Snapdragon photo. I don’t know if I love or hate it. You can see the red ones there.

Snapdragons! A beautiful flower and it comes in various colors. It displays the intricate handiwork of the Father. I adore this multi-colored one:


Morning Glories! Little trumpets shouting the everlasting glory of their Creator. Again, comes in a number of amazing colors and is wonderful for anything you want some vining on-mailboxes, fences, trestles. trellises. Here is a spectacular magenta variety. You can see how they curl within themselves to create a striped look.


If you like any of my photos, you are free to use them however you wish. If you share, please refer to this blog. Same goes for all text on this site.

Northport, New York

We have decided to take a family vacation this week. Here are a few pics from our excursion yesterday to the harbor at Northport, New York. This is on the north shore of Long Island, what we call the “Long Island Sound.” The ocean is off the south shore. The Sound what built up in the 1800’s and is quaint and genteel to this day….


You are looking at a sailboat marina and all 3 pics are facing the same direction. Yes that’s me and yes I have enhanced the photos-don’t want my readers looking at dull images and I really like to work with the graphic design I have learned over the past several years.

Just a short drive, a few hours, and so many blessings! We had some wonderful family time walking with the dog and having a picnic in the park…we enjoyed the beauty of God’s creation, got some exercise and learned more about local ecological resources. Knowing your environment is a basic tenet of preparedness and is the way animals survive. Also, a connection to water is important for everyone. No one really understands water. It is mysterious and tremendously powerful. We are mostly made up of it. It is very interesting to research the more “cutting edge” theories about the nature of water. It is greatly calming and healing. And having lived near water my whole life, I am addicted to it.

Wonderful Prayer....

In this month of the Immaculate Heart, here is a prayer an internet friend shared with me:

Prayer To The Immaculate Heart of Mary

O Heart of Mary, Mother of God and our Mother, Heart most worthy of love, in which the Adorable Trinity is ever well-pleased, worthy of the veneration and love of all the Angels and men. Heart most like to the Sacred Heart of Jesus, of which thou art the perfect image, Heart full of goodness, ever compassionate toward our miseries, deign to melt our icy hearts and grant that they may be wholly changed into the likeness of the Heart of Jesus, our Divine Savior. Pour into them the love of thy virtues, kindle in them that divine fire with which thou thyself did ever burn. In thee, let Holy Church find a safe shelter. Protect her and be her dearest refuge, her tower of strength, impregnable against every assault of her enemies. Be thou the way which leads to Jesus and the channel through which we receive all the graces needful for our salvation. Be our refuge in time of trouble, our solace in the midst of trial, our strength against temptation, our haven in persecution, our present help in every danger, and especially in the hour of death, when all Hell shall let loose against us its legions to snatch away our souls at that dread moment, that hour so full of fear whereon our eternity depends. Ah then, most tender Virgin, make us to feel the sweetness of thy Motherly Heart and the might of thine intercession with Jesus, and open to us a safe refuge in that very fountain of mercy, whence we may come to praise Him with thee in Paradise, world without end. Amen.

From The Raccolta

I wanted to get some pics of my small garden up, but too much work right now….here are some of our wild raspberries….don’t they look yummy? That is the Authentic Life-get up, pick your breakfast, eat! And nothing is like fresh-picked:)


Full Update

A Mystical Triad: Death, Birth, Initiation

Triduum of Death.....or of.....Heaven! New Years Blessings, etc...... The Situation

I would like to talk about where we’ve been and where we are going. The above posts were written on this past October 31st [2019], January 1st and March 31st. They were written consecutively, as I was not posting as frequently until the world changed. When “The Situation” was upon us, I realized I could not be silent and I had to step it up.

The above posts are interesting to look at as a kind of “Mystical Triad:” 1) Collective Meditation on Death: Halloween and the Catholic Triduum 2) Collective Meditation on Birth: Christmas and the New Year 3) Collective Initiation into a Changed World. In terms of the Initiation, for the Faithful, it is during Lent, a time of penance and preparation, a time when one is best disposed to enter into such a challenge. How good is God! What are we actually being initiated into? That is our choice. As usual, we have 2 possible paths: the world or Christ. I will not elaborate. I encourage you to reflect and pray on this. I am just observing and putting pieces together. It is important in these times, to maintain the position of observer. Otherwise, we run the risk of getting caught up in emotion and deception. Think of it like surfing. The surfer rides atop a wave that could easily decimate everything in its path. The surfer uses all momentum and no friction. It is genius.

My personal journey through this Mystical Triad is a story as well. There was a death in my close family on All Hallows Eve. As for the News Years post, it turned out to be strangely prophetic. I spoke of remaining joyful in spite of the way the world is going, and focusing on a better future. “The Situation” came just after a trip to Florida, fraught with symbolic events, including a kind of baptism in the sea off the eastern coast, waging battle with the waves. I see the entire trip as a preparation for what was about to happen, including a message of consolation.

“The world is wide, and I will not waste my life in friction when it could be turned into momentum.”

Frances Willard

I had intended to deal with the emerging crises in the world and how we might respond. Instead, my writing took an organic path of feastdays and general prepper issues, peppered with some commentary on “the situation.” I am actually happy for this, since these are the two aspects of this ministry that concern me: an Authentic Spiritual Life and an Authentic Natural Life. Crises should be seen through these lenses, not the other way around. In other words, all things must serve Salvation and normal life. Anything which disturbs those 2 things, is unacceptable. Again, I won’t elaborate, but you can figure it out.

I think I will continue pretty much the same way. I will be featuring a product which solves the “Trapped in a Dark Basement” horror. Here’s a sneak peak if you can’t wait. There are a number of website improvements that are important. These can take a lot of time and you may or may not notice them. I will be working on that as well.


I said I would give commentary on “The Rome Life Forum,” but this has gone by the wayside. I still recommend you watch-see below. These talks are quite intellectual and interesting. They get into deep and technical theology. It can be hard to follow, but just take it in and you will get the gist. It is well worth it. Also, some very important content is there, to contemplate at this pivotal time in human history. Please note, Nomen Christi Apostolate does not necessarily endorse all ideas which are expressed in this conference.

The Rome Life Forum Online Conference took place May 20th through May 22nd. The theme was “Coronavirus in the Light of Fatima: A Tragedy and a Source of Hope.” Guest speakers included Cardinal Burke, Bishop Athanasius Schneider, John-Henry Westen and John Smeaton, among others. Some topics were: “Fatima: Heaven’s Answer to a World in Crisis,” “Divine Judgement in Human History,” and “The Eucharist, the Greatest Treasure of the Church, in Times of Tribulation.” This conference was hosted by LifeSiteNews and Voice of the Family. From LifeSiteNews: “Speakers will focus on whether the COVID-19….could be part of the chastisement, preceding the Triumph of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, that Our Blessed Mother spoke about in Fatima in 1917.”

Swimming in Natural Waters


That is the lake where we went swimming this past weekend, with my wonderful Shihpoo on the dock. It turned out, due to the heatwave, to be a terrible day for hiking, but a perfect day for swimming! For privacy reasons, let’s just say this lake is somewhere in New Jersey. If you want to be the life of the party, just say anything and add “somewhere in New Jersey.” Instant joke. You’re welcome.

Let me mention one basic idea about swimming in natural water: know your area-do your own research. This blog has reached people in 54 countries so far this year. Obviously, it is impossible for me to address every possible circumstance one might encounter anywhere in the world. So the key is, always understand the territory you are entering. Here are some general issues you may need to think about:

pathogens plant life predators sharp stuff

entry/exit waves/rushing water riptides tsunamis

chemicals flash-flooding lightning

So enjoy God’s nature, but always be cautious:)

More About Hiking!


Important note: The following advice is for local hiking in well-populated areas only. Please always use your own discretion and consider your own unique needs. These are only suggestions.

My family and I spent the 4th of July in the exquisite New Jersey Highlands, pictured above. Appropriate, since the Highlands, according to the federal Highlands Conservation Act, is an area of “national significance,” due to, “the importance of the water, forest, agricultural, wildlife, recreational, and cultural resources of the Highlands region.” It is a national treasure. Instead of celebrating a nation rapidly descending into tyranny, we spent the day preparing for where this tyranny may soon lead us…out of Babylon and into the Authentic Life, close to nature, apart from the world.

Our son was the architect of the excursion, planning it out in advance from a map. It is always a bit dicey doing a hike you are unfamiliar with, because what you see on the map is only a vague semblance of what you actually encounter on the ground. He knew he would be going with his out-of-shape middle-aged parents, so he kept it to about a mile, which was perfect. I hope to increase my stamina over time. I said in A Tale of Two Realities (please read if you haven’t), that I had not hiked in years. Two hikes and I am now addicted. The peace and wonder I feel, along with the sense of empowerment and accomplishment, is intoxicating.

The hike evenly divided into two halves, the first being the difficult “trail connector” and the second, being an established, level trail. At the half-point, you see the bewitching vista above. The picture does not at all do it justice. It had more a sense of grandeur from the perspective of a bridge, over a large pond (the entire walk circumvented the pond). The creek you see comes down from the pond. The rocks there seem to be encased in sand, long petrified. It is interesting to think of the history of the formations and also the human history, when you encounter unexplained remnants like rock walls, perhaps going back hundreds of years. What the picture does portray is the mysterious, magical nature of those woods-you expect to see a fairy or an elf pop out any minute! It can all be quite romantic, you can easily forget the dangers of these parts, which are black bears, copperhead snakes, lyme and other ticks, poison ivy, falling branches and hunters in hunting season, to name a few. All these issues need to be kept in mind and prepared for.

We started by spraying ourselves with heavy duty bug spray, mainly for the ticks. I had my new mini backpack with water, first aid kit, two tick removal tools, compass, protein bars and tissues. The trail connector was a rocky, narrow path. We had to keep our eyes open for poison ivy and I learned that all boots are not hiking boots. My department store booties have zero ankle support. Real hiking boots are now on my priority list. You hike & learn! We passed a family fishing and learned the pond has bass and catfish. Good to know. Also muskrats and a swim team which has its own camper and porta-potty. Also good to know. Not really, nevermind…another issue one must be prepared for….you do you! Then there was a nice respite area in the shade where we took a much-needed break on this hot day. The rest of the way was easy and we exited at the “start” of the trail, where there were various instructions, including what to do if you see a black bear. At home, first thing: tick check and changing clothes.

We also saw these striking flowers:

BUTTERFLY WEED, a type of milkweed, great for home gardens.  EDIBLE & MEDICINAL USES.

BUTTERFLY WEED, a type of milkweed, great for home gardens. EDIBLE & MEDICINAL USES.

And here’s the itchy culprit from the last hike:

This appears to be STINGING NETTLE. It is widely known to have medicinal properties.

This appears to be STINGING NETTLE. It is widely known to have medicinal properties.

I have mentioned the need for provisions and awareness of the dangers of your area. In addition, maps and compasses are important when venturing out into nature. In our case, my son had studied the area, it was well populated and we had our cellphones. I would however, recommend not relying on your phone and always having a hard copy of a map with you (you may consider a laminated map in case of rain). Of course, getting lost is the main issue, but simple awareness of your environment is important too. As for getting lost, never rely on your “great sense of direction” or assume it can’t happen to you. Study the area before entering and have a plan. Know which direction you must travel if you do get lost-that is the purpose of the compass.

Rand McNally has many great resources for hiking and road travel. You might be interested in products like the following:

New Jersey Atlas & Gazetteer 2021 Road Atlas

Map It! Seek & Find: Fun, educational way to familiarize yourself with cartography-there are 2 volumes-great gift!

If hiking is too difficult for you, I hope you are inspired to bring God’s creation more into your life in some way. Nature is part of living life to the fullest and understanding God, the Author of the Authentic Life.

A Tale of Two Realities

New York City. Lots of traffic. Even now. One would think there might be at least one decent rest-stop on your way around the city, or at least, by the time you get to New Jersey, somewhere on Route 80. Nope. Tons of land where it would be very easy to place a rest-stop. With all the minutiae the states concern themselves with, has no one thought of building at least one rest-stop around the city? I gave birth some twenty-something years ago to an almost 10-pound baby. Quite frankly, my body has never been the same. Do you see where this is going? (Don’t drink Snapple when you’re pregnant and don’t eat the 12 slices of whole wheat bread per day that they tell you to.)

Earlier this week, my husband and I were on our way to visit that same baby, traveling from Long Island to New Jersey. We finally got to The Home Depot shopping center off Route 80. I have gone to the Dunkin there, but I assumed the restroom would not be open, since the Dunkins around us have kept them closed. The only other place was The Home Depot. I came upon my first encounter with the “long line to get in” situation that I have seen pictures of….a grotesque zombie apocalypse of masks, blocked-off entrances and security guards. I thought, “I’m a middle-aged lady who’s been sitting in traffic forever-surely they would have no problem with me using their facilities.” So I walked up to the guard and explained my situation. He said, “Let me ask.” He came back. “No.” I was stunned and expressed my displeasure. I checked over at Dunkin and their restroom was open. My son is going to be getting doughnuts every time we visit. He would rather have doughnuts than duct tape or siliconized acrylic sealant.

Do I really have to state the obvious? We are losing our humanity. This should concern all of us. Reminds me of Our Lord’s words:

"For if in the green wood they do these things, what shall be done in the dry?"

Luke 23:31

Almost as soon as we got through the door with the box of doughnuts, my son said, “Want to go hiking now?” He has been making good use of his time off by hiking and gardening, much to prepper-Mommy’s pleasure. He found a large wooded area nearby while geocaching, and has been exploring all the trails. He was very excited about showing us a breathtaking ravine he found. I have not hiked in years and was already a bit tired from a poor night’s sleep, but I did not want to disappoint him. It was a long-shot, but I was going to give it my best effort.

As we approached the trail, I felt like Prepper Wonder Woman, with my hiking boots, olive-green pants with tons of pockets, wad of tissues, bug spray and mini first-aid kit. It was pure adrenaline from that point on. The world disappeared behind us as the sounds of birds and running water surrounded us. I felt free, able to breath without a mask, able to walk the path of a true human being, without feeling like a criminal. It was not a quick or easy hike. First, down a rocky hill, then we had a choice between crossing a muddy creek or walking on top of a huge mysterious pipeline. I chose the muddy creek that looked like quicksand. It proved to be a cinch. I felt over-confidence and arrogance wafting through me (not very subtle foreshadowing) as I watched my poor husband and child perilously walking atop the big pipe. Then it was quite a ways down another trail to the ravine. Suddenly, a magnificent vista of hills, trees, rocks, water and frogs appeared. It was a truly magical moment with my husband and son.

I eagerly ran down to the water and splashed my hands around in it. I felt pricks go through my thin pants and suddenly my arms and legs were all itchy. So much for Prepper Wonder Woman. My first thought was, “I’m in the middle of nowhere-what if I have a severe reaction?” I calmed down and hoped for the best. I told my son to take a picture of the plant so we could identify it when we got back (actually, we should have done it right there, with the phone). It was time to go back anyway, so we headed back and within a few minutes, the itching subsided. (I still haven’t gotten around to identifying the plant-but I should-this is how you learn as a prepper!} I barely made it back-the downwards hill at the start was now an upwards hill. At the least, the experience gave me a sense of empowerment and accomplishment. At best, a pivotal moment in my life at a pivotal moment for humanity. The choice between two realities.

I see the rest of my life as a journey back to those woods.



*** Spiritually ***

*** Mentally ***

*** Physically ***


“What we do now echoes in eternity.”

Marcus Aurelius

If you think its time to stay home watching “Casablanca” for the 82nd time and scrapbooking….think again! We need to be prepared from this point forward for anything and everything (but not with fear). Demand to receive confession and Holy Communion. Start lifting weights. Go hiking in the wonderful outdoors without a mask, so you are not breathing in your own carbon dioxide and depressing your immune system. Take vitamins C and D. Get plenty of seeds and plant a garden. Stockpile supplies and water (only those in good supply). Buy rural property and precious metals. Learn how to fish. Learn to meditate and increase your mental strength under stress. Throw yourself on God when you get depressed-He never disappoints! Do it now. Teach your children. Pray on it. WE GOT THIS!

Image is a promotion of the show “Doomsday Castle,” which aired in 2013. I have not seen the show, but here is some info:

Thoughts for the Day....

The above sentiment was in a package of eggs I bought, "Nellie's Free Range Eggs."  I thought it was great, so I cut it out and stuck in on my fridge...and today I decided to share it with you!  BTW, you can always use any image or text from this website, as long as you indicate where you got it.  Nomen Christi Apostolate is concerned with emergency preparedness, sustainability and the search for the "Authentic Life."  Chickens do all three!  Think about getting chickens.  I don't have them right now, though my family had them when I was growing up and I became quite adept at catching them when they got loose.  It's wonderful to have beautiful fresh brown eggs whenever you want.  I envision a time when I will have a larger piece of property and some help....for now, I do what I can-that's all any of us can do-start somewhere and make a move toward greater preparedness and a deeper connection with nature!

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We are the sum of all our days.

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If you are not present to the moment, you miss it.

And that's just sad.

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Don't forget....our next Fatima Holy Hour is next Tuesday!  Don't miss it!  Spread the word!  (much thanks)