
WEF 2023 Part 2

[Edited since posting.]

We might ask ourselves: “Should we be looking at the World Economic Forum at all?” We must maintain the perspective that this is only one manifestation of the spiritual warfare now upon the world. God has one unified Church. Satan has many factions all over the world, which he even pits against each other for his own ends…

“Every kingdom divided against itself, shall be brought to desolation, and house upon house shall fall. And if Satan also be divided against himself, how shall his kingdom stand?”

Luke 11:17

The WEF is simply one part of this System to destroy Christendom and usher in…something else. These minions have operated in the shadows for centuries. But as Satan’s power rises due to rampant sin, a time must occur when the authoritarian structure becomes obvious. This is now beginning and the WEF is part of it.

Being that we are dealing with an evil genius of an angelic nature, we must always ask ourselves, “Am I falling right into a trap? Am I doing exactly what it wants? Who benefits?” What might be the negative results of looking at the WEF? There is often the element of distraction. “Look over here,” while something is going on elsewhere…the classic magic trick. Turning our attention to certain presentations can also distract from the positive things we should be doing, by taking up too much of our time. There can also be a provocation to push-back, or even violence, which gives them the excuse to crack down harder and say, “Look at these right wing white supremacist conspiracy theory terrorists!” Of course push-back is important, but understand it may not go well for you (look at the truckers in Canada). And there is the potential for despair…becoming traumatized, demoralized and paralyzed. Oh, and let’s not forget deception…is what’s being presented even true?

On the other hand, ignorance isn’t always bliss. One could say, “This is just a bunch of sci-fi freaks having fun in Davos with their chocolate-covered strawberries and Rothchild wine.” This might be fine it they weren’t actually beginning to implement these insane agendas. We can’t hide our heads in the sand. This is happening. If we don’t care about ourselves, we at least have a duty to our children, to the future. It must be exposed. Once we know what is happening, we can develop a counter-system to respond effectively. This can only be fight or flight. We must all ascertain at this time which option God is asking of us.

“You have to understand there are people using 5th generation warfare [military-grade psychological/information operations]…they have this crazy view that you have to first destroy the old before you can bring in the new…their model is “Let’s wreck all this [then] we build back better,” but they don’t know what they’re messing with…if you break it, you can’t do any building back…the chance of them not breaking this is closing in on zero…which means you need to know who’s your tribe, who can you trust, where’s your food coming from, how are you gonna heat your home, who do you want to be…

understand the game, extract yourself from the game and become a participant in the new game.”

Dr. Chris Martenson

Have a look at Chris Martenson’s website above. He’s been putting out great content, encouraging a positive attitude and resilience. He emphasizes the importance of community…it takes a village!

Random Stuff


Idaho Supreme Court allows state abortion ban to take effect

Georgia declares unborn babies ‘natural persons’ who can be claimed as dependents on state taxes

LifeSiteNews ‘InFocus’ highlights upcoming pro-life battles in post-Roe America

LifeSiteNews is a trustworthy go-to source for info on life issues, Covid issues, the New World Order agenda and the Church. There are few others doing as good a job. Please support them and subscribe!

Let us also continue to pray for the safety of all pro-lifers and churches in this post-Roe environment. O Mary, conceived without sin, pray for us who have recourse to Thee!

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i have this compass!

Video: Testing The Cheapest Compass on Amazon

I just started watching this guy on YouTube-”Stokermatic”-and I also have a renewed interest in compasses after recently buying an Army Style Lensatic Compass from Deutsche Optik (check this site out for awesome prepper gear)…I paid $35 for it and you can now get it for $19! The compass mentioned above, is a cheaper baseplate compass which I’ve had for a while. I was amazed when this guy (he calls himself “Stoker”), a US Army veteran, did a video recently on this compass…I said, “That’s my compass!”

This video will give you an intro to Stoker and his work. It is technical and assumes you already know a bit. That’s okay if you don’t. It is an immersion, like those language courses which only speak in the language you are learning. Just take it in and get the gist of it. Watch a few more videos to see if this content is for you. I am addicted now.

Think how fun it would be to do this sort of thing with your children, family or friends…enjoy the outdoors, try to find something with a compass and learn some valuable skills as the world hurtles toward chaos. It could be the beginning of an incredible journey!

There is also a Stokermatic website with all kinds of info and several products. Get stoked!

PS If you know a gender-confused girly boy, he just needs to spend one day with Stoker and the girl will be whooped out of him. (I think he does give courses-I will email him about that.)

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We have never seen a time like this before

Video: WARNING from a Farmer: Get READY

This post is a sampling of what I have been researching recently. I have been looking into the possible future (not a crystal ball, just research) since I took an interest in it as a teenager. So that’s about 40 years. I stepped it up after 9/11 and have been writing on these topics for 14 years.

I can tell you, I have never seen what is happening now. It’s not just the freaks and geeks, the conspiracy theorists, the End Times eccentrics holding signs in Times Square. The warnings are coming from everywhere. From ordinary people. From experts in all areas. It’s being freely discussed…and censored. People are putting their jobs, their reputations and even their lives on the line. The video above is just one of hundreds of warnings out there right now. This southern homesteading woman reads an email she was sent from a farmer in Texas. She boldly asserts that a day of reckoning is coming. She talks about being right with God and gives her heartfelt advice.

I would add 2 points to this video…#1: It takes a village. #2: Get out of dodge. As Catholics, we must develop our communities and we must also consider establishing them in less populated areas. For a number of reasons, the dense areas are not where you want to be when things go wrong. Of course, this is only my take on it and you must pray and assume responsibility for your own decisions.

Also as Catholics, we know we are here in exile and some are called to a glorious martyrdom. We know the most important preparedness is spiritual. We must flee to the Sacrament of Penance and take consolation in the Rosary. To pray the Rosary is a great joy in the midst of suffering. Let us all pray at this hour and discern the work Our Blessed Lord desires of us.

These topics aren’t really random at all. It is all connected.

"Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you: not as the world giveth, do I give unto you. Let not your heart be troubled, nor let it be afraid."

John 14:27

Feast of the Assumption of Our Lady

This is the day the Mother of God, who suffered so terribly through the Passion of her Child, entered the Kingdom of Heaven and received her eternal rewards for her faithfulness and trust in God. Ensuing was her glorious Coronation as Queen of Heaven and Earth, alongside her Son as our King. Here’s an article from the National Catholic Register:

Jesus’ Resurrection, Mary’s Assumption and Our Glorious Resurrection on the Last Day

Still getting back into my routine after 4 months of ongoing problems. Will post something this week. I don’t know what, so it will be as much a surprise to me as to you!


For ongoing coverage…




As I groggily sauntered into the kitchen this morning, my husband immediately greeted me with the stunning news.  We all suspected this was coming, but you are never quite ready for that moment when something anticipated becomes real.  As I was still trying to absorb the information, I did my customary glance at the Catholic calendar and saw “The Sacred Heart of Jesus” as today’s feast.  Instantly I said to myself, “Not a coincidence!  Amazing!”  Tomorrow is also the feast of the Immaculate Heart of Mary.  After waiting just shy of 50 long years, the dice land on this day.  This shows God’s omnipotent Providence in all things and gives us great consolation.  This incredible day is graced by the Two Hearts!

After spending the past 34 years fighting for life, I never thought I would live to see this day.  There is a feeling of joy thinking of all my pro-life friends, past and present, rejoicing today.  A wave of positive energy has shot through the world…a world that desperately needs it.  It’s hard to believe it’s true.

Yes, there are those who will take this opportunity to do evil and to persecute us more viciously, but we cannot focus on that ugliness from Hell.  We must focus on Heaven, life and beauty.  Just look at a picture of a precious baby and you will regain your perspective.  Let us thank God in the coming days and continue to pray for peace and the safety of our people.  Let us continue the fight for life as never before.  Evil cannot stand forever.  Christ already has the victory on the Cross!  Alleluia!

Sacred Heart of Jesus, have mercy upon us

“In the end, my Immaculate Heart will triumph”

Traditional Priest is Doing Something Amazing in the Italian Alps!

Young Priest Turns Forsaken Farm into Paradise Homestead

I was blown away by the above video. Below are the notes provided by the video-maker, Kirsten Dirksen (she’s got a great YouTube channel, but this is not necessarily an endorsement of all her content). The video is 23 minutes, well-worth your time. We all need to be thinking this way going forward, due to the state of the world. This priest also has filmed 2 documentaries-link is below-I have not seen them yet, but I’m sure they are good…

Five years ago Catholic priest Johannes Schwarz left his parish to "withdraw for a few years" in the Italian Alps (in the shadow of his beloved Monte Viso). He bought an old "rustico" - stone farm building - for 20,000 euros and transformed it into his mountaintop hermitage.

Inspired by the early Christian desert hermits from the "200s and 300s when some people went into the deserts of Egypt and Palestine searching for a more rigorous life", Schwarz found something remote: he has only one full-time neighbor on the entire mountainside and in winter, he often has to snowshoe for a couple hours just to buy food and supplies.

To be as self-sufficient as possible, he makes his own bread and stores plenty of potatoes which he grows using Ruth Stout's "No-Work" gardening method. To grow much of his own fruit and produce, he terraced the steep hillside (using stones from the area) to create micro-climates. "You try to build walls that have southern exposure because they heat up during the day and they give off the warmth and can make a difference of several degrees." (Studies show differences of 27°F/15°C in the ultra-deep Incan terraces). He grows plenty of tomatoes inside his self-built recycled greenhouse.

For heating and cooking, he built a combination rocket stove and masonry heater by creating his own casts and loam coating. His refrigerator, which he transported up the hill on top of his bicycle, is kept in the unheated room, along with his food stores. He uses a tiny 30-year-old 3-kilogram washing machine and built his bathroom out of salvaged materials. To transport the lumber up the hill for his remodel, he got some help from a local farmer.

He divided the old barn into four small rooms on two floors; the living room/kitchen and pantry on the ground floor and a chapel and bedroom upstairs. His bedroom also serves as an editing studio where he creates videos on philosophy and religion.

He created a wooden-arched indoor chapel where he “celebrates the traditional Latin mass” alongside a wall he painted with Byzantine, romanesque and gothic styles in appreciation of "the symbolism of the ancient art."

Johannes’ pilgrimage films:

February is the Month of the Passion of Our Lord

This month we honor the sorrowful Passion of Our Blessed Lord as we enter the trad Season of Septuagesima on the 13th. Lent however, does not begin until March 2nd.

Looking at both old and new feasts: We have the Presentation of Our Lord on the 2nd, which took place forty days after his birth, along with His Mother’s ritual of purification. This is traditionally known as “Candlemas Day,” as a blessing of candles and procession takes place, honoring the Presentation of the Christ Child to His Father in the Temple, a momentous event in Judeo-Christian history. Saint Blaise and the traditional Blessing of Throats is on the 3rd. We celebrate 2 Doctors of the Church this month, 5th-century Egyptian Bishop Saint Cyril of Alexandria and 11th-century Cardinal Saint Peter Damian. Martyr Saint Apollonia, also of Alexandria, shares her feast with Saint Cyril on the 9th-she is invoked for dentistry problems. Let us not forget OUR LADY OF LOURDES on the 11th and Saint Bernadette on the 18th, a wonderful time to teach our children about the many miracles at Lourdes…and if you don’t have any Lourdes water, there are many sources online where it can be obtained. Let us celebrate a holy Saint Valentine’s Day, praying for the Capital Virtue and Fruit of the Holy Ghost, Chastity. Our dear Jacinta and Francisco Marto, sibling seers of Fatima, share a feast on the 20th.

How can we remember the Passion of Our Lord in the coming weeks? Of course, there are countless ways to do so-please pray and see where God is leading you. One way would be to observe a truly sincere Septuagesima, with confession and planning your Lenten spiritual exercises.

We will no longer be listing feasts, but you can GO HERE for your trad month of February. Wishing you blessings as we transition from the Mystery of the Incarnation to the Mystery of the Redemption!

Painting by Correggio, d 1534 from Wellington Collection

12th Day of Christmas

12 Fruits of the Holy Ghost


Charity ~ Chastity ~ Continence

+ Faith ~ Goodness ~ Joy ~ Long-Suffering +

Mildness ~ Modesty

Patience ~ Peace

(Alphabetical helps memorize!)

Come Holy Ghost

(Traditional Hymn-to the best of my research, authorship goes to Lambillotte, Caswall & Maurus)

Partial artwork by Ronald St. Martin at

5th Day of Christmas

Five Books of the Pentateuch


The Law of Moses or “Torah,” the Foundation of Judaism & Christianity

Image from