
I know this month’s output has been light, but I hope some of you have tried my homemaker hacks (men can do them too!). Feel free to share yours as well, and we may post them.

We’ve been working on our house and will be, for the rest of the year. I will have to try to balance it all a bit better. We’ve been hiking as a family and spending some wonderful times together...and I’ve been working on my healthcare. These are always great and necessary things, but with the continued degrading of the state of the world, it seems more urgent than ever…to push forward, take advantage of opportunities while we still can, and stop and smell the roses. Geopolitical tensions are tighter than they have been in decades and there is concern about the upcoming US elections (or possible failure to hold elections at all, as some are predicting).

I would urge all our readers to print the “15 Points Preparedness Worksheet” (see link on Home page) and work on it with your family. Also, please print our “Eclipse Pilgrimage of Mercy” supplemental prayers. Included is Cardinal Burke’s 9-Month Novena to Our Lady of Guadalupe and a prayer for the United States.

I have also been getting ready for my trip to the Catholic Land Movement Conference at Our Lady of Martyrs Shrine in northern New York (about a 4-hour trip for me), this coming weekend! I’m so excited, it is my first time there. This is a traditional Catholic organization and the Tridentine Mass will be offered. These are the kinds of things I do as research and networking, to bring the knowledge I aquire, to all of you. I hope to share some pictures and some of what I will learn, in the coming days. It’s going to be like a retreat/agrarian/prepper learning experience all in one! There will be wonderful Catholic devotions and confession, along with workshops and social time. There is an optional farm visit, where animals will be slaughtered, which I will be attending. Some of the workshops I plan to go to are “Garden Planning at Home,” “Wells and Spring Development,” and a presentation of 2 faith-centered farms. I also hope to attend Chris Martenson’s Peak Prosperity Annual Summit 2024 in New Hampshire in September (the early-bird rate is ending June 30). I attended his conference last year in Massachusetts and it was life-changing.

Due to the fact that I will be away this weekend, our Month of July post may be a day or 2 late. God bless you all and your families! Chiara F Mathews:)

15 Simple Homemaker Hacks!

Being a homemaker for almost 30 years, here are some of my faves…

1) Freshening Blankets/Comforters in Between Washings: Soak a rag in a solution of half water/half Witch Hazel. Go over the blanket with the rag and let air dry, flip the blanket if you need to, and do the other side.

2) Freshening Pets in Between Baths: Soak a rag in a solution of half water/half Apple Cider Vinegar. Sponge bathe your pet. This is also good for your pet’s skin. The Blanket Wash solution above is also great for cleaning your pet’s bottom, as Witch Hazel controls odors. Apple Cider Vinegar and Witch Hazel are non-toxic, but if concerned, please check with your vet.

3) Instant Salad Dressing: You don’t need a cruet for this. Just pour on, toss and serve! All ingredients to taste. Olive Oil, Red Wine Vinegar (small amount unless you really like vinegar), Black Pepper, Dried Lemon Peel, Dried Green Herb of Choice. All natural and healthy!

4) Toothbrush Cleaning/Sanitizing: Soak overnight in any antiseptic mouthwash. Rinse with hot water.

5) Beautiful Hair/Healthy Scalp: Use your conditioner of choice (preferably something more on the natural side). Rub into scalp and throughout hair. Put a shower cap on and leave for 30 minutes. Rinse well.

6) Super Sink/Tub Cleaner: Ever get frustrated with the dishwasher soap (not dish soap) that stays in the bottom of the bottle? Fill the bottle 1/4 way with warm water, shake and use as a cleaner. Very minimal scrubbing necessary! For bad grime, let it sit for a while before rinsing. Seriously, it’s amazing.

7) Free Organizers: Reuse takeout containers, boxes from shipments or shoeboxes. They may not be the most attractive solutions, but if that bothers you, you can have fun with the kids decorating them or painting the boxes. If you like sushi, the containers are usually really cute-I use them as soap and sponge dishes.

8) Better Marriage: Take walks together! It really works.

9) Seasonal Goal-Making: Taking stock of your life 4 times per year can really help in meeting your goals and improving all kinds of things. First pray for guidance. Make a list of what really matters to you and a plan to get it done. Revisit this every 3 months and discuss with your spouse. If you have older children, make it a family affair and you will be teaching them good routines and life examination.

10) Saying No: Minimalism in this culture has become almost a matter of survival. Distractions are everywhere and expectations are high. If anyone judges you, tell them what Our Lord thinks of that: it’s a sin!

11) Save Your Knees: Keep a gardening pad in your home for chores which require you to be on your knees, as a lot of things do. This has been an absolute life-saver for me!

12) The Dusting Kit: Also a life-saver. Get one of those organizers with a handle, that can be easily toted around. Put everything in it you need for quick dusting and cleaning. No thought, just grab your caddy and go! Suggestions: small duster, dusting cloths, cleaning wipes, spray bottle, rags, sponges, vacuum cleaner attachments, extendable duster for cobwebs, gloves.

13) The Cushy Stool: This is for chores that require you to sit, sometimes close to the floor. Get a small stool with a cushion that’s easy to carry around. I’ve found this useful when going through boxes. This is an item that can be hard to find. Vanity stools and ottomans can also work…or buy a stool and adhere a cushion to it!

14) Wonderful Wind Chimes: This is a delightful way to beautify and add charm to your yard. I adore my chimes and I don’t think you can have too many:) My neighbors might think otherwise.

15) Potted Plants: When buying potted plants, look for pots you like and can be re-used. It always makes me feel like I’m getting a deal, because I’m getting a plant AND a pot. (As opposed to plants that come in those ugly cheap thin plastic things.) Pots are a prepper item and useful for many things. You can have a whole food garden in pots. You probably want drainage holes, but it is extremely easy to drill holes if the pots are plastic and it takes about 30 seconds. Most plants don’t like sitting in water too long.

Bonus Hack! Cold-Steeped Iced Tea: I tried this just 2 weekends ago for my son’s birthday. Use 8 teabags per gallon of water. Let steep overnight in fridge. I added a small amount of agave nectar for sweetening and served it in a clear drink dispenser, with slices of lemon and orange. Big hit!

Let us know if found any of these helpful!

June is the Month of the Sacred Heart of Jesus

“I promise you in the excessive mercy of My Heart that My all-powerful love will grant to those who receive Holy Communion on the First Fridays in nine consecutive months the grace of final perseverance; they shall not die in My disgrace, nor without receiving their sacraments. My divine Heart shall be their safe refuge in this last moment.”

Our Blessed Lord spoke these words to Saint Margaret Mary, seer of the Sacred Heart and nun of the Visitation Order.  She lived a short life of 43 years, from 1647 to 1690.  Our Dear Jesus asked for Communion on 9 First Fridays in reparation to His merciful Heart and veneration of the image of His Heart.  This parallels Our Lady’s request at Fatima for the 5 First Saturdays Communions of Reparation.   What better time than this June, on the feast of the Sacred Heart, to begin this pious act of love for Our Lord?  This feast is 19 days after Pentecost, always a Friday, and is also a solemnity, so no Friday penance is required.    This year, it falls on June 7th.  The day after, is the feast of the Immaculate Heart of Mary…so intimate is the love between these 2 Hearts, Holy Church celebrates them together!

We just celebrated Corpus Christi in the trad on May 30th.  The new celebrates it June 2nd.  The Sacred Heart and the Body and Blood of Christ are one and the same.  Let us renew our devotion to and appreciation for the Holy Eucharist this month.  There is also a non-standard trad feast, the Eucharistic Heart of Jesus, on the 13th…which is also the day we honor Saint Anthony of Padua, friend of Saint Francis of Assisi and seer of the Christ Child.  Our Blessed Lord is distressed at the outrages against His Body and Blood and we must make reparation and do all we can to defend His honor in this great sacrament.  It is one of the greatest sins of our times.  In addition, with geopolitical tensions dramatically increasing in recent days, let us flee to the Sacred Heart and beseech the great mercy and graces contained therein.

Here are some other notable feasts this month:

11th-Saint Barnabas 

24th-Nativity of Saint John the Baptist

26th-Saint Josemaria Escriva, 20th Century Saint

29th-Saints Peter & Paul

The traditional calendar for the month of June:  calefactory.org 

Andrew Cuomo Admits Covid Mandates Were Unlawful!

In the wake of the Main Stream Media finally admitting the mRNA shots maybe sorta kinda weren’t all that great…

In a stunning change of narrative, former (dishonorably discharged) New York Governor Andrew Cuomo had this to say to Dr. Leana Wen (one of the main mouthpieces for the Goebbels-style Covid and “anti-vaxxer” fear propaganda, also former Planned Parenthood President):

"Government had no capacity to enforce any of this. ‘You must wear a mask.’ People wore masks in New York. If they said 'I'm not wearing a mask' there was nothing I could do about it. You must close your private business. 'I won't'. There was nothing I could really do about it. It was really all voluntary.

Seriously? Re-writing history here!

As a New Yorker who suffered horribly during that time and witnessed the suffering of those around me with various human rights abuses, I hardly have any words in response to this.

If these mandates were not enforceable, then they MUST HAVE BEEN ILLEGAL. Is Cuomo actually saying there were no mandates? Tell that to the people who lost their businesses, lost teeth due to dental care lockdown, could not attend religious services at a time when they needed God the most, were forced to leave burials because they had more than 10 people, were thrown out of stores for having the mask under the nose, were refused public toilet facilities, not allowed access to almost everything in NYC if not “vaxxed,” forced Covid tests (nose rapes), told to stand on dots and remain 6 feet apart, separated like cattle, subjected to constant auditory and visual mind control…all of this resulting in increased OD’s, suicides, car fatalities and dysfunction of all sorts. SAFE & HEALTHY!

In fairness to Cuomo, it’s true there were many who were so quick to become the “prison guards,” lording their power over others in an almost sadistic way. And others who happily embraced it all because of fear…of what? Illness? Death? No trust in God. No ability to look around and see with their own eyes how extreme, unnecessary and in fact, counter-productive these measures were. Mass Formation Psychosis. This was no Spanish Flu or Black Plague, and even if it was, these measures would still have been grossly wrong. Let us learn that if something is not observable, do not believe it. Because these psychopaths are not done yet. (Example: Earthquakes and hurricanes are not a sign of climate change. They happen.) When true crises do occur, the real solution is prayer and repentance, not tyranny.

Cuomo laments how terrible it is that “people do not trust the government” anymore. Are we supposed to trust the government? Why should we? The American Founders were acutely aware of the dangers of leaders gone wrong. After all, they waged war against their own King George. That’s why they wrote checks and balances into the system and further warned of potential dangers of corruption. Well, here we are.

Video Clip from RealClear Politics

“Who controls the past controls the future. Who controls the present controls the past.”

“Political language…is designed to make lies sound truthful and murder respectable, and to give an appearance of solidity to pure wind.”

George Orwell

Feast of Our Lady of Fatima

Nomen Christi Apostolate is dedicated to Our Lady of Fatima because she has given us the antidote to our times, in her requests. Today commemorates her first apparition to the 3 children.

Please see to the right>>>in our list of topics, “Fatima Family Holy Hour.” We did this program for 2 years. It is a format which can be printed, to recite on the 13th of each month, between May and October. If you click the link above, you will get the full text, starting with the most recent. If you click to the right, you will get a quick view of all the Holy Hour posts, not necessarily in date order (recommended). And now you know how these links work!

Many blessings on this great feast of Our Lady, as we continue to receive the solar storm upon the world.

Coronal Mass Ejections Official Source

Please stay tuned to the site below for ongoing updates…we will not continue to cover this story unless something major changes.

Space Weather Prediction Center

National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration

From the above site:

Severe and Extreme (G4-G5) Geomagnetic Storms Likely on 12 May 2024

published: Saturday, May 11, 2024 17:54 UTC

Another series of CMEs associated with flare activity from Region 3664 [sunspot region] over the past several days are expected to merge and arrive at Earth by midday (UTC) on 12 May. Periods of G4-G5 (Severe-Extreme) geomagnetic storms are likely to follow the arrival of these CMEs.  

Coronal Mass Ejections Hitting Earth Over Weekend

[Edited Since Posting.]

Disclaimer: This is the information we have received. We bear no responsibility for errors. Please make your own decisions with prayer. Please do not rely on this website for alerts, we will give them only when we are able and have received the information in a timely manner.

Apparently, there have been 6 solar ejections as of this time which are inbound towards earth. They can begin hitting at any time and will continue for the next several days.

The main concern appears to be power outages which could do major damage and be long-term. Some communications and GPS are also a concern. Here are the recommendations:

1) Prepare for blackouts to begin at any time.

2) Work on general preparedness such as supplies, including water.

3) Limit travel, unless you feel it is necessary to leave your area.

4) Unplug appliances.

5) Keep in contact with your loved ones.

6) Be careful in areas which could be dangerous during an outage (basements, attics, elevators), keep a flashlight on you.

7) See if anyone in your neighborhood needs help.

8) Pray the Rosary and the Novena to the Holy Ghost. Don’t worry. Trust in God!

Hopefully all will be well. Certain areas may see auroras in the sky, that don’t normally see them. Your area might be one!

PS Here’s a post I wrote 4 years ago on the time I was trapped in my basement during a power outage:

Trapped in a Dark Basement

Ascension Thursday of Our Lord with Meditation and Litany

"And the third day He rose again according to the Scriptures.  And ascended into heaven, and sitteth at the right hand of the Father." 

Ascension Thursday, an endangered holyday, is very special to me, since my only child was born on this feast.  I have previously written a Rosary Meditation on this Mystery, as well as a Litany.  This litany is based on the format of the Litany of the Most Holy Name of Jesus and the traditional Mass for the Ascension.  Please see below and pray with your family tonight!  There is also a PDF of the Litany at the bottom. 

We should also keep in mind, novenas to the Holy Ghost are often said during the 9 days between Ascension Thursday and Pentecost.  Catholic Online states:  “This is the prototype of all novenas. It commemorates the nine days between the Ascension of Our Lord and the Descent of the Holy Ghost on the first Pentecost Sunday. During this time Our Lady and the twelve Apostles prayed in the Cenacle for the coming of the Paraclete. Our Lord Himself instituted this novena, and it is celebrated every year by the whole Church.”  The Novena to the Holy Spirit for the Seven Gifts is well-known, quite beautiful, and there are indulgences attached.   

Meditation on the Ascension of Our Lord 

Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior, has risen triumphantly from the dead, but the Story is not over yet.  He appeared to his Mother and the Apostles for forty days, preparing them to cross the threshold, the establishment of the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth through the One Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church.  When this task was sufficient, as the Apostles looked on, "He was raised up: and a cloud received Him out of their sight." (Acts 1:9)  The Ascension of Our Lord is paralleled only by His Coming at the End of Time, wholly unique events in human history, singular in glory, majesty and wonder.  In the Old Law, the Father condescends to come to earth, as when He speaks to Moses in the Burning Bush and the institution of the Ten Commandments.  Now the Son, establishing the New Law, rises up, showing us how real and attainable Heaven is.  Our Lord opened access to Heaven on the Holy Cross and in His Ascension, He makes the leap Himself.  He wants us to follow Him there-that was the whole purpose of His life on earth and the whole purpose of our own lives.  To ensure we get there, He creates the physical, visible bridge to Heaven, the One Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church. 

A number of the Mysteries of the Holy Rosary involve the meeting of Heaven and earth.  The Ascension, the Assumption and the Crucifixion each traverse the distance from earth to Heaven.  The Descent of the Holy Ghost, the Annunciation, the Baptism of Our Lord and the Transfiguration each involve Heaven coming down to earth.  Heaven also meets earth in the miracles and apparitions of the Church.  Lourdes is unique in that the miraculous water stays with us to this day and Fatima was unique in the witnessing of the "Miracle of the Sun" by thousands.  Our Holy Church calls down the powers of Heaven in every sacrament.  Our Lord's Ascension was His final sign that we are free to enter Heaven with Him, through the Church that could be built only upon His departure. 

Heaven and earth are not just places.  They represent the relationship between God and His children.  As any parent/child relationship, it is bound to be difficult.  It’s difficult for the child to see the wisdom of the parent and it’s difficult for the parent to let the child go when it is time.  We can easily see the similarity here in how we perceive God.  But can we see how God perceives us?  As much as we love our own children and grieve over their absence, how much more does the Father love and grieve over us?  So much, that He sent His only Son to die for us.  The wrenching a parent feels when setting the child free, is only a faint hint of what the Father feels over one lost soul.  That is why He cannot leave us alone.  That is why He keeps interfering.  From the manna in the desert to the Bread of Life, He cannot bear to leave His children starving.  How much longer will He allow the innocent to spiritually starve in this corrupt culture?  The Ascension tells us there is another world He has prepared for us, that Heaven is our true home, sainthood our natural state. 

Though our Blessed Lord rose away from earth on that day when the Apostles saw him lifted up to the sky, He remains with us always.  He has established His perennial Presence in the Holy Eucharist, residing in every tabernacle throughout the world.  He has built His Church, preserving all His precepts.  What more could He have done for us?  The Gospel of Saint Matthew ends with these words:  "...teach ye all nations; baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost.  Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and behold I am with you all days, even to the consummation of the world." (Matt 28:18-20)  The angels say, "This Jesus who is taken up from you into Heaven, shall so come, as you have seen Him going into Heaven," foretelling the Second Coming at the End of Time. (Acts 1:11)  Dearest Jesus, Who ascended in glory to show me Heaven, may I always trust that Thou remain with me in this world, even in my most difficult moments.  Amen. 

Litany of the Ascension of Our Lord 

Lord, have mercy on us.  Christ, have mercy on us.

Lord, have mercy on us.  Lord, hear us.  Lord, graciously hear us.

God the Father of Heaven, have mercy on us.

God the Son, Redeemer of the world, have mercy on us.

God the Holy Ghost, have mercy on us.

Holy Trinity, One God, have mercy on us. 

+     +     + 

Lord, Ascended to the right Hand of the Father, have mercy on us.

Lord, Ascended forty days after Thy Resurrection, etc.

Lord, Ascended in the company of angels,

Lord, Ascended in the company of Thy Holy Mother,

Lord, Ascended in the company of Thine Apostles,

Lord, Ascended before us, where we are to follow,

Lord, Ascended with a shout and the sound of a trumpet,

Lord, Ascended with great song,

Lord, Who shall so come as we have seen Thee going up,

Lord, Who calls us to mindfulness of heavenly things,

Lord, Who sent Thine Apostles to the uttermost part of the earth,

Lord, Who was raised up into a cloud,

Lord, Who led captivity captive,

Lord, Who saves the believer and the baptized,

Lord, Who condemns the unbeliever,

Lord, Who glorifies Thy children,

Lord, Who protects Thy children,

Lord, Who mercifully grants Everlasting Life,

Lord, Who mounts above the Heaven of Heavens to the east, 

+     +     + 

Be merciful, spare us, O Lord.

Be merciful, graciously hear us, O Lord.

Lamb of God, Who takes away the sins of the world, spare us, O Lord.

Lamb of God, Who takes away the sins of the world, graciously hear us, O Lord.

Lamb of God, Who takes away the sins of the world, have mercy on us, O Lord.

Lord, hear us.  Lord, graciously hear us. 

Let Us Pray 

O Lord Jesus Christ, Who said:  "Go ye into the whole world and preach the Gospel to every creature," grant we beseech Thee, to wage a fearless war for souls, ever defending the truth of the Good News, that we may one day follow Thee to the place of Thine Ascension, beyond the clouds.  May we keep this vision before us always, making all our burdens light, all the darkness of this present life bearable.  Make us, O Lord, to reverence and keep pure, our sacred bodies, a reflection of which ascended in glorified form to the Father, Who lives and reigns, world without end.  Amen.

 Printable Version